Seeing the power of professionalism, the "Ping An Orange" rescue in the wind and rain | Beijing | Wind and rain

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:44 PM

With Typhoon Dussuri, the 5th typhoon of this year, making landfall along the coast of Fujian, the strongest typhoon to land in southern Fujian since 2017 and the strongest typhoon to affect eastern Guangdong in the past decade, it is coming with great force and has had an impact on many places such as Beijing, Guangdong, and Fujian. The sixth typhoon, "Kanu", also strengthened to the super typhoon level, approaching the coastal areas of East China at the speed of 15 kilometers per hour, and Zhejiang, Shanghai and other places welcomed strong storms.

Under the dual typhoons, sustained concentrated heavy rainfall is prone to waterlogging, causing significant damage to public property, enterprises and factories, agricultural equipment, and motor vehicles, and even threatening the safety of people's lives and property. As a "stabilizer" and "shock absorber" of society, insurance always rushes to the front line, providing early warning, disaster rescue, and post disaster claims, racing against wind and rain with speed, and solving problems for customers with professionalism and warmth.

Multiple subsidiaries under Ping An Group of China have immediately activated typhoon emergency response mechanisms, with branch offices in multiple locations on standby both online and offline. Risk investigation, investigation and loss assessment, rapid claims settlement, rescue and rescue efforts... A touch of "Ping An Orange" shuttles through the national disaster front lines in Beijing, Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Shanghai, and other areas, making every effort to effectively protect the safety of people's lives and property.

Speed+temperature+professionalism, racing against wind and rain

In a cooperative in Hexi East Village, Hancun, Fangshan District, Beijing, a farmer called Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance to report the case, saying that its 40 mu closely planted apples suffered from waterlogging and serious losses due to rainstorm. As the crops were soaked in the rainstorm, the farmers were pessimistic. To ensure that the farmers could be pacified at the first time and survey and identify the crop losses, Gao Qiang, the agricultural insurance claim adjuster of Fangshan Branch of Ping An Property Insurance Beijing Branch, braved the rainstorm to go to the affected areas to survey the crop losses. The water depth of the crop waterlogged shallow land on the site is 60cm, and the depth can reach 150cm. The high strength can not ignore the water depth, so it will go forward in the rainstorm and complete all the survey work within 30 minutes.

Since July 29th, Beijing has been experiencing continuous heavy rainfall, leading to frequent disasters such as floods, mudslides, and landslides. Recently, multiple video footage circulating online showed that some vehicles and express packages in Beijing were washed away by floods, causing varying degrees of damage to the general public. Since the rainstorm warning signal was issued in Beijing, Ping An Property Insurance Beijing Branch responded quickly, launched the disaster emergency plan at the first time, and opened a green claim channel. Together with six rescue companies and more than 1000 cooperative repair plants, it ensured the timeliness, claims, order issuance and 95511 people on duty 24 hours a day. As of July 31, Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance Beijing Branch has received a total of 1202 cases of car insurance major disaster security during this round of Beijing rainfall, and has now closed 74 cases, with the fastest one case completing compensation in 3.13 minutes.

Meanwhile, Hebei Province, also affected by the northward movement of "Du Suri", has also suffered from large-scale precipitation, resulting in multiple flooding incidents. Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance Hebei Branch Langfang Middle Branch claims adjuster Gao Siyu rushed to the scene after receiving a report of a flooded car from a customer. He first pushed the customer's vehicle to the roadside to relieve traffic, and then urgently arranged for rescue vehicles to rescue him. During the rainstorm, Gao Siyu has handled nearly 20 such cases of flooded vehicles. On average, he commutes to more than 10 survey points a day to solve urgent problems for customers as much as possible.

Mr. Li in Quanzhou also called Ping An Property Insurance due to damage to his vehicle. Mr. Li, who reported the incident, claimed that his vehicle was parked outdoors and injured by a collapsed brick wall. To reduce the risk of customers waiting outdoors, the claims adjuster of Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance Quanzhou Center Branch immediately conducted online surveys, quickly assessed losses, and guided customers to repair their cars first. Two hours after reporting the case, a pre compensation of 3000 yuan was paid to Mr. Li's account.

Seeing the power of professionalism, the "Ping An Orange" rescue in the wind and rain | Beijing | Wind and rain

It is understood that as of 15:00 on July 29th, Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance Fujian Branch has received a total of 7455 typhoon reports, with an estimated loss amount of 81.62 million yuan. Among them, there were 7021 car insurance reports and 434 property insurance reports. At present, the branch has invested 505 survey personnel in the disaster stricken areas, linked with 1091 trailer companies and vehicle maintenance enterprises in the province, and made every effort to provide risk reduction services.

The damage caused by motor vehicles in flood disasters is most obvious. In addition, it is also the responsibility of safety to provide protection for business owners and farmers. It is understood that Ping An has actively carried out typhoon emergency work in many places such as Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Fujian, providing risk reduction and rescue claims for farmers, business owners, and car owners.

For example, Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance Shanghai Branch provided weather index insurance for 2254 mu of vegetables in Songjiang during the continuous rainstorm in June, and received 19 reports from farmers, with an estimated compensation amount of 140000 yuan. For enterprises, Ping An Property&Casualty Insurance promoted typhoon early warning through WeChat official account, Ping An Goodcar App, Ping An Corporate Insurance and other platforms, and set up a special team to focus on patrolling high-risk enterprises found in special troubleshooting in flood season, verify enterprise risk status one by one, lock the status of pre disaster targets, and do a good job in typhoon prevention. In the process of road rescue during disasters, stories of rapid loss assessment and rapid claims settlement are everywhere. For example, in Wenzhou, Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance utilized a full process online operation mode to complete claim settlement and fund payment, with the initial compensation amount of 479900 yuan, taking only 25 minutes.

In the face of disasters, insurance companies have always played an irreplaceable role, and the presence of multiple subsidiaries under Ping An has also appeared in every disaster prevention and response. After the landing of Typhoon Du Suri, Ping An Life Insurance launched emergency plans in several branches in Zhejiang, Quanzhou, and Guangdong, including opening a green channel for claims, providing non policy claims services, simplifying claims procedures, advancing medical expenses, canceling restrictions on designated hospitals, canceling restrictions on self funded drugs and medical treatment projects, and opening service hotlines. The Quanzhou branch, together with more than 45 young volunteers, went to the front line of the disaster area to assist multiple communities in Quanzhou in clearing fallen trees and eliminating safety hazards.

During the rainstorm in rainstorm last year, Ping An received a total of more than 46000 disaster related reports, with a total compensation of more than 1 billion yuan. It is understood that at that time, Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance urgently mobilized resources from various parties to form a "Ping An Guardian Action" rescue team, and coordinated the organization of 76 claims survey experts from across the country. They mobilized 500 rescue vehicles from adjacent 5 provinces and fully invested in the disaster relief campaign. Ping An Bank credit card offers delayed repayment and other services to customers in disaster stricken areas of Henan Province. Ping An Health has launched a 24-hour online free consultation service to provide online medical assistance to people in disaster areas

In addition, at various natural disaster sites such as the Sichuan Luding earthquake and Chongqing fire, Ping An people have never been afraid to go against the tide, rushing to the front line and participating in rescue, fully protecting the local people. This kind of "Ping An Orange" stands up and turns danger into safety, interpreting the professional protection and warm power of peace to society with the speed of support, professional compensation, and warm service.

Insurance+technology+services, providing risk mitigation

Disaster prevention and reduction is not only an emergency measure, but also requires long-term planning and the establishment of a scientific prevention system that prioritizes prevention and combines disaster prevention and relief. The previously released "Opinions on Actively Carrying out Risk Reduction Services in the Property Insurance Industry" also pointed out the need to accelerate the integration of technological innovation and risk reduction services, encourage property insurance companies to use big data, cloud computing, blockchain, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and other technological means, reshape the concept of risk reduction services, compress service time and space distance, optimize service models, reduce service costs, and improve the overall efficiency of risk reduction services in the property insurance industry.

Seeing the power of professionalism, the "Ping An Orange" rescue in the wind and rain | Beijing | Wind and rain

For decades, Ping An has always focused on serving the real economy and people's livelihood, continuously expanding the depth and breadth of insurance services in social governance, and has explored a one-stop risk reduction plan that covers pre disaster warning, mid disaster rescue, and post disaster services.

Taking Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance's "Eagle Eye System DRS2.0" as an example, this system is like a "sentinel", utilizing innovative technologies such as numerical simulation, machine learning, and satellite remote sensing monitoring to predict and warn of natural disasters.

In terms of natural disasters, it has built the identification and early warning capability of earthquake, typhoon, flood, rainstorm, hail and other disasters, provided all-round geological and meteorological disaster support services for business, and used numerical models to identify short-term weather and long-term climate risks, helping the insurance industry cope with climate change challenges; In terms of data, a standardized natural disaster risk data system has been established, based on a safe and efficient spatiotemporal data computing platform, supporting the rapid processing and response of multi-source heterogeneous spatial data; In terms of artificial intelligence, the disaster knowledge platform has built various disaster knowledge graphs, which can provide customers with intelligent disaster prevention guidance. Based on multiple AI technologies such as "perceptual intelligence" and "cognitive intelligence", it accurately identifies remote sensing images such as satellite radar, and assists in intelligent scheduling, remote survey, accurate loss assessment, and rapid claims settlement, among other businesses.

It is understood that as of the end of 2022, the "Eagle Eye System DRS2.0" has sent over 4.41 million disaster prevention warning prompts and information to 2.23 million customers through various means such as SMS and WeChat, reducing losses for customers by over 200 million yuan.

During this year's typhoon, the system was also fully applied to various branches across the country. In Guangdong, as of July 27th, Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance Guangdong Branch has sent a total of 8.413 million warning messages through online channels such as Ping An Haochezhu APP and Ping An Enterprise Treasure APP, conducted on-site disaster prevention and investigation of 89 enterprises, and visited 3050 households. The Fujian branch also extracted a list of areas affected by typhoon paths, organized claims and risk control personnel to conduct offline visits to high-risk enterprises, gifted flood prevention materials, mobilized 881 manpower, issued over a thousand online warnings, conducted offline visits to 310 enterprises, issued 32 disaster prevention and loss prevention proposals, visited 164 flood prone points, reminded vehicles and materials to safely transfer, and coordinated with 1091 vehicle maintenance and towing companies throughout the province to ensure timely rescue and survey claims work.

Ping An's innovative application in the field of technology has enabled it to play a greater role in front-end services, minimizing or even avoiding accidents, and has become a reference for innovative thinking in the industry. Not only that, Ping An also starts with deepening social services, using "Ping An Guardian Action" as the anchor point, and organically combining public welfare undertakings with core business and professional capabilities of enterprises. By offering online safety production and emergency rescue training courses for over 200 million individual customers, and conducting offline community promotion activities, we aim to enhance risk prevention awareness and level from both the concept and service aspects.

Starting from the essence of risk compensation as insurance, to the empowerment of technology and services, and to the original intention and professional commitment of every Ping An employee, Ping An has achieved the unity of people, business, systems, and services from various levels. On this basis, finding reasons for customer claims, safeguarding the safety of every family, and taking on the responsibility of people's well-being are all at hand. In the future, Ping An will continue to leverage its advantages in comprehensive financial and technological services, strengthen the people's defense line for disaster prevention and reduction, and contribute to high-quality development.

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【 Quick News 】 SAIC Releases Half Year Report with Double Growth in Revenue and Net Profit

SAIC Group released its 2023 semi annual report today. In the first half of this year, the company achieved wholesale sales of 2.072 million vehicles and terminal retail sales of 2.237 million vehicles, continuing to maintain its leading position in the domestic industry, and monthly sales continued to grow month on month. Sales in the second quarter increased by 32.5% compared to the first quarter, outperforming the overall market growth rate. In the first half of the year, SAIC's overseas sales reached 533000 vehicles, continuing to lead the industry; The sales of new energy vehicles reached 372000 units, ranking second among Chinese car companies and maintaining a "month on month continuous increase" since January. During the reporting period, the company achieved a combined total operating revenue of 326.55 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.34%, and a net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company of 7.09 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.54%, by optimizing its structure, reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

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SAIC Maxus, in collaboration with the Wuxi government, provides subsidies for purchasing "StarCraft" pickup trucks to benefit the public

"The golden mountain is slowly flowing, and the tin water is devoid of vegetation and spring". The scenery of the Taihu Lake Lake is picturesque, and the scenery of lakes and mountains is intoxicating. Wuxi, known as the "Pearl of the Taihu Lake Lake", is not only home to many famous literati, but also an important economic center in eastern China, with developed industry and commerce. Since the lifting of the local pickup truck ban last year and the official implementation of the Wuxi Service Integration into the Shanghai Metropolitan Area Action Plan this year, the Wuxi pickup truck market has ushered in new opportunities for development. Diversified lifestyles such as mountain running, fishing, skiing, and camping have emerged, injecting fresh vitality into the local pickup truck life. On August 12th, the StarCraft pickup truck was heavily launched in Wuxi, shining in the East China region with its hardcore quality. At the delivery ceremony, the first batch of interstellar pickup truck owners also officially picked up their beloved cars, taking the lead in embarking on a "interstellar" journey. On site by SAIC Maxus MA

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The prevalence of many chronic diseases, including obesity and diabetes, is a major health problem facing the Chinese people. In China, the prevalence of diabetes has reached 11.9 per cent, one in nine adults with diabetes. The "Urban Change Diabetes China-Dan Roundtable" with the theme of "Driving Change and Building a Healthier City" was held in Shanghai recently. The Roundtable launched the 'Cities Changing Diabetes' Community Action Initiative ". It is proposed to carry out specific actions from the aspects of strong concept of health science popularization, wide support of health environment, and health management to promote change, so as to build a health supporting environment, so as to promote community residents to strengthen early intervention and health management of diabetes. It is reported that the "City Change Diabetes" community action initiative includes a total of 9 specific initiatives. Medium

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