Commentator: Promote high-quality and full employment

Release time:May 29, 2024 12:32 PM

Beijing, May 28th: ​​Promote high-quality and full employment

"Promoting high-quality and full employment is the new positioning and new mission of employment work in the new era and new journey." General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized when presiding over the 14th collective study session of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee that we must adhere to the people-centered development idea and comprehensively We should implement the policies of independent employment of workers, market-regulated employment, government promotion of employment and encouragement of entrepreneurship, continue to promote the effective improvement of the quality of employment and the reasonable growth of quantity, and continuously enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security of the majority of workers. The General Secretary’s important speech provides fundamental guidance for us to do a good job in employment work in the new era and new journey and promote high-quality and full employment.

Employment is the most basic livelihood. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has insisted on placing employment work in a prominent position in governance, strengthened employment priority policies, improved employment promotion mechanisms, and effectively responded to various pressures and challenges. The number of new jobs in urban areas has increased year by year. With an average population of 13 million, it provides important support for the improvement of people's livelihood and economic development. In practice, our party has continuously deepened its understanding of the laws of employment work in the new era and accumulated valuable experience in the "eight persistences", which must be persisted in the long term and continuously enriched and developed.

Development is the key to solving all problems. The fundamental way to promote high-quality and full employment is development. We must unswervingly implement the new development concept, more consciously regard high-quality and full employment as the priority goal of economic and social development, make the process of high-quality development a process of improving the quality and expansion of employment, and improve the employment driving force of development. It is necessary to develop new productive forces according to local conditions, improve the modern industrial system, and strive to create more high-quality jobs. It is necessary to support the development of industries and enterprises with strong employment capacity and stabilize and expand employment capacity. It is necessary to vigorously develop new business formats and new models, actively explore and cultivate new occupational sequences, and develop new employment growth points. It is necessary to promote policy coordination and joint efforts to build an employment-friendly development model.

To promote high-quality and full employment, we must adhere to a problem-oriented approach and focus on the employment of key groups. Faced with the structural employment contradiction of mismatch between supply and demand of human resources, we must speed up the creation of modern human resources with excellent quality, sufficient total, optimized structure and reasonable distribution. We must start from solving the problem of "there are jobs but no one can do them" and solve the problem of "some people have no jobs". "do" question. It is necessary to coordinate education, training and employment, vigorously develop vocational education, guide the establishment of a correct view of employment, improve the supply and demand docking mechanism, and strive to ensure that people are suitable for their posts, their strengths are used, and their talents are fully utilized. It is necessary to improve the employment support policy for key groups, insist on giving top priority to the employment of young groups such as college graduates, take multiple measures to promote the employment of migrant workers, stabilize the scale of employment and income of people who have been lifted out of poverty, strengthen assistance to groups with employment difficulties, and do We will do a good job in the employment of veterans, women and other groups, and promote multi-channel employment and entrepreneurship by adhering to the combination of market-oriented socialized employment and government assistance.

To promote high-quality and full employment, we must continue to deepen reforms to provide a more solid guarantee for promoting employment and protecting the rights and interests of workers. By deepening the reform of the employment system and mechanisms, improving the employment public service system, improving the employment public service system, and creating a fair employment environment, everyone will have the opportunity to achieve their own development through hard work. By improving labor laws and regulations, standardizing labor standards for new employment forms, improving the social security system, strengthening the protection of workers' rights and interests in flexible employment and new employment forms, strengthening market supervision and labor security supervision and law enforcement, let laws and systems protect workers' rights and interests, Strive to enable the majority of workers to achieve decent work and all-round development.

Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood and is related to the happy life of thousands of households. Let us unify our thoughts and actions to the spirit and clear requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on employment, adhere to the implementation of the employment priority strategy, earnestly focus on employment, the top priority of people’s livelihood, strive to promote high-quality and full employment, and continuously improve people’s well-being. Provide strong support for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization.

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