The property was alerted immediately! Communities such as Jing'an have solved the problem of difficult management and charging of battery vehicles. Residents carry batteries into their homes to charge.

Release time:May 29, 2024 07:51 AM

The Yanchang Community on Gonghe New Road in Jing'an District is an old-fashioned residential area with more than 1,900 households. It has a high population density and a large number of electric bicycles, 535, which is equivalent to one electric bicycle for every three households. Since last year, Daning Road Street and Yanchang Neighborhood Committee have worked together to add charging stations in the community. Currently, the number of charging stations and battery cars in the community has reached 1:1. However, Zhang Lizhen, secretary of the Party branch of Yanchang Residential Area, has a "hate": some residents still carry batteries upstairs to charge, which is "difficult to find and manage."

In response to this management problem, Daning Road Street introduced a "sniffing" device in Yanchang Community - a sensing and identification device installed in the meter box, which can identify the battery charging status in 30 seconds and issue an early warning. A "sniff" was installed in the community in October last year. By February this year, the "sniff" had warned of 12 cases of indoor charging, and the neighborhood committee, property management and police came to deal with them promptly. "After February this year, no early warning has occurred in the community. Residents welcome this early warning function and feel safer." Zhang Lizhen said.

The revised "Shanghai Non-Motor Vehicle Safety Management Regulations" will be implemented from June 1. The regulations clearly stipulate the parking, disposal and charging areas for electric bicycles and batteries.

"During the actual survey, we found that residents are very concerned about two issues: Are there convenient and sufficient charging spaces for electric bicycles? Can illegal parking and charging of electric bicycles be detected and stopped in time?" Deng Hucheng, section chief of the Jing'an District Emergency Bureau He said that focusing on these two major issues, Jing'an District has adapted measures to local conditions and solved problems in the management of electric bicycles, and promoted the actual implementation of regulations.

"Sniffing" discovers home charging behavior for the first time

The property was alerted immediately! Communities such as Jing'an have solved the problem of difficult management and charging of battery vehicles. Residents carry batteries into their homes to charge.

Recently, the reporter walked into Yanchang Community and was led by street staff to the first floor of a unit. Open the main meter box and see a small white box with an antenna inside. This is "sniffing".

The "sniffer" is installed on the electric meter, which can perform real-time monitoring and automatic identification of household electricity safety "sign" data such as temperature, voltage, power, power consumption, etc. It can discover and identify the physical sign data of electric bicycle lithium battery charging in 30 seconds. , the data is transmitted to the background, and the background issues an early warning. Early warning information will be sent to the mobile phones of the party branch secretary, neighborhood committee director, neighborhood committee cadres and property managers in residential areas.

"After receiving the early warning, we and the property management company will go to the door to dissuade and publicize the residents; if we receive the early warning for the second time, we will contact the police to come to the door and punish them." Zhang Lizhen said, in fact, After being dissuaded for the first time, our residents listened and stopped charging indoors. Since February, the community has not received any home charging warning.

In order to respect the privacy of residents, the "sniffing" is not installed on the electricity meter of each household, but on the main electricity meter on the first floor. Yanchang Community is an old-fashioned residential area, with four or five families generally living on one floor. "Sniffing" senses abnormal changes in charging signs in the homes of four or five residents on one floor. Before installing "sniffing", the neighborhood committee and property management also informed the residents of the community, which was recognized by the residents.

"Now there are technical means to monitor and prevent charging at home, which is very good." A resident living on the first floor told reporters that he would not carry the battery into the home to charge, but he was worried about other people carrying it into the home to charge. If a neighbor's house catches fire, we suffer too.

The property was alerted immediately! Communities such as Jing'an have solved the problem of difficult management and charging of battery vehicles. Residents carry batteries into their homes to charge.

Liu Jie, director of the Daning Road Street Safety Office, told reporters that once the "sniff" detects the set parameters, it will automatically cut off the power to prevent the occurrence of fire. Daning Road Street currently has 1,184 sets of "sniffers" installed throughout the street, and the police punished two home charging behaviors that were warned by the "sniffers."

Be sparse first to create convenient and abundant charging parking spots

In the Yanchang community, residents can consciously no longer go home to charge, not only because of "sniffing", but also because a large number of charging points have been deployed in the community in advance.

As an old community, the extension of public space in the community can be described as "stretched". Streets and neighborhood committees have renovated several existing centralized charging points for electric bicycles and introduced smart charging piles that occupy a small area.

The reporter saw in front of a building: There are two charging ports on a pile. Residents can charge their electric bicycles after scanning the code. These "small and light" smart charging piles can be installed in front of residential buildings and in some small public spaces in communities, making them more flexible. "It enables residents to charge nearby and conveniently."

The property was alerted immediately! Communities such as Jing'an have solved the problem of difficult management and charging of battery vehicles. Residents carry batteries into their homes to charge.

In Caojiadu Street, where there are many people and electric bicycles, the street management of electric bicycle charging is also based on spacing first, creating a "3-minute charging circle". "Our vision is that within the jurisdiction of the street, residents can find a safe charging port within three minutes of walking," said Sun Yiling, director of the Caojiadu Street Safety Office.

There are more than 10,000 electric vehicles and bicycles in Caojiadu Street, and there are currently more than 5,000 charging points. The number of charging points and electric bicycles has reached 1:2. This ratio is relatively high among streets in central urban areas.

The deployment of charging points in Caojiadu Street started relatively early. "We have learned lessons and are deeply aware that the safety of electric bicycles is one of the bottom lines of safety in residential areas." From 2018 to 2020, there were three electric bicycle fires in the street area for three consecutive years. After learning from the painful experience, starting from 2021, streets will start laying out charging points.

As a community with a relatively high level of construction maturity, space constraints are a major problem in laying out charging points on the streets. Through "one community, one plan" and "dojo inside the snail shell", the streets have meticulously implemented the layout of charging points.

In communities with centralized carports, the streets work with property owners to renovate and repair the carports, and install safe charging facilities so that the original charging points can be used safely; in communities without centralized carports, the "rain shield type" is explored "Mushroom head" small charging facilities are used to find every opportunity; special power swap cabinets are introduced in areas where takeaway riders are concentrated.

The property was alerted immediately! Communities such as Jing'an have solved the problem of difficult management and charging of battery vehicles. Residents carry batteries into their homes to charge.

Innovative ways to solve the problem of electric bicycle governance together with multiple parties

Solving the problem of electric bicycle management does not require the efforts of the street alone. In Caojiadu Street, the street and neighborhood committees mobilized the power of community units through party building to jointly build shared charging points.

In the "Bank of China Special Industry" community with a history of nearly a century, it is really important to install electric bicycle charging points. Commercial buildings in the community also came to help. On the first floor of the Jianhua Building, a commercial building, there is an electric bicycle parking garage with an open door. This was originally an internal building for the building property. Under the guidance and negotiation of the street, the community property vacated this space and invested in renovating the parking garage, equipped with charging and safety facilities, and creating a parking space for 10 electric bicycles. Garage with charging. After the garage is open, white-collar workers working in the building will park their electric bicycles during the day; after white-collar workers get off work, residents will park their electric bicycles to charge, realizing "staggered peak charging."

In the Smart Plaza, a high-end business building at the intersection of Changshou Road and Wuning West Road, the business building property has opened a centralized parking area on the ground that can park 40 electric bicycles. Every day after get off work, after the white-collar workers' electric bicycles are ridden away, residents from surrounding communities ride over to charge them. Everyone has made an appointment to ride as many of them as possible early the next morning, "so as not to affect the white-collar workers' use."

The street also mobilized relevant government departments within its jurisdiction to open its own non-motor vehicle sheds to surrounding residents for use at different times.

The property was alerted immediately! Communities such as Jing'an have solved the problem of difficult management and charging of battery vehicles. Residents carry batteries into their homes to charge.

Some charging ports on the streets require electricity supply, and the streets mobilize community units and businesses along the street to "borrow electricity." "In order to help one of our communities install a power-changing cabinet, the store of the district-affiliated enterprise No. 6 Cereals and Oils invested its own money to expand the store's power capacity," said Sun Yiling.

Jing'an District has also formulated and promulgated the "Jing'an District Interim Measures for Rewards for Reporting Illegal Behaviors of Electric Vehicles", which clarifies that if the report of illegal charging of electric vehicles is verified to be true, the reporter will be rewarded 20 yuan per time. "Since the beginning of this year, Jing'an District has received a total of 250 valid reports of electric bicycles, and 86 were rewarded after verification, with a total reward amount of more than 2,200 yuan." Deng Hucheng said, "We hope to mobilize mass prevention and control forces to participate in investigating potential safety hazards of electric bicycles to create a good atmosphere of shared governance for electric vehicle safety where "everyone is a safety officer."

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