Restore the riverbank to its original state! Two rural waterways in Qingpu have been renovated, and construction waste has been salvaged and cleaned up from the surrounding areas | Rivers | Qingpu

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 17:07 PM

On the morning of August 16th, the Liberation Daily Shangguan News published an article titled "Qingpu Rural River has become a construction waste disposal area. Why has the river become increasingly narrow and unattended in the past three years?", reporting on the suspected dumping of construction waste along the river during the demolition and construction of old houses in Shenxiang Village and surrounding areas in Zhujiajiao Town, Qingpu District. After the release of the report, relevant departments in Qingpu District attached great importance to it, immediately verified the issues reflected in the report, and led the rectification by functional departments.

On the morning of August 24th, the reporter went to Shenxiang Village, Zhujiajiao Town, Qingpu District to revisit the progress of the rectification.

Near the north side of the self built building at No. 85 Xujiabang mentioned in the report, construction waste such as bricks in the river has been salvaged and cleared, and there is no construction waste visible. The reporter saw at the scene that hundreds of round wooden stakes were placed in the river channel, and a pile driver was carrying out pile driving construction, neatly chiseling round logs along the riverbank line into the riverbed. When the reporter arrived at the scene, the construction personnel had already driven 5 wooden stakes. The relevant person in charge of the Shenxiang Village Committee explained that the photos of a large number of red bricks thrown into the river in previous reports were from April this year. At that time, a residential building had just been demolished, and the construction party transported the construction waste to the China Railway Demonstration Line near Zhoujiagang Village for use as a shortcut. The remaining part of the waste was used as the foundation for backfilling. Indeed, some construction waste fell into the river, but the quantity was small, and it has been salvaged and disposed of recently.

Near the north side of the self built building No. 85, construction waste such as bricks in the river has been salvaged and cleared.

Restore the riverbank to its original state! Two rural waterways in Qingpu have been renovated, and construction waste has been salvaged and cleaned up from the surrounding areas | Rivers | Qingpu

The other river mentioned in the report is located near No. 129 Xujiabang, where there was previously a problem of construction waste accumulation along the riverbank. The village committee explained that Xu Jiabang's house was completed on March 129 this year. Because the family's site is low-lying and is often flooded by the spring tide every year when encountering the flood situation, it was surrounded by bricks at the river bank to prevent the site from sinking underground. The construction waste piled on the mud bank was intended to strengthen the soil and prevent the soil loss caused by rainstorm and flood from hitting the site before the house and causing disasters. After consultation with the village committee, the villagers have agreed to clean up. The reporter saw that the construction waste has been cleared and the riverbank has been restored to its original state.

Regarding the villagers questioning the narrowing of the river channel, the reporter learned that Shenxiang Village, together with the town river chief office, water affairs office, urban management team and other departments, conducted inspections and measurements on the river channel and did not find any encroachment on the river channel. In addition, previous reports mentioned the situation where construction waste was piled up on dirt roads between crops, and the actual location did not belong to Shenxiang Village, but to the neighboring village. Reporters visiting the scene also found that construction waste has been cleared and bricks have disappeared, replaced by normal soil.

The construction waste piled up on dirt roads between crops has been cleared.

On site, the person in charge of the water affairs office in Zhujiajiao Town introduced that the two rivers in Shenxiang Village have been included in the comprehensive improvement project of the ecological clean river basin in Zhujiajiao Town in 2023. The current pile driving operation is a revetment construction project. According to the design drawings, two sections of the river will be newly constructed with dense wooden piles and plastic steel sheet piles for bank protection. Construction will commence on August 24th, with a construction period of approximately one month. After the construction is completed, the south bank of the river will form a straight line, and a pedestrian walkway along the river will be planned for residents within a 3-meter area on the bank. This has been reported to the planning and resources department.

Restore the riverbank to its original state! Two rural waterways in Qingpu have been renovated, and construction waste has been salvaged and cleaned up from the surrounding areas | Rivers | Qingpu

It is understood that the Water Affairs Bureau of Zhujiajiao Town has also urged local villages to clean up the melon, fruit, and vegetable sheds within the management range along the river. The reporter found during a visit to the surrounding area that the agricultural product planting area on the original construction waste has been cleaned up and is currently presenting black soil. The front and back of the self built houses under construction are noticeably cleaner and tidier than before.

The Shenxiang Village Committee stated that there were scattered construction waste on the site during the process of farmers rebuilding their self built houses. The village committee will further mobilize publicity, strengthen inspection efforts, and standardize the behavior of rural residents in self built house renovation and reconstruction. Promptly raise and supervise the rectification of issues discovered during inspections. Shenxiang Village requires villagers who demolish old buildings and build new ones to pay a deposit in advance as a supervision for the removal of construction waste. If construction waste cannot be disposed of according to standards during the construction process, the village committee will deduct the deposit and intervene in the removal of construction waste based on the actual amount.

The person in charge of the River Chief Office in Zhujiajiao Town also stated that they will strengthen the responsibility of the river chief and require him to increase the frequency of river patrols to prevent the phenomenon of construction waste being illegally piled up on the bank. At the same time, we urge river maintenance units to strengthen their efforts in river maintenance and cleaning. In accordance with relevant regulations such as the Shanghai River Maintenance and Maintenance Technical Regulations, we will carry out daily cleaning of river water bodies to keep the water surface clean. At the same time, cleaning waste will be promptly cleared and disposed of through standardized channels.

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Restore the riverbank to its original state! Two rural waterways in Qingpu have been renovated, and construction waste has been salvaged and cleaned up from the surrounding areas | Rivers | Qingpu
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