Shanghai's largest rental community has advanced to become a "top science and technology innovation talent" and "looks forward to being neighbors with people who change the world" talent | Zhangjiang | Community

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 20:16 PM

"I have been starting a business in Zhangjiang for many years, starting from 12 square meters. Although we have encountered difficulties, the entrepreneurial environment in Zhangjiang has given us tremendous energy and prompted us to move forward. At the same time, living and working in peace is also very important. The emergence of the NES Zhangjiang International Community not only provides a living environment, but also a good space for communication." Pan Acudong, the president of the Zhangjiang Science City Chamber of Commerce and the chairman of Heyuan Biotechnology, who has deep feelings, said, "I look forward to being neighbors with people who have changed the world here."

The "NES" he mentioned is a market-oriented rental community operation brand launched by Zhangjiang Group on June 2nd. Zhangjiang International Community, as the first project of this brand to be launched, is currently the largest fully leased community in Shanghai. The second phase is expected to be delivered in July, with priority given to science and technology innovation talents.

[Refinement: Diversified residential products, multi-level residential ecology]

NES has extracted the pronunciation and meanings of the English words nice and nest, hoping to create a beautiful home for talents at home and abroad; The Chinese phrase "Na Shi" embodies the beautiful wish of recruiting talents and gathering talents.

Zhangjiang International Community is adjacent to the sub center of Zhangjiang Science City, and is only 2 kilometers away from Zhangjiang's "Science Gate" in a straight line. It is surrounded by national scientific facilities, research institutions, universities, and characteristic industrial parks, as well as rich supporting facilities such as commercial and cultural facilities. It is a landmark talent residential project of Zhangjiang Science City, with a total construction area of 530000 square meters, divided into three phases of construction, and a total of about 4600 units.

The first phase of Zhangjiang International Community, which was put into operation in January 2022, is a high-end residential community mainly composed of backbone talents in science and technology innovation. The main housing types include 80 square meters of one bedroom, 100 square meters of two bedrooms, and 120 square meters of three bedrooms. The corridor style layout on the second floor connects 19 buildings to form a "High Line Park" aerial walking landscape passage.

Shanghai's largest rental community has advanced to become a "top science and technology innovation talent" and "looks forward to being neighbors with people who change the world" talent | Zhangjiang | Community

The second phase of Zhangjiang International Community, which will be put into operation in July, is a high-end residential community mainly composed of top scientific and technological talents, including large flat floors, stacked villas, and single family villas.

Zhangjiang International Community Phase II

The third phase of Zhangjiang International Community, which is planned to be put into operation in batches from the end of 2023 to 2024, will focus on serving young scientific and technological innovation talents, with a main room type of 30 square meters for one bedroom households.

Refined services, Zhangjiang International Community is building a multi-level residential ecosystem with diverse residential products.

[Vitality: "The community environment is beautiful, and the neighbors are also very friendly"]

Scientists Stephan and his wife from Russia have been living in the Zhangjiang International Community Phase I for over 7 months, and they are full of praise for the environment and atmosphere here. "The transportation here is very convenient, and I can take a shuttle bus to the place where I work. The community environment is very beautiful, and the neighbors are also very friendly."

Shanghai's largest rental community has advanced to become a "top science and technology innovation talent" and "looks forward to being neighbors with people who change the world" talent | Zhangjiang | Community

Zhangjiang International Community Phase I

Ms. Wang, Senior Product Manager of Baidu Company, born in the 1990s, just moved into the first phase of Zhangjiang International Community at the end of April this year. She signed a one-year lease agreement. "My family has also visited the house and, like me, they are very satisfied. I plan to renew my contract next year," Ms. Wang told Jiefang Daily's Shangguan News reporter.

In her opinion, living in Zhangjiang International Community has a high cost performance ratio, and each house is equipped with furniture and appliances, which can be easily moved in with a bag. Not only is there a children's playground here, but the meeting rooms in the community can also be provided for free to tenants. Regardless of whether it's rush hour in the morning or evening, she can drive to the company within 10 minutes. Next to the residential area is an elevated road, and driving for half an hour can reach many parts of the city. The ratio of parking spaces in the community is 1:1, with a large parking lot area and many charging stations.

Although she has just moved in for more than a month, Ms. Wang has already learned from the WeChat official account of Zhangjiang International Community that the community activities here are rich and colorful. "Not only are there pottery and flower arrangements, but also various themed activities during festivals, attracting many young people to participate. I am looking forward to it!"

Strengthening stickiness, Zhangjiang International Community is becoming an open, integrated, and shared dynamic community.

[Upgrade: The goal is to achieve a 50% job to residence ratio "

Shanghai's largest rental community has advanced to become a "top science and technology innovation talent" and "looks forward to being neighbors with people who change the world" talent | Zhangjiang | Community

To create a strong magnetic field for attracting and gathering talents, and to assist scientific and technological innovation talents in working and living in Zhangjiang, Zhangjiang Group has been raising housing resources from multiple sources. The entrepreneurial apartment, founded in the early 2000s, is known as the "1.0 version" of Zhangjiang Talent Apartment, setting a precedent for solving the housing problem of talent introduction at that time. Later, there was also the "High Tech Park" version 2.0 and the "Proud Son of Heaven" version 3.0. At present, there are over 10 talent apartment projects in the core area of Zhangjiang Science City, which to some extent meet the housing needs of Zhangjiang scientific researchers and various innovative and entrepreneurial talents.

Why build market-oriented rental apartments when there were already talent apartments like Zhuyu in front? Jin Limin, Deputy Chief Economist of Zhangjiang Group, introduced that although it has been gradually launched in recent years, talent apartments are still in short supply and too scattered. Shanghai has done a lot of work and came up with many solutions to retain talents. In 2017, it was the first in the country to introduce pure rental housing land, which is only available for rent but not for sale. Zhangjiang Group found through research that the job to residence ratio in Zhangjiang is only about 20%, and many people working in Zhangjiang do not live there.

Can Zhangjiang build more talent residential communities to promote the integration of science, industry, and city? Although renting in traditional talent apartments is subsidized by the government, the housing supply is limited, and the consumption of science and technology talents will gradually upgrade, resulting in differentiated requirements for community facilities and services. In this way, with the help of policies, Zhangjiang Group won the first pure rental housing land project in Shanghai, which gave rise to Zhangjiang International Community.

"Our goal is to strive for a 50% job to residence ratio in Zhangjiang Science City in the future." Speaking of the operation of Zhangjiang International Community, Jin Limin, who is also the general manager of Zhangjiang Huicheng Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., said that the management of Zhangjiang International Community is market-oriented, but the rent for houses will be slightly lower than that of similar quality properties in the surrounding area. The second phase will be delivered in July this year, with the addition of underfloor heating compared to the first phase, which can also be directly checked in with a bag.

Rendering of Zhangjiang International Community Phase III

Jin Limin introduced that the Zhangjiang International Community will continuously amplify the community effect of gathering scientific and technological innovation talents. "We hold salons, markets, and coffee festivals in the hope of integrating scientific and technological innovation inspiration with life fun, becoming a living space for young talents to exchange, share, and stimulate creativity."

Shanghai's largest rental community has advanced to become a "top science and technology innovation talent" and "looks forward to being neighbors with people who change the world" talent | Zhangjiang | Community

"The purpose of technological innovation and creation is to make life better. We build rental apartments to make the lives of scientists and entrepreneurs better." Yuan Tao, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Zhangjiang Group, said that Zhangjiang Group will continuously innovate the content and methods of talent services, and improve the level of comprehensive talent service guarantee in a market-oriented manner.

Let the vast number of talents carry a bag, settle down a home, and jointly build a city. It is understood that in the future, the NES brand will also launch products such as Zhangjiang Scientist Apartment and Zhangjiang Medical Park International Community, with a global perspective and international standards, continuously improving various supporting facilities, and helping Zhangjiang Science City build a science and technology innovation talent ecosystem.

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