Self-proclaimed "Feng Shui Master" defrauded customers of more than 20 million yuan, and the woman colluded with 37 beauty shops in Shanghai

Release time:May 14, 2024 13:39 PM

Sun, a "post-80s" woman, was originally engaged in eyebrow tattooing. However, she carefully packaged herself as a "feng shui master" and defrauded more than 20 million yuan on the pretext of "accurate fortune telling" and "change of fate". Behind her, 37 beauty shops in Shanghai acted as accomplices. Recently, reporters learned about this case from the People's Procuratorate of Minhang District, Shanghai.

Ms. Hu met a "Feng Shui Master" under the introduction of her friend Yang. In May 2023, the three met for the first time in the tea room. Following the request of "Master" Sun, Ms. Hu reported her and her family's ID numbers, mobile phone numbers, birthdays and other relevant information. Sun calculated with his fingers and accurately told Ms. Hu's family and health conditions, including that Ms. Hu's daughter had been talented since she was a child and has now become a senior executive in the workplace. Upon seeing this, Ms. Hu was convinced of Sun's "fortune-telling" ability.

Sun further predicted that Ms. Hu would suffer from a serious illness in 2025. Ms. Hu already suffers from diabetes and is very concerned about her health. She asked how to solve the problem. Sun said that he could help her avoid the disease, but he would have to pay for it. Under the persuasion of her friend Yang, Ms. Hu transferred more than 30,000 yuan in the card to Sun.

Sun also asked Ms. Hu not to tell the story, otherwise the secret would be revealed. But Ms. Hu was worried that she might be seriously ill in the future, so she told her daughter about paying someone to "transport" her. The daughter, who felt something was wrong, immediately persuaded Ms. Hu to call the police.

Police investigation found that Yang, who took Ms. Hu to see the "master", was the manager of a beauty shop. Before the two set off, Yang had already sent Ms. Hu's name, birthday, occupation, children's status, family status and other information to Sun in advance, and even provided the customer's usual spending amount in the store. Therefore, after meeting, "Master" Sun could accurately tell Ms. Hu's family information.

The manager of the beauty shop will sort out the customer's relevant information in detail and send it to Sun

In fact, Sun himself was engaged in eyebrow tattooing before, and later cooperated with Cheng, the manager of another beauty shop, to carry out a Feng Shui project to defraud money. The two used some contacts they made while working in the beauty industry to collude with 37 beauty shops across Shanghai to commit fraud.

First of all, these beauty shops will pave the way for customers in advance, making up the background of the "master" and the status of a national second-level Feng Shui master to make customers interested in the "master". Secondly, the beauty shop provides customer information in advance, making customers think that this is calculated by "master" Sun through "fortune telling". Finally, under the guidance of the master's words and the persuasion of the staff at the beauty shop around him, he deceived the victim into transferring money on the grounds of "changing his fate".

The transfer records between Sun and Cheng and several beauty shop managers show that they will share 50% of their income with the shop managers, so these beauty shop managers will be very active in recruiting people. In addition, Sun and others will first find out the financial situation of the customer. For different victims, the prices they offer are completely different, ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 yuan to hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Ms. Liao, 46, is also one of the victims. She suffers from depression and often goes to beauty shops for maintenance. She gradually became "best friends" with Qian, the manager of the beauty shop. Under the recommendation of Qian, Ms. Liao met Sun. Instigated by her "best friend" Qian, Ms. Liao paid a total of more than 4.5 million yuan to Sun in order to improve the health of her family and improve the operating conditions of her own tea factory.

Chat records between the beauty shop operator and Sun and others

The Minhang Procuratorate alleged that from June 2022 to June 2023, Sun and Cheng defrauded a total of more than 20 million yuan in the name of Feng Shui, and 17 people including beauty shop staff Qian and Qin each defrauded more than 700 yuan. Prices range from 10,000 yuan to 70,000 yuan. After the court launched a public prosecution, the court sentenced the defendants Sun and Cheng to 11 years and 10 years in prison for fraud, deprived them of political rights for one year, and fined them 300,000 yuan. Seventeen defendants including Qian and Qin were also sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from 3 years to 6 months, suspended for 5 years to 1 year, and fined for committing fraud.

Self-proclaimed "Feng Shui Master" defrauded customers of more than 20 million yuan, and the woman colluded with 37 beauty shops in Shanghai
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