Childlike Heart Writing, Building Dreams for the Future Chevrolet Red Powder Pen "I am a Color Master" Illuminates Dreams with Colors Painting | Children | Colors

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 01:19 AM

Recently, the opening ceremony of the Chevrolet Red Pen Education Program's "I am a Color Master" Children's Dream Painting Class and Public Welfare Painting Exhibition was held in Beijing. 17 rural children successfully completed a three-day painting class course at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Their imaginative and lifelike paintings shone brightly at the exhibition, allowing everyone to witness the children's transformation and improvement from painting skills to learning attitudes, as well as the new departure of their life dreams.

In the eyes of children, the world is colorful and colorful, and they have a strong sense and expressive power towards colors. During his 17 years as a volunteer teacher, Chevrolet Red Pen encountered many children who loved drawing, but due to a lack of professional guidance, their seeds of drawing were difficult to sprout in their hearts. In order to showcase the artistic talents of rural children, Chevrolet Red Pen specially planned the "Lighting Dreams with Colors - I am a Color Master" activity in 2023. Through painting competitions, children's dream painting classes, and public art exhibitions, children are encouraged to explore the possibilities of their dreams through colors.

The Sprout of Dreams - I am a Color Master · Painting Competition

In order to showcase children's painting talents to more people, Chevrolet Red Pen launched the "I am a Color Master" painting competition in June this year, soliciting excellent painting works from rural schools that have previously taught. Once the event was launched, it received support from numerous schools and teachers and students. This competition received a total of 170 works from 17 schools, each of which showcased children's love and hope for life and the world. Through preliminary review by the project team, online voting, and multi-dimensional evaluation by experts, the top 20 small creators were comprehensively selected, and they were invited to come to Beijing to receive professional training and guidance from the Children's Art Education Research Center of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

The Watering of Dreams - I am a Color Master · Children's Dream Painting Class

Childlike Heart Writing, Building Dreams for the Future Chevrolet Red Powder Pen "I am a Color Master" Illuminates Dreams with Colors Painting | Children | Colors

On August 2nd, the "I am a Color Master · Children's Dream Painting Class" officially opened! During the three-day journey, the children received a series of professional training and education at the Central American Children's Art Education Research Center. They listened to Zheng Qinyan, a professor and doctoral supervisor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, introducing and commenting on the works of Central Beauty. In Zheng Mingze's explanation, they met art and themselves, and in Liu Ze's classroom, they experienced the style of Master Cezanne. They learned acrylic paint painting, appreciated point art, and created their own unique "impression of the Forbidden City.". At the same time, the first 3D street painting artist in China, Teacher Qi Xinghua, provided guidance for the children. When Teacher Qi encouraged everyone to strive for success through his unremitting efforts, the children were greatly inspired and their dreams of artistic creation quietly grew in their hearts.

Art does not come from imagination, but rather from observation and enlightenment of life. At the same time as classroom learning, the children also visited the flag raising ceremony in front of Tiananmen Square for the first time, appreciated the Bird's Nest and Water Cube from an artistic and design perspective for the first time, and received artistic education at an art museum for the first time. When the solemn national anthem rings over Tiananmen Square, the children's hearts are filled with excitement. Inheritance, promotion, exploration, and progress are not only the driving force for children to strive, but also the lifelong task for them to pursue their dreams.

Witness of Dreams - I am a Color Master · Public Welfare Art Exhibition

In order to make children's works shine on a larger stage, Chevrolet Red Pen has specially held a charity art exhibition for the children. In the "Colorful Dreams" section, the entries from the "I am a Color Master · Painting Competition" are presented, and behind each exquisite painting, children's unique expressions of the world can be seen. The works presented in the section of "Dreams Grow at a Joint" show that after professional training, children are more confident and dynamic in using colors and expressing themselves in painting. Their progress and growth are delightful and moving.

"My dream is to hold an art exhibition."

Childlike Heart Writing, Building Dreams for the Future Chevrolet Red Powder Pen "I am a Color Master" Illuminates Dreams with Colors Painting | Children | Colors

"I'm sure my future self will enjoy laughing more and drawing more!"

"I must work hard and be admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts in the future!"

"I hope more people can see my paintings."

This is the children's letter to their dreams, where we can glimpse their longing for their dreams. When writing this letter, they were filled with longing and anticipation for the future. I hope they will become more confident and hardworking on the road to their dreams, firmly pick up their paintbrushes, and paint the colors in their hearts!

Under the leadership of Lu Zhengxian, a specially appointed lecturer at the Children's Art Education Research Center of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the children collaborated on site to create their own unique painting, "A Thousand Miles of galloping mountains and rivers.". The Chevrolets in the painting shuttle between the towering mountains, symbolizing the love and warmth of Chevrolet Red Powder Pen, running towards rural primary schools across the country, helping rural quality education, bringing hope to children, and lighting up the dreams of local children.

Childlike Heart Writing, Building Dreams for the Future Chevrolet Red Powder Pen "I am a Color Master" Illuminates Dreams with Colors Painting | Children | Colors

It is worth mentioning that the short few days of artistic journey have not only improved the artistic cognition and painting skills of many children who are new to the county, but also enhanced their confidence and broadened their horizons. They went from being shy and shy when they first arrived to daring to loudly introduce their paintings to strangers at art exhibitions, and their dreams also became higher and farther.

Although the children's summer dream chasing journey is nearing its end, the "I am a Color Master · Public Welfare Painting Exhibition" will gradually tour other cities, and the children's works will also appear on more and larger stages. In the future, I hope that children will continue to hold onto their dreams and strive towards their goals. Chevrolet Red Pen will always accompany them, building a bridge for children to reach their dreams with warmth!

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