A set of cables is still hanging high in the air, or is it illegally erected? It has been half a year since the undergrounding of the Zhapu Road overhead line was completed, but the grounding was forgotten.

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 20:19 PM

On Zhapu Road, where the overhead line undergrounding project was completed at the end of last year, a set of communication cables that should have been buried underground strangely appeared in the air, causing considerable trouble to the Kunshan Park nearby.

On September 22, Xia Zhongyi, the manager of Kunshan Park on Zhapu Road, called the 12345 citizen service hotline for help. He said that a set of cables had been hanging at the entrance of the park, and the middle section was "stretched" on two trees at the entrance of the park for more than half a year. Not to mention affecting the image of the park, below are the benches set up along the street in the park. Old people often sit and rest. "What if the black cable box hits someone on the head?" What's more important is that this section of Zhapu Road was completed at the end of last year. This means that the overhead wires should not be in the air at all.

The section of Zhapu Road that extends from North Suzhou Road in the south to Kunshan Road in the north completed the overhead line entry project earlier than the second half of last year. Except for the section reported by citizens, overhead wires are no longer visible on the rest of the road.

The cable failed to reach the ground. Was it forgotten during the construction, or was someone illegally erecting flying cables after the project was completed? And whose cable is it? The reporter investigated.

On the morning of September 26, reporters came to Zhapu Road to learn about the situation. Kunshan Park is located at the intersection of Zhapu Road and Kunshan Road, with an east gate on the west side of Zhapu Road. Standing at the east entrance of the park, you can look up and see a set of black cables flying in the air: the cables are suspended about five or six meters high. There are three cables in one set, each one is not thin, and there are Multiple black boxes. On the west side of this section of Zhapu Road, this set of cables is the only cable in the air. It is very conspicuous hanging "lonely" on the sparse street. From Xia Zhongyi’s mouth, we learned that the section of Zhapu Road from North Suzhou Road in the south to Kunshan Road in the north had completed the overhead line entry project earlier than the second half of last year.

The cables are suspended about five or six meters high. There are three cables in a group, each one is not thin, and there are multiple black boxes on them.

Xia Zhongyi pointed to the two trees at the west entrance of the park and said that if the reporter had gone two days earlier, he would have seen this set of cables hanging loosely on the branches. He pulled out a photo on his phone. In the photo, he could see a black cable box tied to a branch, with cables passing through the holes in the box. He recalled that at the end of last year and the beginning of this year, after the overhead line grounding project was completed on this section of Zhapu Road, this set of cables was hung out of thin air to the entrance of the park. "At first we thought the project was not finished yet, but we kept waiting and waiting. It has been like this for more than half a year, so I called '12345' to complain," Xia Zhongyi said.

A set of cables is still hanging high in the air, or is it illegally erected? It has been half a year since the undergrounding of the Zhapu Road overhead line was completed, but the grounding was forgotten.

Photos provided by Xia Zhongyi show that black cable boxes are tied to branches, and cables are hung loosely on the branches.

What kind of cable is this? The reporter looked north and south along the cable. Heading north, the cable flew to the intersection of Zhapu Road and Kunshan Road, and then wrapped around a telephone pole at the intersection. To the south, the cables are fixed on the north wall of the Zhapu Branch of Hongkou Library on the south side, and then go up along the wall and finally penetrate into the library. There is a label hanging on the cable that says "Low Voltage". A staff member of the library explained to reporters that this is the library's network signal line, and the library uses a telecommunications network.

The cable flew north to the intersection of Zhapu Road and Kunshan Road, and then became wrapped around a telephone pole at the intersection.

To the south, the cables are fixed on the north wall of the Zhapu branch of Hongkou Library on the south side.

The reporter noticed that the east-west Kunshan Road has not yet implemented the overhead wire undergrounding project. Along the north side, a large number of twist-shaped cables can be seen hanging in the air. If you look closely, you can tell that they are basically all kinds of information cables. Some of the cables, including the three cables mentioned above, "turn" at the intersection to connect to Zhapu Road south of Kunshan Road. However, since Zhapu Road has completed the installation of overhead lines into the ground, the telephone poles at the intersection serve as a "connector". effect. That is to say, after most of the cables are fixed on the telephone poles, they are inserted directly into the ground along the casing on the telephone poles. Only the three telecommunications network cables are arranged through flying wires.

The cables that have not yet entered the ground on Kunshan Road cross the road and extend towards Zhapu Road.

After most of the above-mentioned cables were fixed on the telephone poles, they were inserted directly into the ground along the casings on the telephone poles. Only the three telecommunications network cables were routed through flying wires.

After Xia Zhongyi complained, someone came to tighten and raise the cable on September 25, which temporarily solved the hidden danger of falling and hitting people. "But why not bury it underground?" Xia Zhongyi was puzzled.

A set of cables is still hanging high in the air, or is it illegally erected? It has been half a year since the undergrounding of the Zhapu Road overhead line was completed, but the grounding was forgotten.

Xia Zhongyi was quite dissatisfied with the construction of overhead wires into the ground on Zhapu Road at the entrance to the park. He thought the project was "unsatisfactory" and one feature was that the sidewalks were repeatedly excavated. "In the first half of this year, we have dug twice, once to line up the wires connected to the library, and to dig out the sidewalk to line up wire and cable ducts. There is a square cable manhole cover on the sidewalk; we dug it again a while ago, and this time It is a row of information cable tubes, and there are several more round information manhole covers on the sidewalk. Repeated excavation not only made the sidewalk bumpy, but also damaged many of the green blocking walls in the park,” Xia Zhongyi said. Even so, the line still didn’t fully penetrate the ground.”

what happened? The Hongkou District Municipal and Water Management Center is responsible for the project coordination and management of the overhead line grounding project. A staff member of the center reported that they had gone to the site to check and confirmed that the cables were Telecom's and Telecom should be responsible for completing the grounding. According to the staff member, in the overhead line grounding project, the communication cables are usually arranged by the "Shanghai Information Pipeline Co., Ltd." first, and then each cable unit is responsible for arranging the cables. into the ground. The underground construction of overhead lines in this section of Zhapu Road has long been completed. In theory, all the facility cables originally planned should have been discharged underground. He believes that this set of flying lines "flyed" out after the project was completed and should be rectified.

In the overhead line grounding project, the communication cables are usually arranged by the "Shanghai Information Pipeline Co., Ltd." first, and then each cable owner is responsible for discharging the cables into the ground.

In fact, according to the reporter's understanding, the "resurgence" phenomenon of illegally erecting flying lines on sections where overhead lines have been installed into the ground exists to a certain extent. Therefore, in the past few years, Shanghai has been ensuring that "the old has gone and the new has not come" when promoting the construction of overhead lines into the ground, that is, it will simultaneously clean up illegally erected overhead cables and flying lines. So, does the flying line on Zhapu Road fall within the scope of cleaning and improvement?

The reporter found Shanghai Telecom, the owner of the cable, to learn about the situation. Shanghai Telecom explained that the reason for adopting flying cables is because there are no information cable ducts arranged underneath the cables, so flying cables is a helpless move. The reporter also found the Shanghai Information Pipeline Co., Ltd., which is leading the project of laying information cables into the ground and is responsible for the construction of pipelines. A staff member explained that the reason for this problem was that the network optical cable used in the library was connected from other locations, which caused the original When arranging the cables discharged underground on Zhapu Road, these core optical cables were not included, so no corresponding pipelines were arranged. This situation was not discovered until the line was withdrawn at the end of the project. It was too late, and the only way to deal with it was to temporarily fly the line. The staff member said that it was only recently that the Information Pipeline Company dug the pipeline all the way into the library, and this was what Xia Zhongyi called the "second excavation."

The information pipeline company just recently dug up the underground information cable pipeline leading to the library on Zhapu Road. The picture shows the new information well cover on the sidewalk.

And why was it not remedied at that time and why did it take so long to dig the pipeline? The information pipeline company said that it took a lot of time to establish the project and go through the procedures. However, Shanghai Telecom has promised to implement the cutover construction after the Asian Games communication guarantee is completed on October 8 and put the cables into the ground as soon as possible.

A set of cables is still hanging high in the air, or is it illegally erected? It has been half a year since the undergrounding of the Zhapu Road overhead line was completed, but the grounding was forgotten.

Although there was a "reason for the incident", this set of cables hung in the air for a long time, exposing the city's disjointed construction coordination in promoting the overhead line undergrounding project, and this is also the reason why many overhead lines entering the ground have been repeatedly damaged on the road surface. The reason for the excavation. This year, the city will continue to promote the undergrounding of 100 kilometers of overhead lines and the improvement of pole boxes. It is the commitment of relevant departments to strengthen the coordination of pipeline construction and avoid repeated excavation of roads to the greatest extent. It is hoped that this commitment can be truly implemented.

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