The Shanghai Procuratorate No.1 Branch actively participates in social governance and promotes the introduction of relevant regulations on the setting of parking spaces in residential areas

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:09 PM

In the latest revised Shanghai Engineering Construction Code "Standard for Traffic Design and Parking Lot Setting in Construction Projects", there is a provision that "the setting of parking spaces should not affect the entrance passage". What few people know is that this provision, which concerns the vital interests of countless people, is related to a procuratorial recommendation issued by a branch of the Shanghai People's Procuratorate after successfully resolving an administrative dispute and civil dispute supervision case.

In recent years, the First Branch of the Municipal Procuratorate has attached great importance to the formulation and issuance of prosecutorial suggestions related to social governance, adhering to the rule of law thinking and actively participating in social governance through the rule of law. Since the launch of theme education, the First Branch of the Municipal Procuratorate has organized research and learning with high standards, and used this as an opportunity to urge police officers to effectively enhance their awareness and ability to participate in social governance, using "self management" to drive "all management", protecting the law, promoting good governance, and promoting development.

Carry out learning and education with high standards

On April 23rd this year, a branch of Fudan University invited Zhou Ye, the instructor of the Party Member Volunteer Service Team at the Exhibition Hall of the Communist Manifesto, to give a lecture. After class, everyone will combine the lecture content to watch the movie "Wangdao" and engage in in-depth discussions and exchanges.

This is a learning activity organized by a branch in the form of themed education reading classes, where students can experience the flavor of truth through "integrated" party classes. After the start of the theme education, the first branch of the hospital adhered to the principle of "starting with a sprint", organized and implemented it with great enthusiasm, distributed mandatory and elective books for theme education in advance, carefully formulated the Party group theoretical learning plan, central group learning plan, and special Party course scheduling, and arranged for leaders at or above the department level to learn first and start with learning.

In order to enhance the effectiveness of theme education, the first branch of the hospital uses the rich local red resources and vivid practical scenes in Shanghai as vivid teaching materials, continuously enriching the theoretical learning forms of theme education, and further learning ideas and strengthening party spirit through the "four styles" party course characteristic activities. If organizing the Party Central Group to visit and study at the Chen Yun Memorial Hall, experiencing Comrade Chen Yun's work style of "not only focusing on top, not only on books, only on reality" through a "search style" Party class; Organize newly admitted party members and police officers to visit the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China to carry out themed party day activities, arrange for young police officers from the First and Second Branches to collaborate and jointly build, and join hands in visiting the Central Bureau's Historical Memorial Hall after the Third National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Through "immersive" and "experiential" party education, guide young police officers to continuously stimulate their enthusiasm for theoretical learning.

Conduct in-depth visits to multiple parties for research

On the afternoon of May 15th, the Changning Court was hearing a case of online theft prosecuted by the Changning Procuratorate. Shortly before the trial, Chen Siqun, a member of the Party Group of the Municipal Procuratorate, the Party Secretary of the First Branch, and the Prosecutor General, quietly entered the court and sat in the audience seat. After the trial, she communicated with the prosecutor regarding the determination of the amount of theft committed through the internet, as well as the defense and effectiveness of the trial, and provided opinions and suggestions.

This is a typical survey conducted in a "four no two straight" manner. Since the launch of the themed education, the First Branch has formulated multiple research topics, including "Quality and Efficiency of Criminal Trial Supervision", "Issues on Assisting in the Punishment and Governance of Cybercrime Activities", and "Situation of Civil Prosecution and Reconciliation Work". Led by members of the Party Group of the Yuan, they have conducted multiple in-depth investigations in grassroots courts, brother units, and procuratorates in other provinces and cities, listening to frontline voices and learning from good experiences and practices.

In addition, in accordance with the requirement of "setting questions and answering questions by oneself", the First Branch closely combines investigation and research with problem inspection and rectification, carefully identifies problems in promoting high-quality development and better playing the role of the Branch, objectively analyzes the reasons, carefully studies countermeasures, and clarifies rectification goals and time requirements. The members of the Party leadership team have claimed the problems according to their respective responsibilities, led the rectification and implementation of specific problems, and have sorted out and formed three measures to "solve problems and promote development". They have launched 10 projects to "solve practical problems and alleviate public concerns".

Further participate in social governance

With the deepening and implementation of theme education, various departments of the First Branch have adhered to the starting point of "protecting people's livelihoods and interests", focused on the urgent needs and anxieties of the people, and actively performed their duties in accordance with the law, handling a number of criminal cases that seriously endanger the interests of the people.

In addition to handling cases, the prosecutors of the first branch still feel uneasy at all times, actively integrating into the overall social governance pattern, and substantially resolving 11 types of civil and administrative disputes. At the same time, attention should be paid to discovering and solving the problems behind the case, ensuring that economic and social development always operates on the track of the rule of law from the source.

Not long ago, during the review and prosecution of a state-owned enterprise "leader" crime case, a branch found that the enterprise had loopholes in the management of purchase and sales business, the implementation of regulatory responsibilities, and the strengthening of team building, which urgently needed to be rectified. Therefore, it promptly issued prosecutorial suggestions, suggesting that it further improve the management system of purchase and sales business, improve the financial audit and supervision system of the enterprise, comprehensively promote the construction of party conduct and clean governance, and team building, and deliver them in a public announcement. At present, the court is preparing to issue prosecutorial recommendations to a well-known online company to jointly create a clear online space in response to the personal information protection issues exposed in a case.

The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality
The full text is here. The "Several Provisions of Shanghai on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area" will be implemented from October. | Medical Devices | Shanghai Municipality

The Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area, which were adopted at the 4th Session of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on July 25, 2023, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force on October 1, 2023. Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Financial Leasing in Pudong New Area Article 1 In order to promote the high-quality development of financial leasing in Pudong New Area, give full play to the function of financial services for the real economy, and promote the construction of the core area of an international financial center, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the basic principles of relevant laws and administrative regulations and in the light of the actual conditions of Pudong New Area. Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the promotion of development, management services and other activities of financial leasing companies whose domicile is in Pudong New Area. Article 3 The People's Government of Pudong New Area shall establish a financial leasing industry to promote development and coordinate supervision and management.

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