His melancholic and mysterious gaze in his writing is so charming. [Take You to See the Exhibition] Botticelli is Popular in Shanghai Art | Botticelli | In His Writing

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:10 AM

From the "From Botticelli to Van Gogh - National Gallery Collection Exhibition" held at the Shanghai Museum in the first half of this year, to the "Botticelli and Renaissance" currently being held at the Dongyi Art Museum in Shanghai, the two popular exhibitions have brought the familiar yet unfamiliar name Botticelli from 15th century Italy to the hearts of contemporary audiences.

Why is the beauty created by this painter still stunning after centuries? Why do the women in his works always have a hint of melancholy in their calmness?

The "Little Wooden Bucket" of Feilengcui

Entering the Dongyi Art Museum on the Bund feels like pushing open a door leading to 15th century Florence. 10 masterpieces by Sandro Botticelli, as well as 38 classic works by contemporary painters such as Philippe Lippi and Perugino, all come from the world's art institution with the largest collection of Botticelli's works - the Uffizi Art Museum in Italy.

His melancholic and mysterious gaze in his writing is so charming. [Take You to See the Exhibition] Botticelli is Popular in Shanghai Art | Botticelli | In His Writing

Botticelli is undoubtedly the protagonist of this exhibition, and many people are familiar with his famous works "Spring" and "The Birth of Venus", but little is known about his life.

In 1445, Sandro Botticelli was born in Florence. His father is a leather merchant from a wealthy family. Botticelli is the youngest child in the family, with weak health.

"Botticelli" means "little barrel" in Italian, and it is not the painter's real name, but a nickname. Botticelli's elder brother is also a leather merchant, perhaps due to his shop's signature being a wooden barrel, or perhaps due to his overweight physique, people have nicknamed him "Big Wooden Barrel". So, his little brother Sandro was called the "little barrel" by people. No one expected that the "small wooden barrel" of Feilengcui would become a shining name in the history of world art in the future.

Realistic view of the marble sculpture exhibition hall for Otavio Giovanovic's "Portrait of the Great Lorenzo"

His melancholic and mysterious gaze in his writing is so charming. [Take You to See the Exhibition] Botticelli is Popular in Shanghai Art | Botticelli | In His Writing

Although young Botticelli had not read many books, he loved to hear knowledgeable people tell stories from classical mythology. He was once sent by his father to become an apprentice at the goldsmith's place, and at the age of 15, he studied under Philip Lippi, the most beloved painter of the Medici family at that time. The Medici family was the ruler of Florence's politics and culture. Under the rule of the third generation of Medici ruler Lorenzo, Florence ushered in the golden age of the Renaissance.

In addition to Philip Lippi, Botticelli also studied painting under several painters and developed a highly distinctive painting style. In 1470, the young Botticelli opened his own studio. At that time, the art commission business in Florence was very prosperous, with churches, nobles, and wealthy people in the city ordering portraits and other paintings from painters and their workshops. In that era without photography, the portraits produced by painters and workshops reflected people's understanding of the world.

At the age of 25, Botticelli completed his first milestone work in his artistic career - "Goddess of Perseverance". At the age of 28, he painted "Saint Sebastian" and gained fame. Afterwards, he became the official painter of the Medici family, and his artistic life was closely linked to this family that deeply influenced the process of the Renaissance.

Sandro bocelli "pilgrimage of the three doctors" 1474-1475 Italian uffizi art collection

His melancholic and mysterious gaze in his writing is so charming. [Take You to See the Exhibition] Botticelli is Popular in Shanghai Art | Botticelli | In His Writing

At the age of 30, Botticelli completed "The Pilgrimage of the Three Doctors". This painting is derived from biblical stories and was a very popular painting theme at that time. More than 30 characters have different expressions, and important members of the Medici family appear in different identities in the painting, with vivid and lifelike images.

More importantly, Botticelli also drew himself inside. His standing posture is unique, and when he looks back, he seems to be staring at the audience watching the painting, which is also the only self painted image that Botticelli has ever passed down. This masterpiece made its debut at the Dongyi Art Museum in Shanghai, attracting many viewers to stop.

Portrait of Botticelli in the Pilgrimage of the Three Masters

Linear Language Master

His melancholic and mysterious gaze in his writing is so charming. [Take You to See the Exhibition] Botticelli is Popular in Shanghai Art | Botticelli | In His Writing

"Goddess Pallas Athena and Centaur" is a very important work in this exhibition. The goddess Athena in the painting grabs the hair of a centaur with her right hand, and the centaur holding a bow and arrow turns its head to show obedience to the goddess. Athena is dressed in a floral robe adorned with laurel branches and leaves, appearing gentle, while the vertical long handled battle axe tightly held in her left hand appears strong. In the eyes of Shi Aike, the director of the Ufizi Art Museum, this painting symbolizes wisdom. "It was originally a wedding gift, symbolizing that only through continuous learning can one grow and develop, rather than relying solely on instincts to live."

The masterpiece "Spring" handed down by Bocelli has a total of 9 characters. Curator Schick suggested that everyone should look at this work from right to left. The third figure on the right is Flora, the god of flowers. She holds flowers in her hands and has many flowers in her folds. "Many viewers will regard Venus, the god of love in the middle of the picture, as a symbol of spring. In fact, in this work, Flora really represents the arrival of spring."

In addition to appreciating the unique characters in the painter's paintings, there are also 138 types of flowers and plants showcasing the beauty of spring, which are also worth savoring carefully. These flowers were not imagined by the painter out of thin air, but truly presented the scenery of the outskirts of Florence.

In Botticelli's era, oil painting materials had gradually become popular, but he still favored traditional egg colored pigments. Egg color is mainly made by blending egg yolk or egg white with pigments, with a lightweight and transparent effect. The reason why the texture of the goddess Luo Shan in "Spring" is so vivid and dreamlike is due to the charm of egg color.

His melancholic and mysterious gaze in his writing is so charming. [Take You to See the Exhibition] Botticelli is Popular in Shanghai Art | Botticelli | In His Writing

Sandro Botticelli's "Spring" is exclusively authorized by the Uffizi Art Museum in Italy to simulate and reproduce

The Birth of Venus was once referred to by art historians as a world-renowned and suspenseful painting. Its specific creation time is unknown, and the client of the painting is also uncertain. The painting is full of various metaphors and allusions. According to Director Shi Aike, when this artwork was first exhibited at the Ufizi Art Museum, there was not enough lighting in the exhibition hall. In the darkness, this legendary masterpiece increasingly revealed a sense of mystery. However, it can be certain that the image conveys love and beauty, and Venus in the shell is a goddess that transcends time. Anyone standing in front of the painting can feel the awe inspiring beauty.

The portrait of the young woman "Simonetta Vespucci" in the exhibition hall is one of Botticelli's most famous portraits. The painter does not only draw a bust on the model's chest, but also draws the waist of the character in the composition. Bottice used beautiful lines to outline Simone's stunning profile, her gaze bright and with a hint of sadness, her fresh and gentle charm, which aroused infinite imagination in later generations.

Botticelli was later known as the "master of linear language", and he was a fellow countryman and former classmate of Leonardo da Vinci, who was 7 years younger than him. Da Vinci was neglected by the Medici family and went to Milan to start his own business, unintentionally leaving Florence as a blessed land for Botticelli to showcase his skills. Unlike Leonardo da Vinci's famous "gradual concealment method," Botticelli excels at using lines to emphasize the contours of objects, set off character rhythms, and maximize the emotional expression of lines. Director Shi Aike said, "Botticelli uses the 'halo painting method' to create a soft and atmospheric effect. His paintings are like a visually rich poem, comparable to the love lines of the Renaissance poet Petrarch."

His melancholic and mysterious gaze in his writing is so charming. [Take You to See the Exhibition] Botticelli is Popular in Shanghai Art | Botticelli | In His Writing

Sandro Botticelli's Portrait of the Young Woman "Simonetta Vespucci" in the collection of the Uffizi Art Museum in Italy

Regretful sighs, weak weariness

Before Botticelli, the vast majority of portrait paintings depicted characters with drooping eyelids or side faces. He boldly used his exquisite skills to make the characters "look" directly at the viewer and engage in some kind of eye contact with them. And when people quietly gaze at characters such as Venus, Flora, and Athena in the painting, it is not difficult to read the unique charm in their eyes that is both calm and melancholic.

Who is Botticelli's "muse of inspiration"? Some people say it's Simonetta, but it's obvious that Simonetta's presence is present in works such as "The Birth of Venus" and "Spring". It is said that she is incredibly beautiful and famous throughout the city. Her fair skin and melancholic temperament have attracted many poets and artists to create for her. Unfortunately, she passed away before the age of 23, causing sadness throughout the city. But some people also believe that Botticelli's inspiration came from more than one person.

His melancholic and mysterious gaze in his writing is so charming. [Take You to See the Exhibition] Botticelli is Popular in Shanghai Art | Botticelli | In His Writing

French historian Dana once recorded Florence at that time as follows: "Italians only wanted to have fun in time and turn life into a grand event. They felt it was unfair to worry about other things, and the most important thing was to provide luxurious enjoyment for their spirit, facial features, and especially their eyes." Although Florence at that time appeared to be smooth sailing, it was actually full of undercurrents, and aristocratic families occasionally experienced unexpected events such as assassinations. The younger brother of Lorenzo, the ruler of the Medici family, was assassinated. As the official painter of the Medici family, why the characters in Botticelli's works always show a hint of melancholy may be related to the historical background at that time.

Part of Sandro Botticelli's "Goddess Pallas Athena and Centaur"

In his later years, a great upheaval occurred in Florence, and the Medici family was expelled. The monk Savonarola of Saint Mark's Monastery was in charge of Florence. He changed the luxurious style of Florence in the past, advocating for people to live a simple spiritual life and repent of their sins. Botticelli personally burned many of his works and devoted his energy to the creation of religious themed paintings. Many of his later works were full of mystery, seriousness, and sadness. However, his paintings gradually became less popular in the market. He did not receive any orders from 1502 until his death in 1510. This great painter ultimately passed away in poverty and illness.

It was not until the 19th century that the artistic value of Botticelli was rediscovered by the pre Raphaelite painters in England, who regarded Botticelli as a spiritual mentor in art. "Pre Raphaelite painter Pete said, 'The secular and saints depicted by Botticelli exude a special kind of sadness. They are charming, sometimes like angels, but also seem to be displaced and at a loss... This passion and energy carries an indescribable sense of sadness.' Painter Ruskin believes that Botticelli's art expresses' sighs of regret, weak weariness, and a kind of recklessness that appears absurd compared to reality. '"

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