You won’t accompany me to take the college entrance examination? ", the policeman fell while chasing the murderer... Daughter: "Dad, he was stabbed 15 times

Release time:Jun 03, 2024 11:27 AM

Qiu Jianjun was stabbed in 15 places including his neck and abdomen.

At 0:12 on June 1, some people called the police saying that a man was holding a knife and trying to hurt someone at the door of a hotel in Wuhan City, Hubei Province. Qiu Jianjun, the deputy director on duty at Hanxing Police Station, quickly led his team to the scene, but found that the suspect had left.

The police found out that the man with the knife was named Feng and he had returned to the rental place. At about 1 o'clock in the morning, Qiu Jianjun led policemen Mei Fei, Liu Xiaozhong and auxiliary policemen Liu Chenghuan and Shen Yunzhi to the place carrying police shields, steel forks, batons and other equipment.

After opening the door, Feng's mother informed that Feng was in the bedroom and locked the door. In order to eliminate the hidden danger of knife-wielding, Qiu Jianjun immediately ordered the auxiliary police officers to stand in battle formation with shields and steel forks, and shouted into the house to ask Feng to open the door.

At this time, Feng suddenly opened the door and rushed out of the house, holding a 56-centimeter-long sharp sword and slashing wildly at the police and auxiliary police officers at the scene. Since there is a passage less than one meter wide from the living room to the bedroom, which is not conducive to execution, auxiliary police officer Liu Chenghuan was injured in the head and arms during the close encounter.

After Qiu Jianjun signaled everyone to temporarily retreat to a relatively safe place, he told shield bearer Shen Yunzhi to pay attention to safety while decisively taking out his pistol and loading the bullet. At this moment, Feng rushed out of the bedroom with two daggers and waved the murder weapon in an extremely manic mood. His mother saw this and tried to stop him, but Feng still raised his knife and waved it to rush out.

The situation was very dangerous and the scene was extremely cramped. In order to protect the people at the scene and his comrades, Qiu Jianjun was not afraid to rush forward and started a life-and-death struggle with Feng. During the fight, Qiu Jianjun was stabbed in 15 places including his neck and abdomen, and blood spurted out.

Upon seeing this, Feng ran away in a panic. Qiu Jianjun endured the pain and chased him down 25 steps and more than 20 meters away. Blood was sprinkled all the way from the room to the stairs and to the roadside of the community. In the end, Qiu Jianjun fell into a pool of blood due to lack of physical strength... Subsequently, his comrades who came for reinforcements after hearing the news worked together to subdue and capture Feng.

Qiu Jianjun was rushed to the hospital for rescue. At about 5 o'clock in the morning, the bad news came. Qiu Jianjun finally died heroically due to excessive blood loss and ineffective treatment.

Qiu Jianjun, who just turned 50, graduated from Wuhan People's Police School in 1994 and was assigned to work in the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Jianghan District Bureau. He has been a police officer for 30 years. No matter how ferocious the criminals are, he always leads the charge. He has been injured three times in dealing with dangerous situations, and has been awarded the third-class personal merit twice and commended six times.

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