Fudan University’s Zhongshan and Huashan clinical medical schools were unveiled to explore and form the “Fudan experience” of medical education

Release time:Jun 14, 2024 07:17 AM

Yesterday, on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the inclusion of Fudan University Shanghai Medical College into the joint management of the Ministry of Education, the National Health Commission, and the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, Fudan University Shanghai Medical College held a seminar on the "Road to Independent Training of Top Medical Innovative Talents", and Fudan University Zhongshan School of Clinical Medicine and Huashan School of Clinical Medicine were unveiled simultaneously. Wu Yan, member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Education, and Jie Dong, Vice Mayor of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, attended the meeting.

After years of development and collaboration among multiple parties, my country's medical education has achieved important results, and has determined the new positioning of medical education as "a major national strategy, a major people's livelihood, a major discipline, and a major profession", the new standards for talent training of "Taoism, benevolence, technology, academics, and art", and an education system with "'53' as the main body and '32' as the supplement".

The "three-party co-construction and trusteeship" of Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University has achieved outstanding results. In the past five years, Fudan University has gathered the efforts of the three parties to form the goal of building a world-class medical school with Chinese characteristics, deepened the reform of the medical education management system and mechanism, stimulated the vitality of running schools, strengthened the integrity of medical education in comprehensive universities, fully utilized the multidisciplinary advantages of comprehensive universities, vigorously developed interdisciplinary integration, reflected the development direction of new medicine, and jointly improved in medicine, teaching, and research, exploring and forming the "Fudan experience" of medical education.

Qiu Xin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Fudan University, said that Fudan University is striving to explore new ways for a first-class comprehensive university to provide first-class medical education. Fudan University is closely aligned with the country's urgent needs and forward-looking layout, making good use of the disciplinary advantages of a comprehensive university, constantly improving the system for cultivating excellent medical talents, and enhancing the ability to independently cultivate outstanding innovative medical talents.

Professor Jin Li, President of Fudan University and Dean of Shanghai Medical College, said that over the past five years of "three-party co-construction and trusteeship", Fudan Shanghai Medical College has continued to deepen institutional and mechanism reforms, focused on ensuring the integrity of medical education; paid close attention to connotation construction, and continued to promote the steady improvement of the comprehensive strength of medical science; kept a close eye on "the major issues of the country" and "the key issues of the city", and continued to make new contributions to the country and Shanghai.

Talent cultivation has always been the fundamental task of a university. Fudan Shanghai Medical University has comprehensively improved the quality of independent cultivation of top innovative medical talents. It is committed to cultivating "stem cell-type" medical talents for the future and building an independent cultivation system for top innovative talents.

In recent years, the school has comprehensively deepened the reform of the eight-year clinical medicine education, and implemented a new eight-year training program based on the "53" model from the 2023 class. At the same time, it has implemented the reform of the School of Clinical Medicine, and through measures such as strengthening the main functions of clinical teaching and building a solid foundation for the clinical teaching staff, it will further strengthen the role of the affiliated hospital as the main base for training medical talents and build a first-class clinical medicine talent training system.

Historically, Fudan University Shanghai Medical College had clinical medical schools such as Zhongshan and Huashan. This reform is based on learning from the experience of predecessors and strives to reflect the new era and Fudan characteristics. In the future, Fudan University Zhongshan and Huashan clinical medical schools will strengthen the main functions of clinical teaching, lay a solid foundation for the clinical teaching staff, build a new system of "three-dimensional education" in clinical medicine, and improve the clinical teaching organization.

Representatives of former leaders including Jiao Yang, former Party Secretary of Fudan University, representatives of academicians of the two academies including Gu Yudong, Wen Yumei, Wang Zhengmin, Duan Shumin, Fan Jia, and Huang Hefeng, as well as representatives from 16 sister universities and medical schools attended the seminar.

Fudan University’s Zhongshan and Huashan clinical medical schools were unveiled to explore and form the “Fudan experience” of medical education
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