They were all once secret bases for revolutionary martyrs... These primary schools turned out to have great origins. They were located in Pujiang Town, Minhang.

Release time:May 29, 2024 08:06 AM

"Our Pujiang No. 3 Primary School used to be called Guantao Academy, and it was once a secret contact point for revolutionary martyrs. The most memorable ones are the stories of martyrs Zhao Tianpeng and Tang Lansheng. In that turbulent era, they used the academy as a secret contact point to pass on information to their comrades. After being arrested, they showed no fear in the face of the enemy's butcher knife..."

"Our Pujiang No. 2 Primary School was formerly called Jingbin Primary School. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, it was an important activity point for the underground party organizations of the Communist Party of China to carry out their struggles in Pudong. At that time, there was a hero named Zhao Duoxin. On the road of revolution, he had repeatedly built A remarkable achievement. But unfortunately, he was killed by the reactionaries in Zhujiajiao in 1947. He was only 28 years old when he died..."

"Their heroic deeds are like a beacon, illuminating the path forward for those behind them. In order to pass on this red spirit, we can organize some activities, such as red story sharing sessions, revolutionary martyrs commemoration activities, etc... "

Recently, Pujiang Town, Minhang District held the "Stars Shine Reflecting the Original Intention" - the 2024 Young Pioneers joining ceremony and celebration of the "June 1" Children's Day theme event, announcing that 1,883 students from primary schools in the town will honorably join the Chinese Young Pioneers this year and pass the A vivid Young Pioneers micro-team class guided the children to have a deeper understanding of their hometown, love their hometown, praise their hometown, jointly inherit the red blood, and create new rural dreams.

On the same day, three student social practice bases were unveiled: Huidong Village Plate Hoist Base, Pujiang Town Two-Network Integration Transfer Station, and Pujiang Town Full-time Fire Brigade. They will not only provide Pujiang students with a broader practice platform, but also allow them to practice in depth. Growing up happily while getting to know my hometown.

It is understood that last year, the first batch of 9 student social practice bases in Pujiang Town were launched, including Innovation Village, Pujiang Chuxin Image Memorial Hall, Pujiang Chuxin Micro History Museum, etc. A total of 27 preschool "Baku" and primary school "Bole" were designed and developed. ”, junior high school “Bochuang” students practice shared courses, which are very popular. Pujiang Town provides students with real career scenarios and practical opportunities through government leadership, school district coordination, and enterprise cooperation, which is conducive to them cultivating interests, enhancing skills, understanding careers in practice, and achieving comprehensive and personalized development.

A favorite book, a brand-new schoolbag, a pair of favorite sneakers - at the event, Pujiang Town also launched the "Dreams and Small Wishes" public welfare project, which will be donated by Ruiyi Biotechnology Co., Ltd. to provide 23 primary and secondary schools for the citizens of the town. 50 needy children in the school gave a gift to spread the sunshine of love in the hearts of the children and jointly protect their healthy growth.

The event also launched a carnival project to celebrate the Children's Day, which was divided into three major sections: red culture, intangible cultural inheritance, and aesthetic education and science and technology innovation. It also set up 13 experiential activities such as colorful window grilles, class-creating robots, interesting dough sculptures, and handmade bamboo weaving. Attracting children to come forward to visit and experience, the playground is full of laughter and laughter.

In recent years, Pujiang Town has always regarded running every good school at its doorstep as an important practical project of the government, and is attracting more and more high-quality educational resources. At present, there are 28 schools and 35 campuses in Pujiang Town. It has gathered the resources of two characteristic universities, Shanghai Theater Academy and Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the resources of two city experimental demonstration middle schools, Qibao Middle School and Minhang Middle School, Shiwai, Shangshi, Fushan’s three brand education group resources form a “223” cluster of high-quality educational resources.

The person in charge of the town said that in the future, Pujiang School District will continue to introduce richer resources, optimize the content of practical courses, and provide Pujiang children with more diverse learning experiences, allowing them to grow in practice, innovate in cooperation, and become The pillars of the new era.

They were all once secret bases for revolutionary martyrs... These primary schools turned out to have great origins. They were located in Pujiang Town, Minhang.
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