But drinking 9 cans of zero sugar soda a day is enough to exceed the limit. WHO: Aspartame may cause cancer | Aspartame | WHO

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 05:20 AM

According to foreign media reports, two organizations under the World Health Organization announced on the 14th that aspartame has been listed as a possible carcinogen, but can still be consumed normally under the condition of not exceeding the limit. Specifically, if there are no other sources of food intake, adults weighing 60 to 70 kilograms will consume more than 9 cans of zero sugar drinks containing aspartame per day to exceed their daily allowance. However, researchers also suggest that for consumers, whether it is zero sugar drinks or sugary drinks, drinking water is not as healthy as drinking water.

What do the affiliated institutions of the World Health Organization say?

Aspartame is an old-fashioned sweetener that has been approved and widely used for nearly 50 years. It is added to a range of products such as zero sugar soda, chewing gum, jelly, ice cream, yogurt, cough drops, etc.

This sweetener is about 200 times sweeter than ordinary sugar and contains fewer calories than ordinary sucrose, so many dieters and diabetes patients use it as a substitute for sugar. In China, aspartame can be seen in a series of well-known products, including Coca Cola Zero, Pepsi Zero, Pepsi Light Coke, Green Arrow Sugar Free Gum, and more.

However, the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a subsidiary of the World Health Organization, stated in an assessment report released on the 14th that limited evidence suggests a possible link between aspartame and human cancer, and therefore listed aspartame as a substance that may be carcinogenic to humans.

It should be pointed out that according to the IARC classification, carcinogens are divided into four categories: Class 1, Class 2A, Class 2B, and Class 3.

In the 2B category of aspartame, it also includes radio frequency electromagnetic fields and pickled vegetables that come into contact with mobile phones. Processed meat, asbestos, cigarettes, alcohol, etc. all belong to Class 1, while overnight work, red meat, etc. belong to Class 2A, with a higher likelihood of carcinogenesis than aspartame.

On the same day, the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives under the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization also issued an assessment stating that there was no sufficient reason to change the previously established daily allowable intake, which was 40 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

JECFA reiterated that people can safely consume aspartame within this intake. If there are no other sources of intake, a can of zero sugar soft drink containing 200 to 300 milligrams of aspartame would require an adult weighing 60 to 70 kilograms to drink 9 to 14 cans or more per day to exceed the limit.

After reviewing existing scientific research, both institutions have emphasized that there are still limitations to the existing evidence linking aspartame to cancer.

"The evidence for carcinogenicity in humans and animals is limited, and the mechanism by which carcinogenicity occurs is also limited. This finding emphasizes the need for more research to improve our understanding of whether consuming aspartame poses a carcinogenic hazard," said Mary Schubauer Bergen, a senior IARC official.

Can you still drink sugar free drinks with peace of mind?

Researchers say there is still insufficient evidence linking aspartame to cancer risk.

Paul Farrow, a cancer epidemiology professor at the Siddharthe Medical Center in Los Angeles, USA, believes that aspartame's classification as 2B by the IARC is a very conservative classification, meaning "there is no convincing evidence" to prove its harm, and "the general public does not need to worry about the risk of substances classified as 2B being associated with cancer."

David Crufield, a nutrition expert at the Indiana University School of Public Health, said that almost all substances consumed in excess are dangerous. "Excessive intake can cause toxicity, and even essential nutrients such as vitamin A, iron, and water can lead to death if consumed in excess."

Tracy Bevers, medical director of the Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas, said that if people switch to sugary drinks due to fear of the risk of aspartame, obesity and weight gain may pose greater risks.

The relevant industry has also emphasized the view that moderate intake of aspartame is still safe.

Francis Hunter Wood, Secretary General of the International Sweetener Association, where food companies such as Coca Cola and Mars Arrow are located, responded that aspartame, like other low calorie or calorie free sweeteners, can provide consumers with the option to reduce sugar intake and become a part of a balanced diet.

However, some researchers also suggest that people should not take artificial sweeteners lightly.

Francisco Blanca, Director of the Nutrition and Food Safety Division of the World Health Organization, warned that if children drink soda containing aspartame, drinking three cans a day may exceed the limit.

"If consumers are faced with the choice of whether to drink cola with sweeteners or cola with sugar, I think they should consider the third option - drinking water," Blanca said.

Darius Mozafarian, a nutrition professor at Tufts University in the United States, also bluntly stated that he does not believe artificial sweeteners are 100% safe, and "I will try to avoid them as much as possible.".

Previous studies have also shown that whether aspartame or other artificial sweeteners such as erythritol and sucralose, which are widely seen recently, may increase the risk of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and obesity.

In May of this year, the World Health Organization also advised people not to use sweeteners to lose weight. Because in the long run, replacing free sugar intake with sweeteners is not conducive to weight control.

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