A new batch of Shanghai's aid to Xinjiang cadres are using innovation to solve problems. Southern Xinjiang's high-quality development requires 100 days of education | team | problem-solving

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 13:47 PM

On July 31st, as the first team of all 19 provinces and cities in China to provide assistance to Xinjiang, the 11th batch of Shanghai's aid to Xinjiang cadres and talents has arrived in Kashgar for 100 days since the overall work began on April 21st.

Kashgar is the bridgehead of China's westward and border opening-up, an important pivot of the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt, and the regional center of the southern Xinjiang urban agglomeration. In the past 100 days in Kashgar, 169 cadres and talents of aid to Xinjiang have actively learned from local cadres and the masses, focused on the overall goal of Xinjiang work, closely adhered to the fundamental, fundamental, and long-term work related to long-term stability, quickly integrated into the local area, changed roles, and used "firsts" and "innovations" to solve the problem of high-quality development in southern Xinjiang, taking the first step of three years of aid to Xinjiang.

Meng Qingyuan, the commander-in-chief of the Shanghai Aid to Xinjiang Front Command, stated that the 11th batch of Shanghai aid to Xinjiang cadres and talents will always carry forward the excellent style of Shanghai cadres who are full of passion, creative, and courageous in taking responsibility. With a practical spirit, they will solidly carry out various aid construction projects, focus on the upcoming "Hundred Day Campaign" this year, comprehensively complete the national examination tasks, systematically plan the mid-term revision of the "14th Five Year Plan", scientifically and accurately select projects, and make every effort to build the corresponding aid to Xinjiang into a project of cohesion and national unity.

Opening strategy, making efforts to establish regulations and systems

Xinjiang is a game of chess, and Southern Xinjiang is the "eye of chess".

The 11th batch of Shanghai's aid to Xinjiang cadres and talents adhere to the work requirements of "paying checks but not paying responsibilities", establish and improve the fund management mechanism for aid construction projects, amplify the regulatory role of "system+technology", play a greater role in the efficiency of aid fund projects, and ensure that "the accounts are clear, the projects are clear, and the cadres are innocent.". For this purpose, the "Risk Identification and Prevention Guidelines for Fund Management of Shanghai Aid Xinjiang Projects" have been prepared for the first time, providing tips and references for the full process risk control of various types of projects; And innovate the "zero balance" management mechanism of the three-level account for project funds, effectively preventing and resolving fund management risks. In 2023, Shanghai planned to arrange 94 projects to support the Kashgar region. After the 11th batch of Shanghai's aid to Xinjiang cadres and talents entered Xinjiang, they vigorously implemented the projects. Currently, a total of 84 projects have started construction, ensuring the unity of progress, quality, and safety.

At the first working meeting of the Shanghai Aid to Xinjiang Front Command, in order to do a good job in service liaison with Shanghai aid to Xinjiang enterprises and intended investment enterprises, the "Chief Service Officer" system for industrial aid to Xinjiang was introduced for the first time. With a "5+X" working mechanism, the company's services were solidly optimized, serving as a "shop assistant" for Shanghai enterprises to participate in border opening up and rural revitalization, and for the high-quality development of the economy and society in Kashgar region. Moreover, the Shanghai Front Command for Aid to Xinjiang is working as the Chief Service Officer to deepen the implementation of the "Four Plus", namely Shanghai Enterprises+Xinjiang Resources, Shanghai R&D+Xinjiang Manufacturing, Shanghai Market+Xinjiang Products, Shanghai Headquarters+Xinjiang Base, deepening industrial cooperation between Shanghai and Xinjiang. In collaboration with the four county branch command centers, a total of 53 top 500 enterprises, listed companies, unicorn enterprises, and gazelle enterprises were visited and connected, serving 2 investment projects of listed companies and 28 investment projects of other enterprises. 44 investment promotion activities were carried out.

At this year's Xinjiang Tourism Development Conference, the Shanghai Frontline Command for Aid to Xinjiang signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Spring Airlines on tourism charter flights from Shanghai to Kashgar four counties, doubling the number of tourism charter flights compared to last year. At the 6th Shanghai Targeted Regional Specialty Commodity Exhibition and Sales Fair, the Shanghai Frontline Command for Aid to Xinjiang organized 35 enterprises from four counties in Kashgar to participate, bringing 10 categories and more than 500 types of specialty commodities, achieving a fruitful result of over 25 million yuan in intended orders and approximately 800000 yuan in on-site sales, helping to promote rural revitalization in Kashgar.

A new batch of Shanghai's aid to Xinjiang cadres are using innovation to solve problems. Southern Xinjiang's high-quality development requires 100 days of education | team | problem-solving

Culture nourishes Xinjiang, red culture cultivates people and casts souls

The 11th batch of Shanghai's aid to Xinjiang cadres and talents adhere to the education and soul building of red culture, Shanghai style culture, Jiangnan culture, and excellent traditional Chinese culture, strengthen the sense of community of the Chinese nation, continuously innovate the mechanism of cultural dissemination in Xinjiang, and generate a warm response among cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in Kashgar.

On July 1, the first national traveling exhibition themed "Great Spirit Casts a Great Era - Great Spirit of the CPC", co sponsored by the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Front Headquarters of Shanghai Aid to Xinjiang, came to Xinjiang for the first time and opened for the first time in the form of a fixed museum in the Bachu Museum in Kashgar, southern Xinjiang.

The special exhibition of "great spirit casts a great era -- the great founding spirit of the CPC" opened in Bachu Museum

The Shanghai Light Music Troupe's "Hundred Light Music Frontier Tour" takes on a new form of performance called "Runjiang Cultural Light Cavalry" and conducts cultural performances in schools, hospitals, communities, rural areas, and other places in Yecheng and Zepu. The band combines Xinjiang element songs such as "Alma Khan" and "Why Are Flowers So Red" with red element songs such as "Beautiful China" and "Me and My Motherland". In the first stage, a total of 52 performances were completed, covering nearly 30000 audience members. In addition, more than 10 art training sessions were conducted, covering nearly a thousand students.

Shanghai Light Music Troupe's "Hundred Light Music Frontier Tour" Performed at School

In order to promote the in-depth learning of excellent traditional Chinese culture among young students in the Kashgar region and cultivate cultural inheritors of the new era, the Shanghai Aid Xinjiang Front Command planned and launched the "Chinese Creation Mythology" themed calligraphy and painting competition for students in the four counties of the Kashgar region under the theme of "Love Me, Chinese Mythology Beauty" before the summer vacation. The competition aimed to collect calligraphy and painting works from 627000 primary and secondary school students in the four counties. In the next three years, a series of "Love the Beauty of Chinese Civilization" competitions will be continuously held for primary and secondary school students in four counties and even the entire Kashgar region.

Education Aid Xinjiang, Building Dreams "Xinjiang"

A new batch of Shanghai's aid to Xinjiang cadres are using innovation to solve problems. Southern Xinjiang's high-quality development requires 100 days of education | team | problem-solving

Education is the foundation of people's livelihood, and education assistance to Xinjiang is an important component of targeted assistance work. It is also a fundamental project for "cultural nourishment of Xinjiang" and "long-term construction of Xinjiang". The Shanghai Xinjiang Aid Teacher Work Team's "group style" education aid work has achieved new breakthroughs in Kashgar Sixth Middle School and Kashgar Vocational and Technical College.

With the support of Shanghai's education assistance to Xinjiang, Kashgar No.6 Middle School has successfully established the "Autonomous Region Ethnic Unity Demonstration School" and the "Autonomous Region Safe and Civilized Campus" this semester. The 5th "Yulan Project" Education and Teaching Week held by Shanghai Aid Xinjiang Education Group attracted nearly a thousand teachers from surrounding schools to participate. The Xinjiang Aid Teacher Work Team vigorously implements the "Foundation Building" project for young people, organizing 55 students to participate in the "Mountain Sea Unity, Shanghai Ka Together" ideological and political humanities inspection and practice activity from Kashgar to Xi'an to Shanghai, which has become an effective way to carry out education on "strengthening the awareness of the Chinese national community".

In September this year, the new campus of Kashgar No.6 Middle School, which was aided by Shanghai, will be officially put into use. The new campus will further expand its educational scale, covering an area of 268 acres instead of 100 acres, with 4000 students on campus. The newly added junior high school department will admit 1000 junior high school students. During the summer vacation, the Xinjiang Aid Teacher Work Team led 37 subject and management backbone teachers from Kashgar No.6 Middle School to Shanghai for a ten day professional training, in order to cultivate the internal motivation of Kashgar No.6 Middle School and cultivate a teaching staff that cannot be taken away.

In Shache County, the largest populous county in Xinjiang, the Kashgar Institute of Technology, which was built with Shanghai assistance, will welcome the first batch of vocational college students in September this year. The Shanghai Front Command for Aid to Xinjiang has organized 16 high-quality universities in Shanghai to support the construction of various colleges and universities. The first batch of vocational majors has been established, including construction engineering, computer network, automotive testing and maintenance, electromechanical integration, electrical automation, and nursing. The first batch has enrolled 3600 students, including 600 vocational and 3000 secondary vocational students. The future plan is to enroll 16000 vocational students, and will jointly establish practical training bases with Shanghai Shenkang Center, SAIC Group, and Construction Engineering Group and other Shanghai enterprises and institutions, focusing on building the school into a first-class vocational college in science and engineering in southern Xinjiang with employment and industry orientation, "science and engineering characteristics, and integration of industry and education.".

Location of Kashgar Institute of Technology

The School of Civil Engineering at Kashgar University, supported by Shanghai, hosted the National Symposium on Physical Simulation of Geotechnical Engineering for the first time on July 20th, inviting 68 academic experts from the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Royal Academy of Engineering to give special academic presentations, effectively promoting the connotative development of the Civil Engineering major at Kashgar University.

Medical aid to Xinjiang, allowing the public to take good care of their illnesses at their doorstep

In order to enhance the sense of achievement among the people of all ethnic groups in Kashgar and ensure that they are at their doorstep, the 11th batch of cadres and talents in Shanghai's aid to Xinjiang have made every effort to enhance people's well-being. Under the leadership of Chen Weihua, the leader of the 11th batch of Shanghai aid to Xinjiang medical teams and the director of Kashgar Second People's Hospital, the Shanghai aid to Xinjiang medical work team fully utilized the advantages of medical talents in a "group style" aid to Xinjiang. Over the past 100 days, the team has carried out multiple new medical technologies and projects, filled 26 medical gaps, and set "first cases" one by one, striving to build Kashgar Second Hospital into a medical highland in southern Xinjiang in the shortest possible time.

A new batch of Shanghai's aid to Xinjiang cadres are using innovation to solve problems. Southern Xinjiang's high-quality development requires 100 days of education | team | problem-solving

In the past 100 days, experts in Xinjiang have received 3415 outpatient visits, completed 410 surgeries, received 23 critically ill cases, participated in 141 internal and external consultations, conducted 425 teaching rounds, provided 540 free consultations, introduced 15 new technologies, taught 53 people, and gave 15 lectures. During this time, Zhu Jiaquan, the director of the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Kashgar Second Hospital, successfully performed the first major artery transfer surgery in southern Xinjiang for a 50 day old baby girl, allowing the child to regain "heart" life; Gong Hongli, the director of the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, has successively carried out surgical treatment for the first case of hypopharyngeal cancer, first case of laryngeal cancer, and first case of parathyroid tumor in southern Xinjiang; The director of pediatrics, Tao Jinhao, established the pediatric outpatient department for the first time at Kashgar Second Hospital, which is another milestone in the development of pediatrics at Kashgar Second Hospital. In addition, hospitals in Shanghai and Kazakhstan have successfully conducted the first 5G remote animal lung surgery experiment in southern Xinjiang. Kashgar Second Hospital also collaborated with the Shanghai Front Command for Aid to Xinjiang to build the first "health cabin" in Tongwannipiqi 2 Village, Kuosh Aireke Township, Shache County, promoting the sinking of high-quality medical resources and enhancing the capacity of grassroots diagnosis and treatment services.

Hospitals in Shanghai and Kashgar conducted the first 5G remote animal lung surgery experiment in southern Xinjiang

On July 13th, Kashgar Second Hospital held the Shanghai Xinjiang Academic Exchange Week event. Through signing expert workstations and visiting professors, the hospital further enhanced its comprehensive strength in medical education, research and management, continuously deepened the three-year action plan of "improving medical experience and enhancing patient experience", and better protected the health of all ethnic groups.

Moisturizing Xinjiang, Beautiful Water in Tianshan Mountains, People and Nature | Utilization | Xinjiang
Moisturizing Xinjiang, Beautiful Water in Tianshan Mountains, People and Nature | Utilization | Xinjiang

On 1.66 million square kilometers of land in Xinjiang, the rivers and lakes are beautiful, the ecology is improving, and people and nature coexist harmoniously. Nowadays, the scientific examination and utilization of water resources is historically expanding the development space of Xinjiang. Tianshan Mountain is located in the north and south, surrounded by clear water, with the chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers in urban and rural areas; Three mountains and two basins, rivers and lakes are peaceful, with green waters and lush mountains shining brightly. Xinjiang fully implements the water management policy of "prioritizing water conservation, spatial balance, systematic governance, and dual efforts", promotes the transformation of water resource management from extensive mode to refined and scientific mode, supports sustainable economic and social development with sustainable utilization of water resources, and strives to achieve effective protection of water safety, efficient utilization of water resources, significant improvement of water ecology, and the gradual development of a colorful picture of harmonious human water relationship.

To build a "hometown of fairy tales", hold a "fairy tale conference" and establish a "fairy tale office", Tangtang | Fairy Tales | Mountain Counties in Zhejiang Province
To build a "hometown of fairy tales", hold a "fairy tale conference" and establish a "fairy tale office", Tangtang | Fairy Tales | Mountain Counties in Zhejiang Province

During the summer vacation, various theme parks, fairy tale towns, and other places are bustling with people. In contrast, Wuyi County in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, which is striving to build a "hometown of fairy tales", appears somewhat desolate. This mountainous county was famous for its hot springs in the early years, and in recent years, it has proposed the "Fairy Tale Wuyi" urban brand, planning to create a highland for Chinese fairy tale culture and creativity. To this end, Wuyi established a specialized working organization called "Fairy Tale Office" and held 8 "Fairy Tale Congresses". However, the results were somewhat less than expected. The counterattack of mountainous counties is deeply related to the concept of fairy tales and children's literature in Wuyi. "Wuyi's fairy tales, aside from their historical origins, first have soup and then concepts," Wang Xiaoling, Executive Deputy Director of Wuyi County Fairy Tale Office, explained to reporters. Tang Tang is the Vice Chairman of Zhejiang Writers Association and a well-known children's literature writer in China. Tang Tang has mentioned multiple times that since childhood, she has

But now the word "chi" is rarely seen. Everything can be chi, from meat to vegetarian, favored by famous people. Lotus House | All Things
But now the word "chi" is rarely seen. Everything can be chi, from meat to vegetarian, favored by famous people. Lotus House | All Things

When it comes to bad fish, people in Jiangnan understand it, but when it comes to bad fish, many people are confused. In fact, both "zao" and "gui" refer to the method of marinating fish and vegetables with seasonings. "鲊" initially only referred to the pickling of fish, and as they were pickled, they became something that could be pickled by all things. When marinating fish, use rice and salt as seasoning. When making rice, either by pressing it with a stone or twisting it inside a cloth, it is done to remove moisture and add flavor, hence the word "rice". Wrapped in a lotus leaf, it is highly favored by famous scholars. In the summer of the third year of the Changqing reign of the Tang Dynasty, with the sound of cicadas singing in the fields of lotus leaves, Yuan Zhen went to Yuezhou and passed by Hangzhou on the way. Bai Juyi held a boat banquet on West Lake to welcome his friends and enjoy the scenery of the lake and mountains. The table was filled with delicious dishes, including lotus fish buns and lotus leaf wrapped buns. Lotus room fish buns are made by taking fresh lotus seeds, digging them out one by one, filling them with small fish balls, and steaming them until cooked. The freshness of the fish meat is accompanied by the freshness of the lotus seeds

What is it?, "Panda Sheep" Melon brought from Bachu, Xinjiang to Shanghai | Bachu | Bachu, Xinjiang
What is it?, "Panda Sheep" Melon brought from Bachu, Xinjiang to Shanghai | Bachu | Bachu, Xinjiang

Yesterday, the 6th Shanghai Special Products Exhibition and Sales Fair for Corresponding Regions kicked off at the Shanghai Exhibition Center. In the exhibition area of Bachu specialty products in Xinjiang, the company leader provides detailed introductions to customers who come to purchase Bachu Liuxiang melons and other "Bachu Liuxiang" brand series products. As a transportation hub in southern Xinjiang and the eastern gateway of Kashgar region, Bachu County, with its unique climate conditions and land resources, produces a series of high-quality, green and healthy agricultural products, such as Bachu Liuxianggua, Bachu quinoa, Apocynum tea, etc. A local production in Bachu called Cookbai Hot Melon, also known as Green Skin and Green flesh Melon, has a long history of cultivation in Bachu and is a unique variety of Bachu. Its flesh is crispy, refreshing and juicy, sweet but not greasy, and it has a unique "vanilla ice cream taste". In recent years, due to its unique taste, it has been favored by Shanghai Xinjiang aid officials,

Some of them are worth learning from in more cities in the Yangtze River Delta, such as Hailing in Taizhou. Zibo wrote a 5000 word report on Hailing in Taizhou
Some of them are worth learning from in more cities in the Yangtze River Delta, such as Hailing in Taizhou. Zibo wrote a 5000 word report on Hailing in Taizhou

A while ago, the government research group of Hailing District, Taizhou City, published "Zibo Barbecue is So Popular, What can Taizhou do?" The key to learning from Taizhou Hailing lies in how to make the renewal and transformation of Taizhou's old city smoother: like Zibo, Hailing, which is also in the midst of transformation, is the main carrier of Taizhou's national historical and cultural city. Faced with the hardcore task of Taizhou Municipal Party Committee "focusing on implementing the renewal of the old city, carefully making the" Fengcheng River "cultural core, and building a cultural ancient city that gathers humanities, carries memories, and expresses homesickness", Taizhou should learn from Zibo... The article analyzes and summarizes in more than 5400 words. There are three noteworthy points, three thought-provoking questions, and three valuable experiences for Zibo barbecue. Hailing District is the main urban area of Taizhou, with Taizhou's total economic output ranking among the top 50 in the country, including pharmaceuticals and shipping