A splendid chapter in the story | Jing Chu meets his bosom friend Xi Jinping | Emperor Yan | bosom friend

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:Jun 03, 2024 09:47 AM

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has elevated cultural construction to a new historical height, led the construction of a cultural power to achieve new historic achievements, and raised our party's understanding of the role of culture and the laws of cultural development To a new level.

On June 2, 2023, a symposium on cultural inheritance and development was held in Beijing. General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech, comprehensively and systematically analyzing a series of major theoretical and practical issues in the inheritance and development of Chinese culture from the overall strategic perspective of the development of the party and the country's undertakings. The in-depth elaboration points out the direction and provides fundamental guidance for promoting cultural inheritance and development on the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country.

In the new era, China’s excellent traditional culture is taking on new vitality. At the just-concluded 20th Shenzhen Cultural Expo, a "Glockphone Harmony" spanning thousands of years was staged as a "legend of the past and present". This is "Song of the Yangtze River" performed by two musical instruments from Hubei, a 1:1 replica of Zeng Hou Yi's chimes and the Yangtze River Piano. The audience repeatedly praised: "The collision between ancient and modern cultures is simply wonderful." !

A splendid chapter in the story | Jing Chu meets his bosom friend Xi Jinping | Emperor Yan | bosom friend

At present, as an important part of China's excellent traditional culture, Jingchu culture is continuing to innovate, following the footsteps of the integration of culture and tourism, attracting more close friends to meet in Hubei.

Jingchu culture is an important part of the long-standing Chinese civilization and plays an important role in the history of the development of Chinese civilization.

——In April 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out when visiting the Hubei Provincial Museum’s exquisite cultural relics exhibition.

A splendid chapter in the story | Jing Chu meets his bosom friend Xi Jinping | Emperor Yan | bosom friend

Jingchu culture is an ancient and rich cultural fertile ground.

Millions of years ago, "Yunxian people" thrived here, proving my country's millions of years of human history;

Five thousand years ago, Emperor Yan Shennong started a splendid farming civilization here and created an early civilization of rituals and music, which became an important milestone in the history of Chinese civilization. Today, the Root-Seeking Festival in Emperor Yan’s Hometown has been held for 16 consecutive years and has had a wide impact on Chinese people around the world. On June 2 this year, the World Chinese Root-Seeking Festival in the hometown of Emperor Yan of the Year of Jiachen was held in Suizhou.

A splendid chapter in the story | Jing Chu meets his bosom friend Xi Jinping | Emperor Yan | bosom friend

An ancestor worship ceremony about "finding roots" is the inheritance and promotion of China's excellent traditional culture.

In terms of the ritual process, the design includes nine ritual procedures: ringing drums and ringing bells, opening the holy door, lighting new fires, presenting flower baskets, paying incense to the ancestor, reading hymns, worshiping the ancestor together, singing to the ancestor, and paying homage to the holy statue. , fully integrating elements of Yandi culture, Jingchu culture, and Zengsui culture;

In terms of chanting and singing, classics such as the Book of Rites and the Book of Songs are introduced, and literary styles such as the Book of Songs, Chu Ci, and Han Fu are used;

A splendid chapter in the story | Jing Chu meets his bosom friend Xi Jinping | Emperor Yan | bosom friend

In terms of music, it deeply explores and displays the essence of "ritual and music culture" in traditional Chinese culture, integrating eight musical instruments including chimes, chimes, drums, chimes, shengs, harps, zithers, and panpipes unearthed from the Zenghou Yi site, and innovatively arranges them. Ceremony music.

Picture/The scene of the ceremony to pay homage to Emperor Yan Shennong in Suizhou, Hubei Province in the Year of Jiachen

Inheriting the trend of hundreds of generations and integrating changes from the past to the present, it not only embodies the sense of culture, ritual, participation and atmosphere, but also fully demonstrates the continuity of China’s excellent traditional culture, especially the ritual and music culture, sacrificial culture and local characteristic culture.

A splendid chapter in the story | Jing Chu meets his bosom friend Xi Jinping | Emperor Yan | bosom friend

More importantly, "Searching for Roots" gives full play to the role of excellent traditional culture in casting souls and educating people, gathering a sense of identity with Chinese culture, and stirring up deep and lasting ideas in the practical struggle that is inherited from history and resonates with the times. , the power of high spirits and forge ahead.

The cultural context that lasts for millions of years all tells the story together: Jingchu culture is an important part of the long-standing Chinese civilization and plays a decisive role in the history of the development of Chinese civilization. It also inspires the Chinese people at home and abroad to work together to build a strong country and rejuvenate the nation.

Efforts will be made to continue the Chinese cultural context and promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China’s excellent traditional culture.

A splendid chapter in the story | Jing Chu meets his bosom friend Xi Jinping | Emperor Yan | bosom friend

——In October 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued important instructions on the propaganda of ideological and cultural work.

Cultural self-confidence is the most basic, profound and lasting force in the development of a country or a nation. Under the new historical opportunity, Hubei has gathered strength with culture and shaped culture with tourism. Jingchu culture has always been eclectic and everlasting.

Picture/1:1 replica of Zeng Houyi’s chime was unveiled at the 20th Shenzhen Cultural Expo

A splendid chapter in the story | Jing Chu meets his bosom friend Xi Jinping | Emperor Yan | bosom friend

Suizhou Zenghou Yi Chime Bell, Qianjiang Longwan Chuzhang Huatai, Xiangyang Longzhong, Three Kingdoms Red Cliff...the rich cultural content of each of Hubei's famous tourist attractions makes them time-traveling and ever-new in charm.

"Hanfu craze", "intangible cultural heritage craze", "museum craze", "ancient town craze"... a trip to traditional culture has become the only choice for many people, especially young people, to come to Hubei.

The Yellow Crane Tower, which has a history of more than 1,800 years, has always been a must-see stop for tourists from all over the world.

A splendid chapter in the story | Jing Chu meets his bosom friend Xi Jinping | Emperor Yan | bosom friend

During this May Day holiday, 187,000 people visited Yellow Crane Tower Park and checked in 60 ways to play. With the help of artificial intelligence interactive facilities, they went to the poetic event with Li Bai... The innovative development of Yellow Crane Tower culture has made this cultural tourism IP continue to become popular. The red wall next to Exit C of Huanghelou Station, Simoumen Line 5, Wuhan Metro Line 5, has become a "phenomenal" popular photo-taking spot.

"When the river goes eastward, the waves are gone, and the romantic figures of the ages..." Su Dongpo, a literary giant of a generation, completed the biggest change in his life in Hubei. "Er Fu" has been sung for thousands of years, infiltrating the hearts of generations of Chinese people. Huanggang has deeply developed Dongpo's tourism resources, and more and more tourists are coming to appreciate Dongpo culture.

Since the beginning of this year, Hubei's culturally rich new tourism formats, new products, and new phenomena have frequently emerged, outlining a hot trend and new opportunities for the deep integration of culture and tourism to jointly promote development.

A splendid chapter in the story | Jing Chu meets his bosom friend Xi Jinping | Emperor Yan | bosom friend

We must better promote Chinese culture to go global, use literature to convey the truth, use literature to spread the voice, and use culture to educate people, and explain and introduce to the world more excellent culture with Chinese characteristics, embodying the Chinese spirit, and containing Chinese wisdom.

——General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech at the 30th collective study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee in May 2021.

The flowing Yangtze River beats the pulse of Chinese civilization and attracts the attention of the world. Hubei is the hometown of Zhiyin legend. Mountains and rivers make friends through literature. Hubei is moving from the Yangtze River to the world.

A splendid chapter in the story | Jing Chu meets his bosom friend Xi Jinping | Emperor Yan | bosom friend

In March of this year, Hubei sent an invitation to the world to enjoy the cherry blossoms in spring.

In April this year, 263 precious cultural relics from Hubei crossed the ocean and appeared in the "Phoenix Homeland - Hubei Zeng Chu Art Exhibition in the Bronze Age" in the United States;

In May this year, at the 31st Arab Tourism Expo, Hubei's beautiful scenery and long cultural heritage shone in a foreign country and gained a lot of "fans"; at the 20th Shenzhen Cultural Expo, the Hubei Pavilion gathered More than 5,000 exhibits focus on displaying the latest achievements of the creative transformation and innovative development of Jingchu culture.

A splendid chapter in the story | Jing Chu meets his bosom friend Xi Jinping | Emperor Yan | bosom friend

Hubei organically combines the rich and colorful Yangtze River culture and Jingchu culture with various cultural and tourism activities. By holding the Yangtze River Cultural Festival, the "Zhiyin Hubei, Encountering Flowers Blooming" flower-viewing season and other popular and down-to-earth cultural and tourism activities, Hubei allows Yangtze River culture and Jingchu culture are resounding at home and abroad... Now, the "Song of the Yangtze River" in the new era is being sung in Hubei.

Jingchu is a land of outstanding people; Hubei has a profound culture. At the new starting point, the children of Jingchu will strengthen their cultural confidence, promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Jingchu culture in the new era and new journey, and strive to write a new chapter in the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country in Jingchu!

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