Xi’s voice echoes丨Protect the “golden seeds” of Chinese civilization

Release time:Jun 03, 2024 09:47 AM

At the foot of Yanshan Mountain in Beijing, among the green mountains, the Central Headquarters of the National Library of China is located here.

On June 1, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during an inspection at the Central Branch of the National Edition Library of China that the “original purpose of building the National Edition Library is to collect and protect all the classic materials that can be collected since ancient times at this historical stage of ours.” , and continue to pass on the only uninterrupted civilization in the world.”

Editions of ancient books are containers of exquisite and broad civilization and carriers of culture. In front of the exhibit of the Ming Dynasty manuscript "Records of the Ambassador to Ryukyu", Zhao Yinfang, deputy director and research librarian of the Ancient Books Department of the National Edition Museum of China, recalled the scene at that time: "The General Secretary stopped at the "Records of the Ambassador to Ryukyu" and mentioned some of his work in Fujian experience, emphasizing the need to strengthen the collection and compilation of classics and editions to inherit and develop Chinese civilization well. "

Chen Kan's blue-coded manuscript "Shi Liuqiu Lu"

In order to protect the seed genes of Chinese culture and inherit and develop Chinese civilization, the National Edition Library includes resources with historical and cultural inheritance value that contain the imprint of Chinese civilization, text symbols, and contextual information at all times and at home and abroad into the edition category, covering ancient Chinese books, oracle bones. There are 108 items in ten categories, including slips, revolutionary documents, religious documents, rubbings of inscriptions, local chronicles, family trees, engravings and seals, archival documents, audio-visual images, and modern publications. Since its opening more than a year ago, the National Edition Library has received donations of 150,000 physical editions/pieces/sets from all walks of life. Up to now, there are more than 32 million copies/pieces in collection.

"The main task of the National Editions Library is collection. Collection should be the main business, strengthen the collection of editions of historical classics, and protect them by classification and classification."

"On the premise of doing a good job in the main business, we will assist all parties in researching and excavating versions of historical classics."

Zhao Yinfang was deeply encouraged by the general secretary’s entrustment. She believes that on the one hand, we must do a good job in edition collection, actively promote the research and development of innovative edition protection technologies, and improve the technological level of protection and restoration of various editions. We must also focus on the digitization of ancient books, publication big data, cultural digital exhibition, and cultural "going global" In other key areas, we will create a series of public welfare service platforms, allowing more rare ancient books to be displayed and integrated into the cloud, so as to truly build the National Edition Library into a safe repository to protect the "golden seeds" of Chinese civilization.

"I believe that in the near future, everyone will be able to easily access these high-quality traditional cultural resources without leaving home." Zhao Yinfang said.

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