The only WTO Asia-Pacific training center in the country has started classes again!

Release time:May 15, 2024 13:51 PM

Recently, the regional trade policy course for Asia-Pacific members and observers of the World Trade Organization officially started at the Gubei Campus of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics.

It is reported that this RTPC training is jointly organized by Shanghai University of International Business and Economics and the World Trade Organization. It lasts for eight weeks and covers areas related to WTO agreements and regional trade policies. A total of 25 trainees from 15 Asia-Pacific members and observers of the WTO participated in this training, including some high-level officials. Technical experts from various business departments of the WTO Secretariat and renowned global and regional scholars will participate in the lectures.

Zhang Xiangchen, Deputy Director-General of the WTO, delivered an online speech.

This is the second time that the WTO and Shanghai University of International Business and Economics have jointly organized RTPC training, and it is also the first time that the two parties have held offline RTPC training since their cooperation. On behalf of WTO Director-General Iweala, Zhang Xiangchen, Deputy Director-General of the WTO, extended his warmest congratulations to the opening of this RTPC class. Zhang Xiangchen pointed out that RTPC is mainly aimed at developing and least developed WTO members and observers. It is an "intermediate" training course provided by the WTO Secretariat and can help students gradually enter a higher level of learning. In the next 8 weeks of training, all trainees will receive support and guidance from the WTO Asia-Pacific Training Center team led by WTO technical experts, regional experts and academic coordinator Professor Huang Jianzhong. By participating in course learning and discussions, international cooperation and understanding will be strengthened. Jointly address the many challenges facing the current global trading system.

Han Yong, Director of the World Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce, pointed out that the current global challenges are highlighted and there is an urgent need for the WTO to accelerate reform and promote the adjustment of international economic and trade rules to provide solutions. In this context, developing members must break through capacity constraints, fully grasp the rules, and improve their application and negotiation capabilities, so that the new generation of economic and trade rules can truly meet the interests and demands of developing members. Han Yong said that China's opening up and development have brought new cooperation opportunities to the world, and it has been contributing to WTO technical assistance within its capacity, including setting up the "China Project" and actively supporting the WTO Secretariat to better carry out Asia-Pacific Regional capacity building support training, etc. China is willing to continue to share its experience with other developing members, provide more public goods that benefit developing members in the Asia-Pacific region, and help developing members and least developed countries cultivate more talents who are familiar with the WTO rules system.

The only WTO Asia-Pacific training center in the country has started classes again!

Qi Ming, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics.

"Shanghai University of International Business and Economics was born because of a powerful trade country, prospered because of opening up to the outside world, prospered because of comprehensive reforms, and became new because of the opening-up cause in the new era." Qi Ming, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, said that since the establishment of the school, the positioning of the school has been It is to serve the country’s opening-up strategy in different periods. Whether it is "returning customs" or "joining the WTO", or the development and opening up of Pudong, the construction of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, and the domestic and international dual circulation, the school has actively participated in it. The school has trained more than 100,000 foreign economic and trade talents, and is known as "China's The cradle of foreign economic and trade talents." In 2009, the school was selected into the first batch of WTO teaching institutions in the world and the first in China. In 2019, it became an RTPC training partner and is currently the only mainland Chinese university to obtain this qualification. In January this year, the school established a new School of International Organizations, focusing on improving students' global competencies and cultivating students who are familiar with the party and national policies and policies, understand my country's national conditions, have a global perspective, are proficient in foreign languages, are familiar with international rules, and are proficient in international negotiations. professional.

After the opening ceremony, the attending guests took photos with all the students.

The successful launch of RTPC training in Shanghai reflects my country's strong support for the multilateral trading system and demonstrates my country's image as a responsible major country that actively supports the WTO's technical assistance capacity-building activities. Shanghai University of International Business and Economics hosts this training, which will help expand the breadth and depth of my country’s cooperation with the Secretariat as a member of the WTO, improve my country’s WTO teaching and research capabilities and its academic status in WTO affairs in the region, and deepen my country’s Exchanges and cooperation with countries along the “Belt and Road” in the Asia-Pacific region in the field of economic and trade will help Shanghai build a bridgehead to serve the construction of the “Belt and Road”, promote the construction of China’s free trade pilot zone and the “five centers”, especially the international trade center, and provide a solid foundation for the Asia-Pacific region. Provide high-quality capacity building and technical support to developing members.

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