Which professional qualification certificates can I receive subsidies for? How to do it?

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 02:44 AM

Mr. Shi, a citizen, plans to learn how to make Chinese pastries and obtain a Chinese Pastry Chef Vocational Skills Certificate. According to his preliminary understanding, people who obtain similar vocational skill level certificates can receive corresponding subsidies. He wants to know what are the specific requirements? If the conditions are met, what should I do? The Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau’s answer to this question is as follows:

1. Who are the subsidiaries for vocational skills improvement?

Answer: The following persons with household registration in this city and within the legal working age group can enjoy vocational skills improvement subsidies: employed persons who have established labor relations with employers in this city, participate in the social insurance for urban employees in this city and are in payment status; flexible employment registration or People who participate in the city's urban employee social insurance with flexible employment status; disabled people and retired soldiers within five years of retirement; people with employment difficulties announced by the city's human resources and social security department; graduating students of the city's secondary vocational schools and colleges and universities ; Unemployed people, people with cooperative insurance, former rural surplus labor force, and other people who have not registered for employment and unemployment.

Employees with household registration in other provinces and cities who are employed in this city shall enjoy vocational skill improvement subsidies with reference to those with household registration in this city; students with household registration in other provinces and cities who are studying in secondary vocational schools and colleges and universities in this city in the graduation year shall refer to the graduation year with household registration in this city. Students enjoy vocational skills improvement subsidies.

2. What are the conditions for subsidies for vocational skills improvement?

Answer: Workers within the scope of the subsidy can apply for vocational skills improvement subsidies after participating in the vocational skills evaluation within the scope of the subsidy project and obtaining the corresponding vocational qualification certificate or vocational skill level certificate.

The same occupation and the same level can only apply for the subsidy once. Workers who have already enjoyed subsidies for relevant occupational levels cannot enjoy occupational skill improvement subsidies for that occupational level and below again.

Workers who obtain vocational skill certificates through direct recognition, competition promotion or commendation by enterprises cannot apply for vocational skills improvement subsidies. Employees in civil servants and public institutions engaged in non-skilled positions cannot apply for vocational skills improvement subsidies with vocational skill certificates obtained through skills evaluation.

3. What are the vocational skills improvement subsidy projects? Where to check specifically?

Answer: National vocational qualification certificates for skilled personnel who meet the following conditions are included in the scope of vocational skills improvement subsidy projects: included in the national vocational qualification catalog published by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security; organized and implemented by the city’s industry authorities or its authorized units in accordance with regulations; Relevant industry authorities in this city will issue it after consulting with the municipal human resources and social security department and the municipal finance department; certificate information can be found on the official website of the Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

At the same time, vocational skill level certificates that meet the following conditions are included in the scope of vocational skills improvement subsidy projects: vocational skill level certification projects registered with the city’s human resources and social security department; organized and implemented by evaluation agencies registered with the city’s human resources and social security department in accordance with regulations ;Certificate information can be found on the official website of Shanghai Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

Workers who participate in vocational skills evaluation in accordance with regulations and obtain vocational skills certificates can apply for vocational skills improvement subsidies through the "Shanghai People and Society" APP or the windows of various district employment promotion centers within 12 months from the date of issuance of the certificate. If it is approved and announced to the public without objection, the subsidy funds will be released to the bank account associated with the worker's social security card or the personal bank account provided by the worker.

Answer: According to the "Notice of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security and the Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau on Matters Related to the Application of Vocational Skills Improvement Subsidies by Workers in this Municipality" Hu Renshe Regulations [2022] No. 17, the vocational skills improvement subsidy standard is for junior workers. 1,500 yuan/person, 2,000 yuan/person for intermediate workers, 2,500 yuan/person for senior workers, 3,000 yuan/person for technicians, 3,500 yuan/person for senior technicians, and 1,000 yuan/person for professional qualification certificates regardless of grade.

In-service personnel within the scope of the subsidy object shall enjoy vocational skill improvement subsidies at 80% of the subsidy standard; students graduating from colleges and universities who obtain intermediate or above vocational skill certificates in the graduation year shall enjoy vocational skill improvement subsidies at 80% of the subsidy standard; secondary vocational students Students who graduate from school and obtain a vocational skills certificate in the graduation year will enjoy a vocational skills improvement subsidy at 80% of the subsidy standard; disabled people with household registration in this city, retired soldiers within five years of retirement, as well as people with flexible employment, people with employment difficulties, and unemployed people , cooperative insurance personnel, former rural surplus labor force, and other personnel who have not registered for employment and unemployment shall enjoy 100% vocational skill improvement subsidy according to the subsidy standard. Workers shall enjoy subsidies according to regulations based on their personal status on the date of issuance of the certificate, which shall be based on the date of certification marked on the certificate.

Which professional qualification certificates can I receive subsidies for? How to do it?
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