Our party follows this important historical experience and educates our ideology at every major historical juncture

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:31 AM

Concentrated education within the Party is an effective way and excellent tradition for our Party to unify its thinking, purify its workforce, enhance its combat effectiveness and cohesion.

Since the Yan'an Rectification Movement, at every major historical juncture in the history of the Party, the CPC has focused on solving prominent problems in the Party's ideology, organization, style and other aspects by carrying out centralized education within the Party and arming the whole Party with the Party's innovative theory, so as to achieve ideological unity, which has become the deepest, most lasting and most reliable guarantee to ensure the unity of the Party.

Yan'an Rectification Movement - The First Party Concentrated Learning and Education

Dogmatism caused significant losses to the Chinese revolution, but it used to scare people in the guise of Marxism. At that time, some dogmatic comrades in the party had long rejected the experience of the Chinese revolution and denied the truth that "Marxism is not dogma but a guide to action.". In addition, the Zunyi Conference resolved the urgent military line issue at the time, but the political line issue was not resolved. In order to carry out revolutionary struggles based on China's actual situation and systematically summarize the previous military and political line issues, it is urgent to have a comprehensive study of the entire party.

The Yan'an rectification movement, which began in February 1942 and ended in the spring of 1945, was a universal Marxist education movement in the history of the CPC. The Yan'an Rectification Movement established a Marxist style by opposing subjectivism, sectarianism, and party stereotyped writing. It dispelled the erroneous tendency within the party to dogmatize Marxism, sanctify the directives of the Communist International, and absolutize Soviet experience. It achieved a new unity and solidarity of the entire party under the leadership of Comrade Mao Zedong as the core of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

He said, "Politically, through the Yan'an Rectification Movement, the Party united the whole Party under the banner of Mao Zedong, achieving unprecedented unity and unity. In terms of ideology, the Party established the guiding position of Mao Zedong Thought in the whole Party and incorporated it into the Party Constitution. In terms of organization, the Party formed a tested group of politicians who held high the banner of Mao Zedong."

The Rectification of the Party in 1983- the First Concentrated Education within the Party after the Reform and Opening up

In October 1983, the Second Plenary Session of the 12th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China passed the Decision on Rectification of the Party, which decided to carry out a comprehensive rectification of the Party's style and organization in stages and batches over a period of three years. At that time, although the Cultural Revolution had ended for several years, some issues were still not completely resolved. Therefore, the main purpose of the 1983 rectification of the Party was to solve the problems of impure ideology, impure work style, and impure organization faced by the Party, as well as the current situation where the Party's conduct has not fundamentally improved. Before this rectification, Deng Xiaoping summarized historical experience and lessons, repeatedly emphasizing the cessation of sports and hoping to promote the country to quickly get on the right track of economic development. This ideology also influenced the way the rectification of the Party was carried out in 1983.

In addition, the central part of rectifying the Party is to conduct a comprehensive and in-depth ideological education within the Party. The learning content includes the report of the 12th National Congress, the new Party Constitution, the Resolution on Several Historical Issues of the Party Since the Founding of the People's Republic of China, and the Several Guidelines for Political Life within the Party, as well as the basic theories of Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, communist ideals, the Party's line, principles, policies, basic knowledge of the Party, and education on the standards of Communist Party members. The rectification of the Communist Party of China in 1983 achieved good results, eliminating the toxic effects of ten years of internal turmoil, unifying thoughts, rectifying work styles, strengthening discipline, and purifying organizations, laying an important foundation for reform and opening up.

"Three Lectures" Education - The First Party Concentration Education in the New Century

At the end of 1998, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China carried out party spirit and conduct education among leading cadres at or above the county level, with the main content of "emphasizing learning, politics, and integrity". The "Three Lectures" education was a centralized education within the Party at the turn of the century, and also the first centralized education within the Party in the new century.

At the end of the 20th century, great changes have taken place in the party members and cadres of the CPC. As of the end of 1999, there were basically no members of the party and government leadership teams at the provincial, ministerial, and municipal levels who participated in work before the establishment of the People's Republic of China. The young people trained after the Cultural Revolution have become the backbone of leadership teams at all levels. At the same time, in the market economy environment, various temptations of interests have correspondingly increased, and higher requirements have also been put forward for party members and cadres. Faced with the challenges of the new situation, the "three lectures" education is not only theoretical learning, but also faces the serious problems existing within the cadre group, ultimately promoting the improvement of the ideological and work style of party members and cadres, and enhancing their awareness of resisting corruption and preventing change.

The Party's Mass Line Education Practice Activity - The First Party Internal Concentrated Education in the New Era

Shortly after the conclusion of the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech during the first collective study of the 18th CPC Central Committee Politburo: "A large number of facts tell us that the problem of corruption is getting worse and worse, and eventually the Party and the country will be destroyed! We must be vigilant! The serious violations of discipline and law that have occurred in our Party in recent years are of a very bad nature and have a very bad political impact, shocking." At that time, the danger of mental slackness, lack of ability, separation from the masses, and negative corruption were more acutely placed in front of the whole party. There were a large number of phenomena of separation from the masses within the party, and some problems were still quite serious.

On May 9, 2013, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the Opinion on Deepening the Education and Practice of the Party's Mass Line throughout the Party.While carrying out the education and practice activities of the Party's mass line, the whole Party comprehensively promotes the construction of work style by implementing the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations. Formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism, and extravagance have been effectively rectified, and prominent problems strongly reflected by the masses have been effectively resolved.Shortly thereafter, comprehensive and strict governance of the Party became an important component of the "Four Comprehensives" strategic layout. As the extension and deepening of the Party's mass line education and practice activities, the special education of "strict self-cultivation, strict use of power, strict self-discipline, practical planning, practical entrepreneurship, and practical conduct" and the learning and education of "learning the Party Constitution and regulations, series of speeches, and being a qualified Party member" are the two special education after the educational practice activities, forming a new characteristic of centralized education within the Party in the new era in a combination form.

Study and implement Xi Jinping's ideological theme Education of Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the New era

——The first centralized education within the Party to embark on the second century long journey and a new stage of development

General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "In the new era and new journey, facing the complicated international and domestic situation, arduous and arduous tasks of reform, development and stability, and various uncertain and unpredictable risks and challenges, it is urgent to achieve the strategic goals set by the Party's 20th National Congress. The majority of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres at all levels, further study and implement the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This is the main consideration for the Party Central Committee to determine to carry out this theme education throughout the party." In the first year of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the whole party carried out education on the theme of studying and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The general requirement is to "learn ideas, strengthen party spirit, re-practice, and build new achievements", which reflects our party. The consistent requirements of combining understanding with practice, linking theory with practice, transforming the subjective world and transforming the objective world are unified, it is a closely linked, interconnected and internally unified whole.

From the first centralized education within the Party to the latest thematic education, at major historical junctures, centralized education within the Party often plays an important role in achieving unity and solidarity throughout the Party. This is an important historical experience of our Party. In different historical periods, the problems that our party needs to solve are different, so the concentrated education within the party has its own emphasis on form and content. However, every time there is a centralized education within the Party, theoretical learning is always the primary task and runs through it, achieving the unity of the Party through ideological unity. From the history of conducting centralized education within the Party, it can be seen that every centralized education within the Party has continuously innovated on the basis of practice, and has made new breakthroughs, opened up new situations, and demonstrated new atmosphere in promoting centralized education within the Party. This greatly strengthens our confidence in carrying out theme education and has important implications for how to carry out theme education well.

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