The "Excellent Health Science Popularization Project of Shanghai Municipal Hospitals" has been released today, focusing on serving the needs of the people at the forefront of disciplines. Hospital | Project | Demand

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 14:32 PM

This afternoon, the selection results of the "Shanghai Municipal Hospital Excellent Health Science Popularization Project", sponsored by the Shanghai Shenkang Hospital Development Center and jointly participated by municipal hospitals throughout the city, were announced. 11 municipal hospitals including the Long March Hospital were awarded the "Shanghai Municipal Hospital Excellent Health Science Popularization Project".

As an important part of the "Citizen Health Science Popularization Week" and "Hospital Open Day" activities in Shanghai Municipal Hospitals in 2023, the selection work for the "Excellent Health Science Popularization Projects in Shanghai Municipal Hospitals" was launched in July this year. After layers of screening, 36 video articles from 36 municipal hospitals entered the final evaluation stage and competed for excellent health science popularization projects on-site in the form of speeches.

"Chen Huajiang's Science Popularization of Neck and Back Pain" from the Long March Hospital won first place in the tree selection activity. Song Yaoxing, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Long March Hospital, told reporters that the hospital bears the responsibility of the military and society. Starting from the focus of the confusion of the people, the hospital focuses on the unique technologies that the hospital excels in, so that the people can avoid detours in diagnosis and treatment and receive professional diagnosis and treatment on expert scientific platforms. At the Long March Hospital, the "Cloud Long March Science Popularization Reception Room" that helped citizens seek medical treatment and medication during the epidemic has now become a regular broadcast, lasting for one hour every Thursday and Saturday. Citizens can participate in the live broadcast or replay it. "Science popularization has gone from a seed to a soil, cultivating doctors, serving patients, and reshaping the hospital's social brand."

Municipal hospitals, as the main battlefield for promoting public health and the main force of health science popularization, are based on the high ground of disciplines and leverage their specialized expertise. The entire tree selection activity also explored a number of distinctive municipal hospital health science popularization projects, such as the Longhua Hospital Proctology Popularization Team, which promotes the characteristics of Shanghai style traditional Chinese medicine "Gu's Surgery", combines tradition and innovation, creates a new media matrix for science popularization, and helps the development of traditional Chinese medicine.

Cancer hospitals regard health science popularization as the "second battlefield" in the battle against tumors. Multiple departments within the hospital work together to actively promote innovation in science popularization and the construction of a talent pool for science popularization, and carry out the creation of health science popularization works in a comprehensive, multi form, and three-dimensional manner. The National Maternal and Child Health Commission has launched the "1000 Day Early Life Course" to help women and children establish a healthy lifestyle and meet the further needs of families for knowledge on pregnancy and childbirth.

The municipal dental hospital transforms the knowledge of oral health throughout the entire life cycle of the entire population into authoritative and original popular science reading materials, providing practical goods to the citizens. The top ten hospitals in the city actively create an atmosphere of "full staff science popularization", carry out the selection activity of "chief science popularization officers", cultivate "hexagonal warriors" who understand medicine, policies, humanities, creation, planning, and communication, closely adhere to "professionalism" and "popularization", and continuously lead the trend of health.

With the iteration and updating of health concepts and more diverse dissemination methods, the demand for high-quality health among citizens is showing a diversified trend. The director and creative team of Renji Hospital's Ban Hai Group closely follow the changes of the times and the needs of the people, and focus on hot health issues that are of high concern to the public. They have launched the "Class Teacher Comes" series of science popularization short videos, providing citizens with timely and heartwarming health education.

The municipal public health center has translated the knowledge of AIDS and other infectious diseases prevention and control into a stage play that is easy to understand and popular with the people. The concept of prevention over treatment has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people through popular science education. Xinhua Hospital, guided by patient needs, summarizes common mental health issues in children and adolescents in clinical work, and promotes them through science popularization micro films to promote early detection and diagnosis of mental health problems.

The "Excellent Health Science Popularization Project of Shanghai Municipal Hospitals" has been released today, focusing on serving the needs of the people at the forefront of disciplines. Hospital | Project | Demand

A lively and interesting "childbirth pain relief classroom" created by a mother and baby, helps the public better understand childbirth pain relief in the form of situational dramas, eliminates fear and prejudice, improves the level of childbirth pain relief for mothers, and improves the quality of perinatal medical services. The city's Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has opened the "Zhongxin Linglan Yuan" Traditional Chinese Medicine Non Drug Therapy Health Station, integrating therapy experience and health science popularization, serving community residents and spreading traditional Chinese medicine culture through education and entertainment.

Zheng Ning, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shenkang Center, said, "Shenkang Center will work with municipal hospitals to continue strengthening the construction of health science popularization projects, cultivating high-quality science popularization soil, actively spreading science popularization sparks in innovative forms, better meeting the diversified and high-quality health needs of citizens, and allowing the high-quality development achievements of municipal hospitals to benefit more people."

[Attached List]

1. Shanghai Long March Hospital

Chen Huajiang's Science Popularization of Neck, Back and Back Pain

2. Shanghai Dermatology Hospital Goes with the Wind

Spreading Hope - Dandelion Action Safeguards the Health of Psoriasis Patients

3. Shanghai First People's Hospital

The "Excellent Health Science Popularization Project of Shanghai Municipal Hospitals" has been released today, focusing on serving the needs of the people at the forefront of disciplines. Hospital | Project | Demand

Establishment and promotion of a popular science system for pediatric bone tumors

4. Shanghai Mental Health Center

"To Youth" Youth Mental Health Science Popularization Project

5. Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital

Academician's online sugar control 365

6. Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine

Ruijin Hospital Medical Experience Camp

7. Fudan University Affiliated Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital

The "Excellent Health Science Popularization Project of Shanghai Municipal Hospitals" has been released today, focusing on serving the needs of the people at the forefront of disciplines. Hospital | Project | Demand

Encountering experts in facial features science and health education for the general public

8. Shanghai First Maternal and Child Health Hospital

From unbearable pain to unbearable pain

9. Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University

Academician Gu Yudong's Early Training Base for Medical Talents

10. Renji Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine

The Science Popularization Short Video Series of "Class Teacher Comes"

11. Shanghai Yangzhi Rehabilitation Hospital

The "Excellent Health Science Popularization Project of Shanghai Municipal Hospitals" has been released today, focusing on serving the needs of the people at the forefront of disciplines. Hospital | Project | Demand

Construction and promotion of a three-level prevention knowledge system for spinal cord injury rehabilitation


Zazidler, Thank you to the doctors in Shanghai. Shanghai experts have provided voluntary consultations for over 2000 Tibetan farmers and herdsmen in Guoluo Prefecture | Shanghai | Tibetan
Zazidler, Thank you to the doctors in Shanghai. Shanghai experts have provided voluntary consultations for over 2000 Tibetan farmers and herdsmen in Guoluo Prefecture | Shanghai | Tibetan

On August 21-25, Yu Tao, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, led a team to organize 21 internal, external, gynecological, and pediatric experts from 14 tertiary hospitals in Shanghai to carry out a medical tour in Guoluo Prefecture, Qinghai Province. They conducted four free consultations in places such as the People's Hospital of Guoluo Prefecture, the People's Hospital of Gande County, and the People's Hospital of Maqin County, providing screening, diagnosis, and health counseling for more than 2000 Tibetan farmers and herdsmen with common diseases. They also conducted more than 70 rounds and taught at local grassroots medical and health institutions. Through touring medical activities, deliver high-quality medical services from Shanghai to the doorstep of people of all ethnic groups in Guoluo. Many Tibetan farmers and herdsmen sincerely said, "Thank you to Shanghai doctor, Zhaxi Dele!" "Doctor, my joints are very painful." When Aunt Zhuoma stumbled to Li Jia, the deputy chief physician of the Rheumatology Department at Renji Hospital, Li Jia's consultation room

Renji Hospital and Cancer Hospital jointly store 26 "sparks of life". A 29 year old unmarried woman suffers from lymphoma. Team | Patient | Renji Hospital
Renji Hospital and Cancer Hospital jointly store 26 "sparks of life". A 29 year old unmarried woman suffers from lymphoma. Team | Patient | Renji Hospital

At the age of 29, Mengmeng has not yet married and given birth, but unfortunately suffers from malignant lymphoma. After receiving tumor treatment, she is likely to "lose" her fertility. Recently, the Reproductive Medicine Center of Renji Hospital affiliated with Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine successfully completed egg freezing for Meng Meng who was referred to Fudan University Affiliated Cancer Hospital, storing 26 "life sparks" - precious eggs. Unmarried woman diagnosed with malignant tumor, chemotherapy damaged ovarian function. In June this year, Mengmeng suddenly discovered a lump in her neck. After examination at the local hospital, she highly suspected malignant disease. So, Mengmeng came to Shanghai to seek medical treatment at a tumor hospital. After a biopsy, she was diagnosed with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. The chief physician of the Oncology Department at the Cancer Hospital, Liu Xiaojian, told Mengmeng that the current treatment effect for this type of lymphoma is still relatively optimistic,

Misunderstood pain patients | Pain department | Pain
Misunderstood pain patients | Pain department | Pain

Pain is also a disease. "Pain is really unbearable, and I don't know where to look." Wu Ping started experiencing stomach pain in July last year. At first, she thought it was a gastrointestinal problem, but she couldn't find anything. Later, she returned to her hometown and was hospitalized. "I had all the tests done from head to toe, and there were no major problems." The test report remained normal, and her pain was also normal. "I am very sad, it hurts every day, it hurts every day." Later, Wu Ping traveled to Shanghai and underwent tests on the appendix, liver, gallbladder, spleen, lumbar spine, and lung CT at different hospitals. However, she still couldn't find the cause of the pain. After being introduced, she finally came to the pain clinic. At the pain clinic, there are many patients like Wu Ping who come and go, with thick stacks of examination reports and medical records in their hands, intuitively quantifying the path they have taken on the pain relief road. There are some chronic conditions

Call on more people to volunteer and spread love. China's organ voluntary donation registration exceeds 6.26 million people, but there is still a gap
Call on more people to volunteer and spread love. China's organ voluntary donation registration exceeds 6.26 million people, but there is still a gap

Today is the 7th China Organ Donation Day, and this year's theme is "With the stars in your eyes, walk under the light.". The theme event hosted by the China Organ Transplantation Development Foundation was held in Shanghai. According to data from the National Health Commission, the number of registered human organ donation volunteers in China has exceeded 6.26 million. Although the number of voluntary donations has been increasing year by year, experts believe that there is still a certain gap compared to developed countries. They call on the whole society to create an atmosphere of voluntary human organ donation, which can allow more lives to be continued. Chen Zhu, President of the Red Cross Society of China, and Qiu Xin, Secretary of the Party Committee of Fudan University, attended. Human organ transplantation is an important technical means to save critically ill patients. Organ transplantation is not only a professional technical issue, but also involves complex issues in various aspects such as rule of law, politics, society, ethics, and culture. Steadily and orderly carry out organ donation and transplantation

How should children choose? Pudong New Area issues the "Bright Angel Passport" for the first time, with 100 degree myopia and 100 points in exams. Activity | Prevention and Control | Angel
How should children choose? Pudong New Area issues the "Bright Angel Passport" for the first time, with 100 degree myopia and 100 points in exams. Activity | Prevention and Control | Angel

How did the character "eye" evolve in traditional Chinese culture? Through each stroke and painting, students carefully appreciate the beauty of Chinese characters. On the occasion of the National "Eye Care Day" Promotion and Education Week in 2023, the "Flying, Bright Little Angels - Youth Myopia Prevention and Control Activity" organized by Zhoupu Hospital and Youth Activity Center in Pudong New Area kicked off today. This activity is guided by the District Civilization Office, District Health Commission, District Education Bureau, and the Medical Science Popularization Branch of Shanghai Medical Doctor Association. Due to the physiological development characteristics of children's eyeballs, heavy academic burden on students, the increasing popularity of electronic reading products and games, and the failure to cultivate scientific and good eye hygiene habits, myopia is becoming increasingly common in primary and secondary school students, posing serious challenges to the visual health of children and adolescents. To promote the implementation of myopia prevention and control by the government, schools, families, and society