We saw..., went to see the "sea" in Shanghai, and got on the small train

Release time:May 15, 2024 11:37 AM

In search of answers, we boarded the Jinshan Railway to Jinshanwei. Departing from Shanghai South Railway Station and going directly to Jinshanwei, it only takes 38 minutes. This is the first municipal railway in Shanghai and the first rapid municipal railway in the Yangtze River Delta region. It is affectionately called by the locals: Jinshan Little Train.

After arriving at Jinshanwei, we went to Jinshanzui Fishing Village and Jinshan City Beach. But unfortunately, we were not able to see the ideal "Jinshan Sea" - the towering dam in the distance intercepted the rough sea water, the only remaining sea water nearby was windless and waveless, and the beach was even full of wild flowers.

The aborigines who have lived in the old streets of Jinshanzui Fishing Village all year round told us that in the past, the sea water was not like this. Before the sea was enclosed, the local villagers could be said to have "grew up in the sea and lived by the sea." When the tide was low, they would go to the beach to pick up some small fish, shrimps, yellow mud snails, and white clams, which would be enough for the fishermen to have a full meal. After a meal, "I can't finish eating." But now, the sea is gone.

We consulted historical information and found out that the sea in Jinshan was originally enclosed in the 1970s.

In February 1972, in order to solve the problem of clothing shortage for people across the country, our country introduced 4 sets of chemical fiber and fertilizer technology and equipment. One set of chemical fiber equipment was settled in Shanghai. Scientific demonstration and survey have proven that Jinshanwei Beach had the best conditions for building a petrochemical production plant at that time. In June of the same year, the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to locate the Shanghai Petrochemical General Plant in Jinshanwei Beach. Therefore, in accordance with the factory construction policy of "basically not occupying farmland", more than 50,000 Jinshan people carried their shoulders on Jinshanwei Beach and started a magnificent land reclamation project.

Data shows that from 1972 to 1992, Shanghai Petrochemical organized more than ten large-scale land reclamation projects, mainly to solve the shortage of production land and laid the foundation for the subsequent development of Shanghai Petrochemical, Jinshan District and even Zhejiang coastal areas. .

Someone once commented on Jinshanwei's sea reclamation project: "It is really a great thing to open up borders for the country and benefit the people. In the history of my country's industrial construction, such large-scale and continuous land reclamation is not unique. Second to none.”

In the early 1970s, the 10,000 acres of beachland that was used to “fight for the Jinshan Mountains” has, after decades of construction and development, now become a modern petrochemical enterprise with assets of over 40 billion yuan and an annual processing capacity of 10 million tons of crude oil. As of the end of 2023, Shanghai Petrochemical's cumulative profits and taxes have reached 210 billion yuan, more than 100 times the state's investment in plant construction in the 1970s, equivalent to the construction of a hundred "golden mountains."

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Party building leads the acceleration of "urban forest" construction in Pudong and Beicai, completing the largest scale of urban village green spaces in the local area within 5 months

Beicai wedge-shaped green space is one of the ten wedge-shaped green spaces in Shanghai. This year is a crucial year for the construction of the Beicai wedge-shaped green space with an overall area of 10.6 square kilometers. On the afternoon of June 28th, the party building base of the Beicai wedge-shaped green space project was unveiled in Beicai Town, Pudong New Area. The Committee of the Communist Party of China Shanghai Pudong Development Co., Ltd. also signed a party building joint construction agreement with the Beicai Town Committee of the Communist Party of China Pudong New Area, and relevant subordinate party branches also signed paired contracts. This marks that the blueprint for the "urban forest" of Beicai is slowly unfolding into a concrete reality map, and will fully promote project construction under the guidance of party building. In August 2022, Beicai Town launched the largest ever renovation project for "urban villages" such as Zhongjie and Yangqiao, which took only 5 months to complete from launch to signing, setting a new record for the speed of individual expropriation projects. During this period, Beicai Town organized the party's war

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The Lujiazui Financial City has 113 buildings with a tax revenue of 100 million yuan, which resonate with the same frequency of building party building and economic work

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Putuo has achieved the first real estate project in the city to provide online "land delivery and certificate delivery" service throughout the entire process | Planning | City wide

On June 26th, Shanghai Hong'ao Real Estate Co., Ltd. and relevant departments of the Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Putuo District signed a land delivery confirmation letter, and simultaneously obtained the construction land planning permit and real estate certificate on the spot. This is the first time in Putuo District to achieve "land delivery is certificate delivery" through "full online processing" throughout the city, marking the official implementation of the "land delivery is certificate delivery" service reform for real estate projects in Shanghai. Yu Xuefeng, General Manager of Shanghai Hong'ao Real Estate Co., Ltd., told reporters that on June 19th, the company paid the land transfer fee according to the contract and signed the land transfer contract the next day. According to the previous process, after paying the land transfer fee, enterprises need to complete the procedures of signing the land transfer contract, paying the land price and taxes, and obtaining a survey report on the ownership of the house and land before applying for the real estate certificate

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Adapted from the real experiences of high-level talents, the Minhang original talent drama "Sea Innovation Era" staged entrepreneurship | talent | Sea Innovation Era

On the evening of June 12th, the finale of the first "Big Zero Bay" International Talent Month series, the play "Sea Innovation Era", was performed at the Xingdu Theater in Zhuanqiao Town Cultural and Sports Center. This drama is adapted based on the real experiences of high-level talents in innovation and entrepreneurship in Minhang. It is produced by the Minhang District Talent Work Leading Group Office and will tour three times. Unlike traditional business dramas, "The Era of Sea Innovation" takes the construction of the world-class science and technology innovation bay area "Big Zero Bay" in Minhang as the historical background, showcasing the ups and downs of two generations of science and technology pioneers in the business world. Young female entrepreneurs challenge the infringement lawsuits of overseas industry giants with one against ten, scientists return from crossing the sea with unwavering patriotism, talent services help achieve the entrepreneurial dreams of two generations, and the ups and downs of stories showcase the magnificent science and technology innovation scene of "Big Zero Bay". Condense the years of entrepreneurial journey of different talents into a short stage

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Shanghai Aid Tibet Cadres Help Snow Plateau Intangible Cultural Heritage Go Global | Culture | Plateau

On June 5, the performance "Meet | Yajiang, Riverside, Shanghai Tibet Cultural Exchange", sponsored by the Lazi Group of the Liaison Group of Tibetan Aid Cadres and Talents, and the Cultural and Tourism Bureau of Lazi County, Shigatse City, Xizang, entered the new landmark of Yangpu culture, "YOUNG Theater". The melodious sound of chanting the zither, the fast and slow "tap" dance, the mixed traditional Tibetan tunes, the laughter and applause of the audience added a touch of light to the colorful Shencheng in early summer. The reporter learned that since joining Tibet, the Lazi Group of the Shanghai Aid to Tibet Cadres and Talents Liaison Group has focused on "raising the flag, gathering people's hearts, nurturing new talents, promoting culture, and showcasing image", leveraging its advantages and characteristics as the "hometown of harmony", telling the story of Lazi well, and promoting the deep integration and development of local culture, tourism, sports, and education. The success of this performance has linked the profound friendship between Shanghai and Xizang, Yangpu and Lazi