How did this war achieve great victory?, 70 years ago, the CPC | War | Great Victory

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:28 AM

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Korean War. On July 27, 1953, after arduous struggles, the Korean Armistice Agreement was signed, marking the successful end of the War of Resistance against the United States and Aid to Korea.

Strong and powerful leadership of the CPC

In his article "The Victory and Significance of Resisting US Aggression and Aid Korea", Mao Zedong emphasized that "leadership is a factor, and without correct leadership, things cannot be done well." The CPC insisted on combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality, and with China's excellent traditional culture, realizing national independence and people's liberation, and integrating the fragmented old China into an independent modern nation state.

Through the continuous baptism of the Great Revolution, the Agrarian Revolution, the War of Resistance against Japan, and the War of Liberation, the CPC has grown into a mature Marxist political party with firm belief, strict discipline, strict organization, excellent style, and democratic concentration, and has formed a scientific guiding ideology. The party's leadership group has also grown into a Marxist politician, thinker, and militarist with superb leadership and profound strategic thinking. The distinctive characteristics of Marxist political parties not only enabled the CPC to win in the domestic revolutionary war, but also provided the crucial leadership guarantee for defeating the enemy in the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. In the Korean War, the opponent faced a new type of political party in human history, a new type of political leadership force, whose enormous combat power far exceeded the opponent's expectations.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech at the meeting to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Chinese People's Volunteers' War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea: "The great victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea once again proved that no political force can be like the Communist Party of China, for the sake of national rejuvenation and the happiness of the people. Sacrifice, make unremitting efforts, unite and unite hundreds of millions of millions of people to continue to win." During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the Party Central Committee took charge of the overall situation, implemented powerful war mobilization and correct war guidance, and adopted the policy of fighting, stabilizing, and building. The people of all ethnic groups across the country supported this issue that concerns the future and destiny of the country and the nation. Great struggle, in the end, the great victory was used to declare to the world that "the era when Western invaders could occupy a country for hundreds of years as long as they set up a few cannons on a coast in the east is gone forever".

The support of the people converges into a collective force

Mao Zedong emphasized in his article "The Victory and Significance of Resisting US Aggression and Aid Korea": "Our experience is that by relying on the people, coupled with a relatively correct leadership, we can use our inferior equipment to defeat the enemy with superior equipment." The War of Resisting US Aggression and Aid Korea is a people's war, where the people of the whole country work together, and the people of China and North Korea fight side by side. "Imperialist aggressors should understand that the Chinese people have already been organized and cannot be provoked. If they are provoked, it will be difficult to handle." Mao Zedong's discourse points out the people's factor behind the war and the revolutionary changes in the organizational and spiritual state of the Chinese people under the leadership of the Party.

In the process of the Party leading the people in revolutionary struggle, the Party highly cares about the interests of the people. Through diligent and meticulous ideological work and active and effective organizational work, it not only realizes the ideological enlightenment of the vast majority of the people, cultivates their historical subject consciousness, class consciousness, and sense of ownership, but also organizes the people, fully mobilizing their initiative and enthusiasm. The CPC has led, demonstrated, preached and contributed, and the people have been organized, mobilized and inspired. The party and the people are closely linked and have a deep love for each other. They work together to overcome difficulties. The high level of organization and full support of the people not only propelled the Chinese revolution towards victory, but also laid a solid social foundation for the victory of the Korean War. As the saying goes, "the unity of the military and the people is like one person, let's see who can resist in the world.".

The people spontaneously shouted the touching slogan "If we sweat more in the rear, the People's Volunteer Army will shed less blood in the front". The people's mobilization and ultimate victory in the Korean War broke the myth of invincibility of American imperialism, greatly enhanced the national confidence and pride of the Chinese people, and unprecedentedly enhanced the international prestige of New China, winning a relatively stable peaceful environment for national economic construction and people's lives.

The heroic and tenacious fighting of the People's Army

In the arduous Korean War, the People's Army bravely killed the enemy, giving rise to over 300000 heroic and meritorious figures such as Yang Gensi, Huang Jiguang, and Qiu Shaoyun, as well as nearly 6000 collective meritorious figures. 197653 of the "most lovely people" sacrificed their precious lives. The People's Army, which grew up in the midst of gunfire and bullets, not only demonstrated distinct political qualities, but also developed flexible and creative strategic tactics. The effective construction in ideology, politics, work style, organization, military and other aspects has enabled the People's Army to have the strong ability to dare to win and be good at winning.

The biggest difference between the armed forces led by the CPC and other armed forces is that the party commands guns and builds the military politically. In particular, the resolution of the Gutian Conference creatively combines the basic principles of Marxism with the actual situation of the Chinese revolution, clearly pointing out that the Red Army is an armed group that carries out revolutionary political tasks, and scientifically stipulating the Party's leadership principles over the military and military political work tasks. The Party's command of guns and the political construction of the military are like quenching steel in a furnace, giving the military construction a soul and making the People's Army completely different from the warlord forces that rely on military force in modern China, as well as the nature of the Western military. This has greatly stimulated and mobilized the cohesion, centripetal force, and combat effectiveness of the military.

Without a strong army, there can be no strong motherland. To adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, it is necessary to coordinate development and security, enrich the country, and strengthen the military. We must implement the Party's strong military ideology in the new era, implement the military strategic policy in the new era, unwaveringly adhere to the Party's absolute leadership over the People's Army, adhere to political construction, reform, technology, talent, and rule of law, comprehensively enhance our strategic ability to defend national sovereignty, security, and development interests, and better fulfill the mission and tasks of the People's Army in the new era.

The Chinese nation has always adhered to the concept of "being close, benevolent, and good neighbors", and firmly adhered to the path of peaceful development, open development, cooperative development, and common development. In the 70 years since the victory of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, under the strong leadership of the CPC, China has undergone unprecedented historical changes. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the Chinese nation has ushered in a great leap from standing up, becoming rich to becoming strong.

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