Right Eye of Programming Class in Border Town | Chen Yuanchun | Border Town

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:22 PM

With gauze wrapped around his left eye, 45 year old Wa ethnic teacher Chen Yuanchun watched a remake of the movie "City of the Sky" in Shanghai with one right eye.

"I first saw a robot in 'Sky City' back then," she said excitedly. Chen Yuanchun comes from Cangyuan Wa Autonomous County, Lincang City, Yunnan Province. He is a Chinese language teacher at Mengdong Town Central Primary School and also the initiator of the school's programming course. 98% of the area in Cangyuan County is mountainous. After 1949, it became a national direct transit area and transitioned to socialist society. In recent years, this county has once again achieved a leap in the information age. In 2018, the same year that Cangyuan achieved poverty alleviation, programming courses entered more than 20 local schools. Last year, 43 students were nominated for the national level information technology competition finals, and ultimately 6 won the award. Two students won the first and second prizes in the national finals, and one student won the third prize in the finals, including Chen Yuanchun's student. Awards are constantly increasing, and the frequency of Chen Yuanchun's eye drops is also increasing. In May of this year, after the preliminary round of the National Primary and Secondary School Information Technology Innovation and Practice Competition, Chen Yuanchun took a month off to Shanghai for treatment of his eye disease and quickly underwent surgery. Surgery can only solve immediate problems, and eye diseases may worsen. "If one day my eyes really can't see, what should I do in the programming class?" the reporter asked. "If my eyes are not good, I will speak with my mouth," Chen Yuanchun said nonchalantly.

Right Eye of Programming Class in Border Town | Chen Yuanchun | Border Town

Children learning programming. Photo by Zheng Ziyu

Eating crabs: In the morning or after rain, the Wa Mountain in Cangyuan is often covered with clouds and mist. When the plane landed in Cangyuan, it had to break through the clouds and experience turbulence. It followed the guidance of the navigation lighthouse and landed at the Huashan Airport in Cangyuan, which was built on the mountaintop. Cangyuan Airport was not completed until the end of 2016. The navigation lighthouse that guides aircraft takeoff and landing is built on a steep slope, making construction extremely difficult. A navigation lighthouse stands at a height of 125.5 meters, which was the tallest airport of its kind in the country at that time. It takes about an hour to drive from the airport to the county town by winding mountain roads, and it takes even longer to get from the county town to the village. Just after the May Day holiday, 73 students from Mengdong Town Central Primary School participated in the online preliminary competition of the 2023 National Primary and Secondary School Information Technology Innovation and Practice Competition. Chen Yuanchun hid outside the classroom and secretly watched the children answering questions seriously. If they can break through and enter the finals, Chen Yuanchun will have the opportunity to take these children out of the mountains and participate in the finals in a big city during the summer vacation. The teachers in the mountains hope more than anyone that children can see the world outside the mountains. Que Meiyuan, a teacher of the information course at Mengdong Town Center Elementary School, remembers that in 2012, she first came into contact with an induction faucet in Chengdu and couldn't find the switch. She timidly asked people around her how to use this faucet? During a programming class at school, she wanted to explain programming through an example of sensing a faucet. It was then that she realized that many children, like herself, were just "novices". It was not until 2020, due to epidemic prevention needs, that some public places, including schools, were equipped with sensing faucets, and students were exposed to and understood the principle of sensing faucets. Chen Yuanchun also hopes that children can go out and see the outside world. In the eyes of Principal Chen Shimin, Chen Yuanchun is a person who eats crabs. Chen Yuanchun once attempted to promote enterprise WeChat in schools, and also tried downloading courseware from professional online course platforms to learn from teaching methods... Unfortunately, the average age of school teachers is 44 years old, and they always encounter various difficulties in learning and accepting new things. At the end of 2018, the opportunity came. At that time, the Central Electronic Education Center of the Ministry of Education provided targeted assistance to Cangyuan County, introducing educational resources for youth programming from outside the mountains. Then, with the support of many enterprises and Internet "big factories", some hardware equipment assistance projects and programming training for teachers were also sent to Cangyuan. Chen Yuanchun voluntarily signed up and became one of the first 29 teachers in the county to receive training for young programming teachers. She vaguely felt that in the near future, "people who don't know programming may feel like they haven't learned English.". In the training class, the students who attended the class with Chen Yuanchun were all young teachers in their early twenties. Chen Yuanchun had just turned 40 and was the oldest in the class. Chen Yuanchun couldn't grasp the knowledge points that young teachers could easily grasp. She recorded the teacher's operation steps and went home to ponder over them. She spent all her weekends and evenings on programming, as if her dream from 23 years ago had been awakened again. In 1995, Chen Yuanchun graduated from junior high school. At this time, there is a wave of learning computer science in China. The machine with a "television like shell", although still rare in the county, seemed to have a magical power that a

Right Eye of Programming Class in Border Town | Chen Yuanchun | Border Town

In fact, Chen Yuanchun's true identity is as a Chinese language teacher. Photo by Zheng Ziyu

The first class is also the first time students have used laptops. Some children dare not press the power button for fear of damaging the thin computer. After turning on the computer, a child couldn't use a mouse and nervously raised their index and middle fingers high, as if comparing them to a "V". In teaching, just to help children understand the knowledge point of using programming to make objects move, Chen Yuanchun spent several classes. After seeing the programming, the cartoon characters were able to move according to the planned route and posture, and the children couldn't help but shout "wow". "I saw the children's eyes shining," Chen Yuanchun said. In early 2019, Chen Yuanchun met fourth grade Lu Tianhao in the programming classroom. The chubby boy lowered his head, didn't like to talk, and occasionally nervously glanced to the side, seeming to know how to observe words and expressions. When Lu Tianhao was young, his parents were not around and he lived with his grandmother. Other children are unwilling to approach him, and he doesn't like reading either. His QQ signature column reads: "Even a person should live well." Chen Yuanchun's colleague Wu Shihua is Lu Tianhao's aunt, and every time he mentions this child, he can't help but shed tears. It is said that Chen Yuanchun has established a programming maker group in school. Wu Shihua felt that Chen Yuanchun has an outgoing personality and is deeply loved by children, so he was arranged to join Chen Yuanchun's programming maker group. She told Chen Yuanchun that the other side of this "problematic teenager" is that he plays computer games very smoothly and uses his phone better than himself. Chen Yuanchun is not worried about mischievous children, but instead appreciates their courage to run and charge. As long as these children are given a grip and appropriate space, they will thrive. "I've changed schools a few times, so every time I see a teacher, I feel a bit scared." Lu Tianhao remembers that the first time he saw Chen Yuanchun, he was also scared. It wasn't until Chen Yuanchun told a joke in class and before she finished speaking, she laughed "haha" herself before he realized that this teacher was a bit different. Chen Yuanchun told Lu Tianhao: Programming is not difficult at all. If you love playing games, it's better to design your own games for people to play instead of playing games created by others. The children in the programming class learn very quickly. Chen Yuanchun and the children agreed that the programming classroom would not lock the door, and as long as the homework was completed with quality and quantity, they could go at any time. Lu Tianhao always completes his homework quickly. Once, while Wu Shihua was preparing for an open class, Lu Tianhao beside him saw Wu Shihua's operation and said, "I'll help you design a mini program." In less than an hour, a simple game was designed. Wu Shihua found that students can consolidate the vocabulary learned in class through a game of levels, and it is very suitable for application in public classes. Other children also have changes. The most obvious expectation is for the future. When other children still have vague ideas about the future, the children in the programming class write in their essays that they want to become designers or game engineers. Their logical thinking is also becoming stronger, with the most obvious manifestation being a significant increase in the scoring rate of application questions in math exams for children in programming classes. Children are beginning to crave advanced learning. In programming programs, it is displayed on the computer that one step towards the right requires entering "+1", and one step towards the left requires entering "-1". This is the representation of the number axis and knowledge that only comes into contact with in sixth grade. It is not easy for third grade children to understand this knowledge point. After class, many children went to the math teacher holding books. Sometimes Chen Yuanchun's lesson preparation progress cannot keep up with the c

Right Eye of Programming Class in Border Town | Chen Yuanchun | Border Town

Li Xiaoxiao invited his classmates to try out his newly designed programming game. Photo by Zheng Ziyu

"I have always wanted to tell my students that the world is big and great, but my language is very pale, even pictures and videos are not enough. I still need students to go out and feel it on their own," Chen Yuanchun said. In 1998, Chen Yuanchun left Lincang City for the first time. That was her first year of work vacation, and she ran to Baoshan City with a monthly salary of 270 yuan. "The bus ticket is 34 yuan. In order to save money, I slept at the station all night." She said, "I even had an idea that I don't want to go home anymore." After many years, Chen Yuanchun still remembers this scene deeply and often reflects on why "going out" is for? What is the purpose of programming classes? Parents have a straightforward understanding and hope that their children can have the same educational resources and opportunities as children from outside the mountains. Student Li Xiaoxiao's mother once saw more than one children's programming training institution in the bustling shopping mall of Chengdu. I heard that the school's programming team is recruiting students, and without saying a word, they agreed. After studying for two or three months, Li Xiaoxiao was nominated for the semi-finals of the national competition. The father felt that his son had a talent for programming, so he demanded to create a work every day, forcing the child to rack his brains every day. The mother also felt that this seemed to push the child too hard.

Right Eye of Programming Class in Border Town | Chen Yuanchun | Border Town

Li Xiaoxiao showed the backend code of the designed game to the reporter.

Li Xiaoxiao is fond of reading books. Photo by Zheng Ziyu

Right Eye of Programming Class in Border Town | Chen Yuanchun | Border Town

Parents are also helping their children to further their education through various means. Parent Bao Zhikun once formed the first football team in the village, trained his eldest daughter to become the first female football player in the city, and promoted to university as a sports student. He also wants to send his third daughter Bao Dongzhen to college as usual. But Bao Dongzhen didn't like football, so she enrolled in a programming class and won an award certificate. At first, Bao Zhikun didn't take it seriously. It was a long time before he realized that this certificate was a national competition certificate. His first reaction was, "Can I earn extra points when I study this?" said Shen Yingliu, the principal of Mengdong Middle School. In reality, most children in county towns still work in the county town. Chen Yuanchun also understands this situation. She only vaguely felt that "going out" should not be just a purpose, but a courage to break through the established framework of life. In the future, if a child decides to stay in the outside world or achieve success in learning outside the mountains and return to their hometown, it is their freedom. The most important thing is not to let what is in front of them get in the way. At least, she herself has gained a lot of hope in life because of her programming class. In 2019, Chen Yuanchun finally had the opportunity to take the children out. At that time, each province had 10 spots to participate in Shenzhen, and all 10 children in Yunnan Province came from Cangyuan County. Lu Tianhao is also one of them. Previously, Lu Tianhao's farthest outing was to the urban area of Lincang. That was his first time flying. "I don't understand anything, I just feel very nervous. We followed the teacher all the way, and we did whatever the teacher said we would do." He was assigned a position near the aisle in the cabin. Midway through, a classmate gave him a seat by the window. Lu Tianhao said that it was the first time he had seen a line formed by the intersection of clouds and the sky at an altitude of ten thousand meters. Chen Yuanchun still remembers that in the city, children saw many novel things, and children also met their parents who worked in Shenzhen all year round. Although Lu Tianhao did not win the final, he smiled on the field. Chen Yuanchun had never seen him smile so brightly. "The children in the mountains are no worse than those outside, they just lack opportunities," said Chen Yuanchun. Cangyuan County is located in an earthquake zone, and the school regularly organizes earthquake drills for teachers and students. The children designed a conceptual programming work based on this: an earthquake sends a signal, triggering the propeller placed on the model of the teaching building to rotate rapidly, pulling the teaching building vertically, and also triggering the air cushion at the bottom of the model, allowing the teaching building to land safely. The Cangyuan Mountains are covered with dense vegetation, and there are occasional wildfires. Some students have designed "forest safety shelters". In case of emergency, firefighters can enter the safe house smoothly and press the button. The spraying device on the roof starts spraying fire extinguishing agents around, and the safe house can also provide lighting and send distress signals.

The students from Mengdong Town Central Primary School lined up for morning exercises. Photo by Zheng Ziyu

Right Eye of Programming Class in Border Town | Chen Yuanchun | Border Town

However, achieving the above creativity requires some more powerful programming motherboards. Due to insufficient funding, the school where Chen Yuanchun is located is unable to allocate the corresponding kit. Some students ask, "Teacher, can my idea really be realized?" In another school with over 600 students, originally 50% of students wanted to participate in programming courses, but recently only 10-15% of students wanted to participate. Some students say, "Let's wait for the equipment to update before we come." Programming classes still face many obstacles as they continue through the mountains. In recent years, many provinces and cities have promoted the establishment of programming related courses in primary and secondary schools, gradually popularizing programming education. Chen Yuanchun hopes that the school he teaches can popularize programming courses. At present, in order to reduce the burden on student families and protect the environment, the information technology textbooks at Chen Yuanchun School are not available to everyone, but are purchased and supplemented according to one-third of the number of students in each grade, ensuring that the number of students in a class is used. Teachers can only guarantee that students have one information technology class per week. In 2021, Lu Tianhao was admitted to Mengdong Middle School, which has already popularized programming courses throughout the school.

Shen Yingliu is proud of the children's achievements in programming. Photo by Zheng Ziyu

Right Eye of Programming Class in Border Town | Chen Yuanchun | Border Town

After entering junior high school, Lu Tianhao was no longer the "problematic youth" of the past, but became a student with top academic performance. He has also been exposed to higher-level programming courses, where he can input programs into the main control board to manipulate robots and mechanical vehicles. He also set a small goal for his programming skills: to create a multiplayer interactive game before graduating from junior high school. This game can be understood as an online game, and the programming difficulty is not small. Relying on programming to give himself a vision, he depicted the future in his mind: graduating from junior high school and entering high school, and going to Shenzhen to receive higher education in the future.

Lu Tianhao is currently completing the competition. Respondents provide pictures

Right Eye of Programming Class in Border Town | Chen Yuanchun | Border Town

Looking across the country, teachers like Chen Yuanchun with programming education resources are no longer a minority. Sang Shitao revealed that since 2017, they have conducted nearly a hundred training sessions annually, covering more than 20000 teachers nationwide. Among them, Chen Yuanchun is not the oldest, and many teachers are over 50 years old. Sang Shitao believes that bringing programming courses to children through teachers like Chen Yuanchun will be helpful for their logical thinking ability and way of viewing the world. After the surgery, Chen Yuanchun's eyes were restricted, but he was wondering if he could invite the skilled programmers from outside the mountain to come to the mountains to provide on-site guidance for the students; She is still learning Python on the computer, hoping to search for an open-source hardware "Xingkong Board" for teaching Python to teenagers, and bring better hardware resources back to the mountains.

Chen Yuanchun suffers from congenital fundus hypoplasia and requires eye drops for prolonged use. Photo by Zheng Ziyu

Right Eye of Programming Class in Border Town | Chen Yuanchun | Border Town

The children are participating in the competition. Respondents provide pictures

The preliminary online competition of the National Primary and Secondary School Information Technology Innovation and Practice Competition held in early May has yielded results, with three students from the school entering the finals. Not long ago, two new teachers, Que Meiyuan and Lu Yan, came to the school to be responsible for information technology courses. When Chen Yuanchun was not at school, Que Meiyuan and Lu Yan took on the responsibility of programming teaching. Lu Tianhao has also entered the semi-finals. Chen Yuanchun was very pleased. She felt that this summer was another opportunity for the children to go out and have a look. Perhaps the hardware and software are not as good as those outside the mountain, and there may be layers of obstacles. However, "The wood is already a ship, either burn the boat or set sail," said Chen Yuanchun.

Right Eye of Programming Class in Border Town | Chen Yuanchun | Border Town
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