The Yangtze River Delta will launch a circular high-speed rail train for the first time to activate regional circular development through "line" and "surface"

Release time:Jun 15, 2024 17:21 PM

News: On June 15, the Yangtze River Delta will launch its first circular high-speed rail train from Shanghai to Shanghai Hongqiao. It spans three provinces and one city, namely Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui, and passes through 21 stations, becoming a super circular high-speed rail in the Yangtze River Delta region.

The Yangtze River Delta will launch a circular high-speed rail train for the first time to activate regional circular development through "line" and "surface"

This loop high-speed railway runs once a day, starting from Shanghai Station, passing through Suzhou, Changzhou, Nanjing, Hefei, Huangshan, Hangzhou, Jiaxing and other places, and finally arriving at Shanghai Hongqiao Station. The full-trip ticket price for first-class seats is 949 yuan, and the second-class seat is 591 yuan.

The Yangtze River Delta will launch a circular high-speed rail train for the first time to activate regional circular development through "line" and "surface"

Zhang Yuetong, the train captain of Zijin Express of Nanjing Passenger Transportation Section of Shanghai Railway Bureau, said: "The whole journey of the Super Loop Train takes only 8 hours and 9 minutes, with a one-way mileage of more than 1,200 kilometers, passing through 21 stations, connecting many scenic spots such as Huangshan Mountain, Jiuhua Mountain, and Qiandao Lake. We have also set up "check-in and stamp collection" points in the Yangtze River Delta cities on the train, so that passengers can enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way while adding a bit of fun."

The Yangtze River Delta will launch a circular high-speed rail train for the first time to activate regional circular development through "line" and "surface"

This super loop line connects seven high-speed rail lines in the Yangtze River Delta region. Passengers can take a single train to reach cities along the way without having to change trains. They can also take the train in sections, making the connection between the Yangtze River Delta urban circle more smooth.

The Yangtze River Delta will launch a circular high-speed rail train for the first time to activate regional circular development through "line" and "surface"

Li Hongchang, a researcher at the Sustainable Transportation Innovation Center, said: "The opening and operation of the Yangtze River Delta Ring Line High-speed Railway has achieved direct access between cities along the route, which can accelerate population mobility, increase economic interactions, and enhance the radiation-driven effect. This is conducive to the establishment of industries in small cities along the route and the construction of a high-speed railway ring economic belt, which is conducive to activating the development of the internal circulation system of the entire region."

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