Traditional Chinese medicine has explained this clearly, so we should not drink too much milk.

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jun 11, 2024 15:20 PM

Recently, in order to encourage Chinese residents to consume milk scientifically to improve their physique and prevent "hidden hunger", the Office of the National Nutrition and Health Steering Committee issued a notice with the core message of "reducing oil, increasing soybeans, and adding milk". The core message pointed out that "adequate intake of milk and dairy products is beneficial to human health, especially to muscle and bone health. It is recommended to consume 300 to 500 ml of liquid milk or an equivalent amount of dairy products every day. At present, the actual intake of most Chinese residents is far below the recommended amount, and more intake is encouraged..."

According to Chinese historical records, as early as the Han Dynasty, the Central Plains aristocrats used animal milk as a tonic for the body. However, due to the pressure of ancient policies to protect farm cattle, traditional Chinese medicine could not incorporate animal milk and dairy products into the health care system of ordinary people. At that time, milk could only become a luxury product for the scholar-bureaucrats and landlords to show their status and health secrets. However, there are now comments on the Internet saying that "milk is cold and cannot be drunk." Is this statement right?

In his later years, Zeng Guofan often took milk with dangshen ointment and longan in summer to relieve dizziness and discomfort caused by vision loss and extreme heat. Li Hongzhang preferred to use milk as a winter tonic. He warned his brother Li Hanzhang in a letter home that "milk can be drunk in winter and spring, but not in summer."

The two historical figures used milk in completely opposite ways. The reason for this is ultimately the nature and taste of milk. Zeng Guofan believed that milk was cold in nature and could relieve dizziness and discomfort caused by the summer heat. It could be used with warm products such as Codonopsis pilosula and longan to relieve the discomfort caused by the coldness of milk. However, Li Hongzhang believed that milk was warm in nature and could be used as a tonic in winter. So, is milk cold or warm in nature in traditional Chinese medicine?

Regarding the nature and taste of cow's milk, there are many different opinions in ancient Chinese medical books. Tao Hongjing first proposed in "Compendium of Materia Medica" that cow's milk is slightly cold, while goat's milk is warm. "Compendium of Materia Medica" can be regarded as a collection of drug use experience. Its records about cow's milk are: the smell is sweet, slightly cold, and non-toxic. Cow's milk is neutral in nature, drinking it raw makes people feel good, and drinking it hot makes people dry mouth... "Compendium of Materia Medica" and "Compendium of Materia Medica" both believe that cow's milk is slightly cold, but "Qianjin Yifang·Ren Yang Shi Therapy" states that cow's milk is neutral in nature, replenishes blood, benefits the heart, grows muscles, makes people healthy and strong, moisturized, pleasing to the face, and unfailing in ambition. Why is there such a difference?

Although there is no definitive answer to whether a medicine is cold or warm in nature in TCM, one thing is undisputed: it is mainly used to replenish the body's deficiency and emaciation.

We all now know that there is the concept of "lactose intolerance" in nutrition. People who are lactose intolerant will experience symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, and gas after drinking milk. This is mainly due to the lack of lactase in the digestive tract of these people, which cannot completely decompose the lactose in milk and be absorbed by the small intestine. Excessive residual lactose enters the colon and cannot be fermented and utilized in the colon. But the ancients did not understand this situation. Through observation, they found that people often suffered from diarrhea and other gastrointestinal discomfort symptoms after drinking milk. Their experience is that diarrhea usually occurs after eating too much cold food. Therefore, they classified the nature and flavor of milk as cold. Some people even put forward the slogan "Cherish life and stay away from milk". It is believed that milk is a yin-cold product that only babies' pure yang bodies can withstand. Adults need to consume yang energy in their bodies to warm it after drinking milk, so adults should drink milk as little as possible. This conclusion is undoubtedly an excessive misinterpretation of traditional Chinese medicine theory.

Nowadays, we mostly think that milk is sweet, mild, nutritious, and particularly beneficial. Now, like soy milk, it is deeply embedded in our lives as an integral part of the Chinese dietary structure. Moreover, regarding the eating habits of Chinese people, first of all, they do not drink milk as water. In addition, most people do not have the habit of drinking iced milk all the time. Therefore, scientific drinking of milk is a bonus for our health, especially for the elderly, children, or those who are weak after illness. The nutritional value of milk itself cannot be ignored. For people with severe lactose intolerance, it is recommended to avoid drinking milk on an empty stomach in daily life, avoid drinking iced milk, and drink it as warm as possible. When drinking milk, it is recommended to eat appropriate carbohydrates, such as eating bread and biscuits, or adding some cereals to the milk. You can also drink small amounts many times or try eating yogurt, cheese and other dairy products.

As an important part of daily diet, what are the functions of milk?

First of all, milk can replenish the body and moisturize the large intestine. As for the effects of milk, ancient Chinese medical books all record that cow's milk can replenish the body. Tao Hongjing said in Zhenglei Bencao: "Cow's milk and goat's milk are actually nourishing, so northerners are fat and healthy." He believed that the strong body of northerners should be attributed to cow's and goat's milk, so he wrote in Bencao Jing Jizhu that the effects of cow's milk are to replenish the body, quench thirst, and relieve gas. However, cow's milk is very scarce in the Central Plains, so cow's milk has become a luxury tonic for the upper class because of its "rareness makes it valuable". Chen Jiamo's "Bencao Mengquan" in the Ming Dynasty recorded that milk "nourishes blood and replenishes the body". Wang Mengying's "Sui Xi Ju Diet" recorded that the effects of milk are the same as human milk. The book mentioned that if babies cannot drink breast milk, cow's and goat's milk can be used instead. "Compendium of Materia Medica" mentioned that cow's milk can replenish the body, quench thirst; nourish the heart and lungs, relieve heat and toxins, and moisturize the skin; treat nausea and vomiting, moisturize the large intestine, treat gastric dysentery, and eliminate jaundice.

As can be seen from the above, cow's milk has been a tonic since ancient times. It is used to replenish yin and blood and is a common food for nourishing deficiency. Modern research shows that milk is indeed rich in protein, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B2 and trace elements necessary for the human body. Moreover, the fat in cow's milk is mainly glycerides of palmitic acid and stearic acid, and the cholesterol content is low. The increased risk of cardiovascular disease and high blood lipids in the elderly are all due to cholesterol. Therefore, compared with meat and eggs, cow's milk is a very suitable nutritious food, especially for the elderly. "Introduction to Medicine" wrote in the recipe for replenishing qi and milk: "This recipe replenishes blood, calms the mind, grows muscles, makes people healthy and strong, looks pleasing, and has a strong will. Therefore, as a son, you must always provide it as a regular food."

In addition, milk is mentioned in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" as having the effect of moisturizing the large intestine. Modern research shows that the lactose contained in milk has the function of regulating gastric acid, promoting intestinal peristalsis and digestive gland secretion, and can promote the growth and reproduction of beneficial lactic acid bacteria in the intestine, inhibit the growth of putrefactive bacteria, and is beneficial to the absorption of calcium and other minerals.

Second, milk calms the mind and calms the mind. In today's high-intensity and high-stress working and living environment, many people are faced with insomnia and anxiety. We often say that a glass of milk before going to bed can help you sleep. Modern research shows that milk does have a sedative effect. It contains two hypnotic substances that were unknown in the past. One is tryptophan synthesized from serotonin, which can promote sleep, and the other is natural morphine, which has a similar narcotic and sedative effect. class of substances. People facing high-intensity work can also drink mulberry milk to nourish the liver and kidneys and relieve anxiety. Specific method: 50 grams of mulberries, 200 ml of milk, brew the mulberries in boiling water, cover and simmer for 15 minutes; after the milk is warm, add the soaked mulberry water and drink. Mulberry soaked in milk has very good effects of nourishing the skin and longevity, nourishing the liver and kidneys, nourishing yin and nourishing blood.

Therefore, a reasonable and balanced intake of meat, eggs, and milk has a positive effect on promoting the health of the body. Because milk is rich in nutrients, it has become an important part of the nutritious diet of Chinese residents and has penetrated into our lives. "Milk is cold in nature, so it is recommended to stay away from it" is too biased. For most people, drinking an appropriate amount of milk every day can promote good health.

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