Make every effort to build a new mainstream media group that matches the socialist modern international metropolis! Chen Jining investigates Shanghai Media Group and Shanghai Radio and Television Station

Release time:May 28, 2024 18:35 PM

Chen Jining, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, pointed out during the investigation of Shanghai Media Group and Shanghai Radio and Television Station this afternoon that we must thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during his inspection of Shanghai, firmly adhere to the correct political direction, adhere to the people’s feelings, persist in integrity and innovation, and firmly integrate development, based on their respective positioning, accelerate the improvement of core competitiveness, strive to build a new mainstream media group that matches the socialist modern international metropolis, continuously improve the dissemination, guidance, influence and credibility of news and public opinion, and continue to consolidate and strengthen mainstream values, mainstream public opinion, and mainstream Culture, showing new responsibilities and making new contributions to Shanghai's construction of the best practice of Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts.

Since its establishment in 2013, Shanghai Publishing Group has vigorously promoted the overall transformation of in-depth media integration and has transformed from a traditional newspaper group focusing on newspapers and periodicals to an all-media group. At present, a new round of deepening reforms is being launched in an all-round way, and we are striving to build a new mainstream media group and cultural media industry group with certain international influence and deep integration of culture and technology. Chen Jining listened to the overall overview of Shanghai Media Group and work reports on integration reform, inspected the integrated media creation space, the operation of intelligent media platforms, and the new space and new technologies empowering front-line editors, etc., and visited the "New Shanghai·Ten Days" Liberation Daily to celebrate Shanghai Special exhibition on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Liberation and Publishing House, learn about the history of the party newspapers, listen to briefings on the exploration and practice of Jiefang Daily, Wenhui Po, Xinmin Evening News and The Paper combined with their respective positioning to promote the development of integrated media, and learn about the "top current affairs" creation of Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News He also made a detailed understanding of the progress and results of Wen Wei Po’s creation of a “leading humanities platform”, Xinmin Evening News’ creation of a “leading people’s livelihood platform”, and The Paper’s creation of a “leading news platform”.

Shanghai Radio and Television's business covers the entire cultural media industry chain such as news production and broadcasting and media integration platforms, media operations and technical services, content creation and copyright management, cultural tourism investment and live performances. "Strong Taiwan" is the core strategy, and we strive to build a new mainstream all-media group with international influence, technological innovation and industrial competitiveness. Chen Jining listened to the basic situation report of Shanghai Radio and Television Station, inspected the smart media digital base, ultra-high-definition content demonstration, generative artificial intelligence toolbox "Scube" and mobile live broadcast room, etc., and discussed the TV station's integration of new technologies and new trends in promoting ultra-high definition We have an in-depth understanding of the reform and exploration of modernization, intelligence and mobile construction. City leaders also visited Dragon TV's news studio, news comprehensive channel studio, and China Business News program recording room to learn about Dragon TV's creation of a "head all-media platform", Kankan News' creation of a "head news platform", and China Business News Create a "leading financial platform" and the group's practices and achievements in promoting the construction of an international communication center.

Everywhere they went, city leaders learned in detail about the media's respective positioning characteristics, daily editing and production processes, technology-enabled media integration development, user group ecological cultivation, etc. They had cordial exchanges and conversations with front-line editing, broadcasting and technical staff, inspected reporting works, and inquired about the intensity of editing and editing. , listen to their personal feelings and practical experience of the in-depth integration and transformation of media, and hope that each media will base on its own positioning, focus on the most advantageous and distinctive areas, and deepen the exploration and development, so as to make the advantages better, make the characteristics more unique, and further forge and consolidate core competitiveness. The majority of journalists must continue to strengthen their "foot power, eyesight, brain power, and writing power", go deep into the grassroots and the front line, stay close to hot practices, constantly improve the ideological, professional and accurate reporting works, tell Chinese stories well, and spread the excitement of Shanghai.

During the investigation, Chen Jining had in-depth exchanges with the responsible comrades of Shanghai Media Group and Shanghai Radio and Television Station. He pointed out that the current communication technology is accelerating the evolution and the public opinion ecology is undergoing profound changes. It is necessary to improve political stance, deepen ideological understanding, grasp the laws of communication, strengthen the main responsibilities and main businesses, effectively lead the trend of the times in adapting to changes and changes, and strengthen mainstream ideological and public opinion. Focusing on strong confidence, closely following the important mission of building Shanghai's "Five Centers" and closely following the hot practice of people's city construction, we will do authoritative reporting, in-depth reporting, and on-site reporting in an all-round, multi-angle, and three-dimensional manner, and at critical moments and Dare to speak out on major issues, strengthen authoritative interpretation, respond to social concerns, and better play the role of "timpani" and "weather vane". Prospectively study communication methods, media landscape, and public opinion ecology, seize the opportunities of digital transformation, strengthen technological empowerment, promote the reengineering of content production processes, mechanism innovation, and technological updates, and cultivate more vertical fields and distinctive media convergence studios and media convergence " "Light Cavalry", launching more phenomenon-level integrated media products with strong positive energy. It is necessary to make good use of resource advantages, build a strong communication matrix, enhance global narrative capabilities, accelerate the improvement of international communication capabilities, and create a good public opinion atmosphere for Shanghai to accelerate the construction of a modern socialist international metropolis with world influence.

Zhao Jiaming, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, participated in the survey.

Make every effort to build a new mainstream media group that matches the socialist modern international metropolis! Chen Jining investigates Shanghai Media Group and Shanghai Radio and Television Station
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