Advise the United States to avoid this kind of approach. Xinhua News Agency Review: Say one approach, do one strategy | Hegemony | The United States

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:27 PM

On June 3, US Secretary of Defense Austin advocated the "Indo Pacific Strategy" proposed by the United States at the 20th Shangri La Dialogue, using beautiful words such as "prosperity" and "peace" to fabricate a beautiful vision, in order to whitewash this so-called strategy that is filled with Cold War thinking and hegemonic logic. However, there is a clear mismatch between the self praise of the United States and the general perception of countries in the Asia Pacific region. The United States speaks good words but does bad things. Its words and actions are inconsistent, and its credibility has already gone bankrupt. This kind of trick of saying one thing and doing another is bound to fail.

The US has tried various ways to trap and label China in various occasions, singing a high tone of "peace", but in reality, it has played the role of a peace breaker and regional disruptor.Frequently dispatching ships and aircraft to provoke and cause trouble in the South China Sea, normalizing the implementation of so-called "freedom of navigation" operations, increasing temporary and rotating deployments, establishing military bases, and continuously strengthening the presence of power in the South China Sea region; Harming China's interests and concerns, constantly provoking and showing strength, and creating obstacles for military exchanges between the two sides... In short, the various actions of the United States make Austin's promise of "not seeking a new Cold War" unreliable.

The inconsistency between words and actions is reflected in the fictional vision of the United States for a better region. Talking about promoting prosperity in the Asia Pacific region, but in reality, it undermines the good development trend of regional cooperation and win-win cooperation in terms of supply chain and infrastructure; Talking about maintaining regional security, but in reality constantly stirring up opposition, strengthening military deployment in the Asia Pacific region, and creating a tense atmosphere; Speaking in support of ASEAN's "central position", in reality, bypassing the small circles led by the United States such as the "Four Party Security Dialogue" and the trilateral security partnership between the United States, Britain, and Australia, attempting to kidnap ASEAN countries and become pawns in geopolitical competition.

Inconsistency between words and actions is reflected in the United States, which has long been promoting American values and political systems under the banner of "democracy," "freedom," and "order," shaping other countries and the world order. American politicians often claim to be "democratic" and "free," but in reality, they set "democratic standards" according to the American model and do not allow other institutional models to exist, violating the freedom of people in various countries to choose their own development path in an anti democratic way. The international order that the United States talks about is actually an order that serves its own interests and maintains its hegemonic position. In various parts of the world, including the Asia Pacific region, the United States concocts and spreads false narratives of "democracy against authoritarianism", forcing countries to take sides, creating zero sum games and binary oppositions, which are incompatible with the values and development goals of the Asia Pacific region. There is not only one development model in the world, and there is no universally applicable system. We must not let the so-called Western values create a rift in the Asia Pacific region.

In recent years, the Asian region has maintained a good momentum of overall peace, stability, rapid development, and overall rise. Against the backdrop of the accelerated evolution of the world's century long changes, regional countries cherish the hard won momentum of development, strive to safeguard the dividends of regional peace, and are unwilling to take sides in order to fulfill the interests of the United States. Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong pointed out that regional cooperation initiatives proposed by various countries should help unite them, rather than divide them. The website of the bimonthly issue of Foreign Policy in the United States recently published an article pointing out that many regional countries do not agree with the perceived "China threat" of the United States, nor do they agree with the overly simplistic view that the United States divides the world into "authoritarian" and "democratic" countries. No matter how hard Washington tries, policies aimed at forcing countries to take sides will fail.

What the Asia Pacific region needs most now is peace and cooperation, and Austin openly stated at the dialogue that he wants to strengthen military deployment, develop defense cooperation, increase military exercises, and invest a large amount of strategic and military resources, while ignoring the development issues that countries are most concerned about. Michael Green, an Asian expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in the United States, criticized the "Indo Pacific Economic Framework" proposed by the United States for being ineffective, like a "Thanksgiving feast with only fillings and dipping sauce, but no turkey.".

In sharp contrast, China has demonstrated its position through practical actions: the Asia Pacific region is a highland for peaceful development, not a game of great powers. China is closely connected to the industrial chains of regional countries and has become the largest trading partner of most Asia Pacific countries; China and other countries in the region have jointly built the "the Belt and Road" and achieved common development, which has brought tangible benefits to all countries. Paul Henler, a China expert at the Carnegie Institute for International Peace Studies, a US foreign policy think tank, said, "The public perception in the Asia Pacific region may become that the United States will come to you with firearms and ammunition, while China is responsible for handling bread and butter issues related to trade and the economy."

The beautiful words of the United States cannot deceive the international community. Chinese people say "listen to what they say and observe what they do", and the founding president of the United States, Washington, also said "the true standard for measuring friends is action rather than words.". I advise the United States not to play one trick at a time. Ultimately, the world values not what you say, but what you do and how you do it.

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