Taking the Party Constitution, Party Rules and Party Discipline as the yardstick to stand upright and upright, the Party Group of the Shanghai Municipal Government carried out party discipline study and education visits and study activities

Release time:May 28, 2024 17:29 PM

The municipal government party group's party discipline study and education visit and study activities were held today at the Memorial Hall of the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Gong Zheng, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, mayor and party secretary of the municipal government, pointed out that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on strengthening the party’s discipline construction and the spirit of the important speech during the inspection of Shanghai. Under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee, we must firmly establish awareness of the party constitution, Taking the Party Constitution, Party Rules and Party Discipline as the yardstick to act upright, lead and drive Party members and cadres throughout the municipal government system to keep discipline and rules in front, and further transform iron discipline into daily habits and conscious compliance.

In the afternoon, members of the Municipal Party Committee entered the Memorial Hall of the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China, reviewed the history of the Party, visited the special exhibition "Discipline in the Party Constitution", and strengthened discipline education. Through study, everyone deeply realized that the Party Constitution and Rules are the basic behavioral norms for party members and cadres, and strict discipline is the fine tradition of our party. We should regard the study of the Party Constitution, Party Rules and Party Discipline as a lifelong task, insist on using the Party Constitution, Party Rules and Party Discipline to standardize and constrain everything we say and do, use the basic standards of the Party Constitution to evaluate and test actual performance, and make respecting, upholding and implementing the Party Constitution a high degree of consciousness and continue to do so. Go deep, go in your heart, go in truth.

Gong Zheng pointed out that strict compliance with the party's political disciplines and rules is an important criterion for testing whether party members and cadres have firm beliefs. It is necessary to educate and guide party members and cadres to loyally support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards" with practical actions, benchmark against current affairs and the party's basic theory, basic line, and basic strategy, and align with the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee. Standard table. It is necessary to educate and guide party members and cadres in the municipal government system to attach equal importance to diligence and honesty, and to resolutely serve as executors, actioners, and doers in implementing the central decision-making and deployment and the requirements of the municipal party committee. They must work hard to implement major national strategic tasks and promote high-quality development. At the same time, we will speed up the construction of a modern industrial system, focus on developing new qualitative productivity, and better promote the economy to achieve effective qualitative improvement and reasonable quantitative growth.

Gong Zheng pointed out that we must follow the Party Constitution as the fundamental basis and always remember to abide by the Party's discipline and rules. Adhere to strict self-discipline, strict responsibility, and strict management, resolutely implement the "four responsibilities coordination" mechanism, educate and guide party committees and their members at all levels of the government system to effectively assume the responsibilities of leadership, demonstration, and supervision, We must transmit pressure from all levels and unswervingly implement the strict tone, strict measures, and strict atmosphere into the entire process and all aspects of party management in the government system.

Taking the Party Constitution, Party Rules and Party Discipline as the yardstick to stand upright and upright, the Party Group of the Shanghai Municipal Government carried out party discipline study and education visits and study activities
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