Jiaotong University's "Great Ideology and Politics" Immersed in Scenarios, C919 Test Pilots on Stage, and "Two Bombs and One Satellite" Scientists on Script Theme | Construction | Shanghai Jiaotong University

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:49 PM

After the successful commercial maiden flight of the domestically produced C919 large passenger aircraft, test pilots Xu Deli and others from COMAC wrote a poem to congratulate them, bringing these two lines of poetry to campus and sharing with students. On June 6, when the overall test area for the construction of the "Great Ideological and Political Course" in Shanghai was jointly built, Xu Deli, dressed in a test pilot's uniform and holding a large aircraft model, joined the ideological and political teachers in universities and middle schools, members of the students' theoretical preaching group, and the director of the scientific research institute to attend the same "Great Ideological and Political Course". The theme was: achieving self-reliance in high-level science and technology is the key to Chinese path to modernization.

As a century old institution with rich ideological and educational resources, Shanghai Jiao Tong University has recently transformed from an immersive to a situational approach, innovating theme based education forms, making educators enjoy and learn from each other, nurturing talents for the Party and the country, and accelerating the construction of an educational powerhouse.

Education Community, Space Federation

Jiaotong University's "Great Ideology and Politics" Immersed in Scenarios, C919 Test Pilots on Stage, and "Two Bombs and One Satellite" Scientists on Script Theme | Construction | Shanghai Jiaotong University

Facing students from various schools in Minhang District, Xu Deli also brought an old photo of himself from his childhood, which was of him sitting on an amusement plane in the zoo. From childhood dreams to adulthood reality, Xu Deli has now become a captain of a large passenger aircraft with over 10000 hours of flying experience. He told teachers and students that the successful maiden flight of C919 civil aviation was obtained by test pilots and other personnel from all directions, from the south to the north of the sea, from the coast to the plateau, from severe cold to scorching heat, with a maximum of 300 days a year spent on business trips.

The key core technology is something that cannot be bought, bought, or obtained. For test flights, everything from strong crosswinds to high speeds needs to be tested by oneself. Xu Deli stated that behind the "big airplane" lies a modern industrial system that is independent, controllable, safe, reliable, and highly competitive. He cited the earnest instructions of party and state leaders: to fully leverage the advantages of the new national system, adhere to safety first, quality first, consistent, good start and end, and long-term achievements, make greater breakthroughs in key core technology research and accelerate large-scale and series development.

Theme education not only presents itself and enters the campus, but Shanghai Jiao Tong University also integrates internal and external curriculum development resources, collaborates with Jiangnan Shipyard and COMAC Flight Test Center to build a batch of digital ideological and political courses, providing high-quality digital curriculum resources for ideological and political courses in primary, secondary, and tertiary schools across the country. The reporter from Jiefang Daily's Shangguan News learned that the overall experimental zone for the construction of the "Great Ideological and Political Course" in Shanghai will comprehensively build a "Great Ideological and Political Course" education system and community that integrates school and land, has distinct characteristics, and integrates knowledge and action.

Jiaotong University's "Great Ideology and Politics" Immersed in Scenarios, C919 Test Pilots on Stage, and "Two Bombs and One Satellite" Scientists on Script Theme | Construction | Shanghai Jiaotong University

By integrating and opening up internal resources such as the Qian Xuesen Library, the Li Zhengdao Research Institute, and the Zhangjiang Institute of Higher Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University has developed a series of main theme activities to promote the spirit of scientists in conjunction with universities, middle schools, and primary schools in the experimental area. This has created a mature model of a comprehensive educational space consortium.

[Digging the Resource Pool and Offering New Party Courses]

Cultural repertoire, archives and school history are the resources that can be excavated in thematic education, and new party courses can also be developed. Recently, with the commentator of the Archives Management Center of Jiaotong University, the teachers and students entered the party class of "Jiamu Chengyin, Yaoyao Wanchun". This theme education party class is based on "rejuvenating the country through science and education to create the future-- A special exhibition of Yang Jiayuan alumni, a meritorious scientist with 'two bombs and one satellite'. From the beginning of script sharpening and line training, to role interpretation, exhibition hall rehearsals, and material preparation, and so on, it was done by the central teacher and the students of Jiaotong University.

Jiaotong University's "Great Ideology and Politics" Immersed in Scenarios, C919 Test Pilots on Stage, and "Two Bombs and One Satellite" Scientists on Script Theme | Construction | Shanghai Jiaotong University

Knowledge serves the country, scientific research serves the country, and learning through acting and acting. "The party drama has undergone many rehearsals, often after the evening class, until after 10 o'clock. It is precisely the long-term rehearsal and adaptation of everyone that has made the premiere a complete success." As Xiao Enlin, a freshman student from the School of Media and Communication, who played Yang Jiachi, said, "Playing Academician Yang Jiachi this time is not only a rich and interesting activity, but also a spiritual baptism." Through the unique party class, the school guides young students to consciously integrate patriotism, national spirit, and service into the struggle to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Recently, the immersive school history mystery drama "Searching for Light in the Mist" has also been performed at the school museum in the cultural museum. Every time the mystery drama opens the reservation channel, it is instantly illuminated by the teachers and students. For this reason, the school has specially increased the number of sessions, and has opened teacher sessions, student sessions, party and youth activities sessions, trade union activities sessions, and "Jiaoxiaomiao" activity sessions for teachers and students. This has become a new attempt for university museums to integrate into school teaching and ideological work, as well as a new form of theme education at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

"Not only is it highly entertaining and interactive, but it is also more immersive than traditional teaching and education models." Teacher Hu Huanzhi, the "screenwriter" of the library, said that we adhere to the unity of learning, thinking, application, knowledge, belief, and action, and transform the rich historical and cultural resources of the school into a material library for universities to cultivate social activists and successors.

Jiaotong University's "Great Ideology and Politics" Immersed in Scenarios, C919 Test Pilots on Stage, and "Two Bombs and One Satellite" Scientists on Script Theme | Construction | Shanghai Jiaotong University

[Movie invited in, team cross regional]

In thematic education, ideological resources both on and off campus become a pool of "living water". Recently, the theme education film party class of Shanghai Jiao Tong University was held at the Jingjing Hall of Minhang Campus, marking the first time that "Wangdao" has entered the theme education of universities. From Xu Chunping, Vice President of Shanghai Film Group and producer of the movie "Wangdao", to Chen Wei, Vice President of the Shanghai New Fourth Army History Research Association and former Vice President and Secretary General of the Shanghai Communist Party History Society, experts both inside and outside the film have brought micro party classes for party members and teachers.

Zhang Zhenrong, a graduate student from the School of Materials Science and Engineering, finished reading this book "Looking for the Way" and found that the teacher, with communism as the "way" in his heart, walked his life with strength and determination. "As a young party member, I am currently contributing my efforts to the research of ultra-high temperature materials for national aerospace devices. I believe that young researchers should firmly believe in communism, focus on major national needs, enhance their sense of responsibility, and enhance their ability to take on responsibilities. Like Mr. Wang Dao, they should seize historical opportunities and bravely shoulder the heavy responsibilities of the times."

Jiaotong University's "Great Ideology and Politics" Immersed in Scenarios, C919 Test Pilots on Stage, and "Two Bombs and One Satellite" Scientists on Script Theme | Construction | Shanghai Jiaotong University

In the party class, Zhou Cheng, deputy secretary of the party committee of the school, pointed out that General Secretary Xi Jinping has stressed many times that "the history of the party is the most vivid and persuasive textbook." he hopes that teachers and students can draw rich nourishment and gather enterprising strength from the party class of the "Wangdao" feature film, further strengthen their ideals and beliefs, cultivate patriotism, and live up to their youth and the times.

Coincidentally, the advanced deeds report team of Comrade Huang Danian from Jilin University has recently come from afar and entered the special reading class of Shanghai Jiao Tong University's theme education. In class, the "Lake Eutrophication Management Teacher Team" led by Professor Kong Hainan from the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the "Hydrogen Light Beauty Innovation Teacher Team" led by Academician Ding Wenjiang from the School of Materials Science and Technology. These two "National Huang Danian style Teacher Teams" and the report team exchanged ideas, spirits, and actions across different places. They stated that they should take Comrade Huang Danian as an example and integrate patriotism and patriotism into the great cause of national reform and development, as well as the great struggle of the people to create history.

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@All college entrance examination candidates, according to the schedule of the college entrance examination, will fill in their undergraduate preferences for all batches except for the comprehensive evaluation batch from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. daily from July 1st to 2nd, and from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. on July 3rd. The specific contents of this voluntary application include zero voluntary batch, advance batch, art and sports class A batch, local rural special plan batch, special type enrollment, and ordinary batch. The filling method is as follows: Fresh high school graduates in this city will be arranged uniformly by the high school where they are enrolled; Non local fresh high school graduates will be arranged uniformly by the district recruitment office where they apply. It is important to remind candidates that during the voluntary application period from July 1st to 3rd, as the admission of the comprehensive evaluation batch has not yet been completed, candidates who have filled out the comprehensive evaluation batch of voluntary applications still need to carefully fill out other batches of undergraduate voluntary applications

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"The college entrance examination is an experience in our lives. Looking back on the preparation for the entire senior year of high school, we cannot help but marvel at the preciousness of time. No matter what difficulties we have gone through, I believe that as long as we persist, it will become my lifelong wealth. Today, after completing the morning foreign language listening and speaking test of the college entrance examination, Xiao Song, a senior student of Lingling High School, came out of the examination center of East China University of Science and Technology Affiliated Middle School. The senior year graduate sitting in a wheelchair said," Although academic and life are not small tests for me, I have faced many difficulties in adversity and have never given up on my dream of taking the college entrance examination. "Xiao Song suffered from congenital muscular dystrophy since childhood and entered Lingling High School in high school." Later, the school provided him with classrooms on low floors and close to the toilet, making it easier for him to enter and exit, allowing him to face his academic life with more confidence. At school, I met many kind and enthusiastic people