The thief actually claimed that he was "connected" with Buddha. 80 kilograms of jade were stolen from a temple in Shanghai.

Release time:May 14, 2024 13:17 PM

"Such a heavy piece of jade was placed here. I didn't expect it to disappear." Recently, the Anting Police Station of the Jiading Public Security Bureau received a report from a temple in the area saying that during inspection, the staff found that a piece of jade placed in the inner hall of the temple was missing. Nearly 80 kilograms of jade carvings were missing and were suspected of being stolen. After receiving the alarm, the police immediately went to the scene to investigate.

After reviewing the public video of the temple, the police found that at about 10 o'clock that day, two men dragged a flatbed truck with a red paper bag into the side hall. After kneeling and worshiping, the two men placed a heavy object on the truck. They covered themselves with black plastic bags and then left the temple.

"From the appearance, we speculate that what they took away should be the stolen jade." Feng Shengxian, a police officer from the police station, said that the police used this as a clue to follow the lead and finally successfully captured the suspect Zhang and seized it from his home. .

After being arrested, Zhang actually argued that he "became attached" to the Buddha statue after going to the temple and took it away after receiving a promise, so it was not "theft". "I made an agreement with the Buddha statue in the hall. I see that this piece of jade is a bit dirty. I will take it home, wipe it clean, and display it at home."

After investigation, the criminal suspect Zhang saw that the Buddha statues in the temple were rarely guarded by people, so he and another suspect Dai sneaked into the temple under the pretense of worshiping the Buddha while the temple staff were unprepared, and stole a piece of it that was visually valuable. The jade carvings were covered with red cloth and then stolen.

At present, the criminal suspects Zhang and Dai have been subject to criminal coercive measures by the public security organs in accordance with the law on suspicion of theft, and the case is under further review.

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