May repeat the mistakes of the Qing Dynasty, Singapore’s former foreign minister: The United States only cares about sanctions against China

Release time:May 29, 2024 16:22 PM

"The United States does not understand China at all and it is wrong to try to suppress China." On May 23, local time, Singapore's former Foreign Minister Yang Rongwen attended the mid-year investment outlook meeting of Singapore's United Overseas Bank Asset Management Company. He said at the meeting that although the United States tries to let Southeast Asian countries "choose sides," the vast majority of ASEAN countries do not want to be enemies with China. China is ASEAN's interest.

Yang Rongwen pointed out in his speech that the United States knows very little about China. "The political system of the United States is decentralized. In order to win votes, they will go through an emotional stage. They are now entering a stage where they will use China to incite public sentiment." Demonization. There are people behind the scenes, but the propaganda is not based on reality."

Yang Rongwen said that the United States does not understand the nature of China and believes that China wants to replace the United States as the "world hegemon." Therefore, the United States attempts to contain and suppress China, but this approach is wrong. He believes that this is not only a misunderstanding of China's goals by the United States, but also an inability to achieve success. The United States may become "exhausted" in the process of sanctioning and suppressing China, and may even repeat the mistakes of China's Qing Dynasty.

"The latest step taken by the United States is to impose 100% tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles. I would say that the Qing Dynasty of China in the 19th century did the same. The result at that time was that it insisted on closing the country and its status plummeted in decades. This is a refusal "The dangers of exposure to the world." Yang Rongwen said, "If you say no and hide behind a high wall and impose 100% tariffs, you will become very weak."

Yang Rongwen also believes that the hegemony of the US dollar will be broken, and what the United States is doing now is accelerating this process. He pointed out that the United States attempts to control other countries through sanctions, which in turn leads to more and more countries taking countermeasures to separate themselves from the control of the United States.

Yang Rongwen delivered a speech at the UOBAM Mid-Year Investment Outlook Conference

May repeat the mistakes of the Qing Dynasty, Singapore’s former foreign minister: The United States only cares about sanctions against China

"The key is when the dominance of the dollar collapses. We all know it will be sooner or later because it is not normal. If it is 30 years from now, we can still drink. If it is 5 years from now, then we have to Think about it." Yang Rongwen said, "Do we know when this cookie will break? But the actions taken by the United States will bring that day forward."

Talking about ASEAN’s relations with China and the United States, Yang Rongwen pointed out that the vast majority of ASEAN countries do not want to be enemies with China. For example, he said that Vietnam has made an important decision to cooperate with China and agreed to connect the capital Hanoi with China through high-speed railway. "This is very important because each railway costs tens of billions of dollars and will change the future for decades." logistics, supply chains and population movements.”

Yang Rongwen said: "Look at other countries, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei, no one wants China to become an enemy. Americans have not understood this yet, because China is becoming more powerful, so we all hope that the United States will also Can participate in regional affairs. But if the Americans say no and ask us to choose a side, how should we choose? You know, China is where our interests lie."

He bluntly said that the United States is trying to "split" ASEAN, but ASEAN must unite and avoid division. "If we are not united, we will fall apart and no longer be neighbors, but become vassals of major powers."

Regarding China's relations with Southeast Asian countries, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning previously stated that neighboring countries are the priority direction of China's diplomacy, and China and Southeast Asian countries are good neighbors, good friends, and good partners with a shared future. China and ASEAN have been each other's largest trading partners for four consecutive years.

Mao Ning pointed out that in the first two months of this year, the total trade volume between China and ASEAN reached 993.2 billion yuan, an increase of 8.1%. Southeast Asian countries are important partners in the joint construction of the "Belt and Road". A large number of cooperation projects such as the China-Laos Railway, the Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway, and the China-Malaysia "Two Countries, Two Parks" have promoted regional growth and benefited the people in the region. China, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand have mutually exempted themselves from visas. The "China-ASEAN Year of People-to-People Exchanges" will hold a series of colorful activities to promote mutual understanding and mutual understanding between the people of both sides.

May repeat the mistakes of the Qing Dynasty, Singapore’s former foreign minister: The United States only cares about sanctions against China

“This year marks the 70th anniversary of the promulgation of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. We are willing to work with neighboring countries to inherit and carry forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, practice the concept of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness, deepen the integration of interests, and work together to build a peaceful, prosperous, beautiful, friendly and symbiotic world. Asian home." Mao Ning said.

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