Ctrip, which has opened 30 holiday farms, has said that "explosive reform" of rural villages has become popular

Release time:May 29, 2024 12:14 PM

The recent hit drama "My Altay" has triggered a new wave of craze for traveling to Altay, Xinjiang. From the perspective of practitioners in the cultural tourism industry, the popularity of cultural tourism driven by literary and artistic works and hot topics on the Internet is just a comprehensive test of the maturity of the entire industry.

Recently, at the 2024 "Hongqiao Cultural Tourism Celebration" spring event and the 4th Global Cultural Tourism Accommodation Industry Expo held at Changning District World Trade Mall, Wan Leti, general manager of the Corporate Development Department and Comprehensive Affairs Department of Shanghai Airlines International Tourism Co., Ltd. At present, cultural tourism products can only achieve the goal of "Zibo Fever" and "Erbin Fever" like "Zibo Fever" and "Erbin Fever" by doing enough to enhance the recognition, experience and display value of the destination and provide effective "emotional value". A two-way journey between destinations.

In December last year, Changning District established the cultural tourism industry information exchange and resource sharing platform "Hongqiao Cultural Tourism Hub". So far, 72 member units have settled in, covering hotel accommodation, tourism services, cultural media, cultural and museum venues, art institutions, and performing arts services. , human resources, intellectual services, financial services and other upstream and downstream industrial fields, forming a "circle of friends" for cultural tourism enterprises in the region.

Wan Lei introduced that as a member of the "Hongqiao Culture and Tourism Club", Shanghai Airlines Tourism was born in Shanghai Airlines Group in 1986. After the merger and reorganization of China Eastern Airlines and Shanghai Airlines in 2010, the tourism sector was integrated. Shanghai Airlines Tourism was officially restructured into a market-oriented cultural tourism company in 2019. enterprise. In the past few years, Shanghai Airlines Travel has cooperated with many places across the country around the concept of "tourist destinations". The most well-known of these is the "Talk about Sanming, Visit Sanming in Four Seasons" theme activity launched in cooperation with Sanming City, Fujian Province.

“In spring, we organized a photography group from Shanghai to use drones and professional lenses to record the charm of Sanming’s alpine ecological tea gardens and cherry blossoms; in summer, we organized a ‘Come for the Lotus’ photography art team in conjunction with the Shanghai Railway Bureau to experience the greenery of Sanming up close. The water is green and the mountains are green; in autumn, Shanghai aunties are organized to put on cheongsam and bring the "flowery" elements to the rice terraces in Fujian; in winter, hundreds of "gourmets" from Shanghai are invited to the famous Sha County of Sanming to taste the national delicacies and feel them on the tip of their tongues Charm……"

Wan Lei said that many of the activities held for different target groups throughout the year are spontaneous suggestions from tourists. As a tourism service platform, enterprises play a role in responding to counterpart assistance requirements, integrating resources, allowing tourists to experience tourism products in depth, and integrating into the local area. “Ultimately, we hope to help rural revitalization and improve local cultural and tourism industry resources.”

The Global Suzhou Expo, held simultaneously with the "Hongqiao Culture and Tourism" spring event, represents an exhibition channel for the promotion of the cultural tourism industry. The reporter learned from the Changning District Culture and Tourism Bureau that the Global Suzhou Expo has been held three times since 2019. This year, exhibitors cover rural revitalization resort clusters, high-end resort brands, engineering and soft decoration, architectural decoration, hotel intelligence, architecture and design, high-end hotel supplies and linens, health care equipment and other fields. Professional visitors come from investment in the cultural tourism and resort industry parties, owners, brands, the entire industry supply chain and other industries. During the exhibition, activities such as the "Vacation.1%Club" award selection and the vacation industry forum were simultaneously held in Shanghai.

Related tweets about "Xiaoyu Half-day Village" In Taohuawu Village, Anji, Zhejiang, "Xiaoyu Half-day Village" brings together a number of "Internet celebrity" B&Bs, focusing on a novel B&B village concept. The founder, Chen Gu, is a native of Anji. After returning to his hometown in 2005, Chen Gu, a designer, began to renovate old buildings in his hometown. In 2013, he took over a "hollow village" from the government, which is today's Xiaodu Banri Village, and began to take full responsibility for this village. transformation and renewal.

"There are 34 aboriginal households in the village, covering an area of ​​161 acres. The size is just right for exploring new lifestyle development models." Therefore, Chen Gu recruited 35 "rural managers" across the country to renovate the old houses left by the villagers one by one. Transformed into B&Bs, restaurants, cafes, parent-child centers, rural libraries, supermarkets and exquisite shops, it combines rural life with urban lifestyles. The partners involved in this transformation are also called "country enthusiasts" by Chen Gu. In his opinion, a very important part of future cultural tourism products is the new rural life experience.

Chen Gu shared the above views at a roundtable sharing session at the Suzhou Expo with the theme of "Thinking, Exploration and Innovation of Vacation Cluster Business Models". Li Jenny, Vice President of Ctrip Group and person in charge of the Ctrip Fake Farm Project, who also participated in the discussion, is a "travel veteran" with more than 20 years of experience in the industry. In recent years, she has focused on the rural revitalization strategy and led Ctrip to open a resort in Dawan Village, Huashi Township, Jinzhai County, Anhui Province. The country's first holiday farm located in the "fifth-tier countryside". Since 2021, Ctrip has built 30 holiday farms across the country, and 12 more are currently under construction.

In Jenny Li’s view, building holiday farms in unknown rural areas in an attempt to attract urbanites to experience cultural tourism products is also a risky move for an industry leader like Ctrip. However, it is in the process of developing rural cultural tourism products that companies have explored more ways of "teaching people how to fish" to achieve the integration of cultural tourism and help rural revitalization from the root.

"Each of the existing 30 Ctrip holiday farms has at least one experience content from 'farming, animal husbandry, fishing, farming, and forestry'." Jenny Li said that Ctrip has invested a certain amount of research and design efforts in recent years. , studying China’s twenty-four solar terms and agriculture. By conducting research on traditional spring plowing and autumn harvest festivals such as the Dragon Boat Festival and agricultural folk customs, as well as research on ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, Tibet, Yunnan and other places, the company has developed a number of refreshing cultural tourism products. "It is difficult for small businesses to carry out such large-scale and systematic research, so platforms have the responsibility to practice and find methods of 'teaching people to fish' that are truly in line with the local characteristics and humanistic texture of rural areas."

During this year’s Global Accommodation Expo, Changning District Bureau of Culture and Tourism also teamed up with Shanghai Garment Group, Tianshan Road Subdistrict, etc. to build a Changning District investment service booth, focusing on displaying Changning’s high-quality cultural tourism resources, regional characteristics and industrial policies, and opening up to enterprises in the national accommodation industry. The promotion window will spark more interconnection of industrial chains and supply chains.

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On the afternoon of June 19th, the 2023 "Yangui Jinshan · Employment in the Bay Area" theme day for employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates in the annuity mountainous area was held at the Haikuo Dong'an Cultural and Creative Industry Park. A series of activities were held on site, including the release of employment brochures, sharing of employment and entrepreneurship experiences, high-quality enterprise roadshows and talent recruitment, display of employment work achievements, comprehensive launch of seedling raising ceremony, and special recruitment activities, attracting a large number of key enterprises, internship bases, and college students to attend. It is worth noting that 52 companies participated in the on-site job fair that day, providing 212 positions and recruiting 570 people, with salaries generally ranging from 7000 yuan to 10000 yuan; Nearly 300 people entered the venue, received 238 resumes, and initially reached employment intentions for 75 people. At the launch ceremony, a skit titled "You and I on the Road to Job Seeking" was performed,

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On June 15th, the reporter learned at the "Lujiazui Industrial Finance Forum 2023- Asia Shipping and Logistics Summit" that the first "Pudong Shipping Week" event will be held at the end of this year. The event aims to promote in-depth industry exchanges, smooth information flow, and resource docking and cooperation. We have launched the recruitment of global shipping market entities, aiming to create the first international, market-oriented, and professional "Shipping Week" brand event in mainland China. Shanghai is a world leading international shipping center city, and building a communication platform for the shipping industry is an inevitable need for Shanghai to deepen the construction of the international shipping center. "The natural attributes of the shipping industry determine its urgent need for information aggregation and industrial upstream and downstream communication. In the process of Shanghai's transition from being a basic shipping center to a fully established shipping center, it needs to have such a platform to benchmark against the international market."

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