"Continue to inject strong impetus into Chinese-style modernization", "Qiushi" magazine published an important article by General Secretary Xi Jinping "Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Opening Up"

Release time:May 15, 2024 12:02 PM

BEIJING, May 15 (Xinhua) -- The 10th issue of "Qiushi" magazine published on May 16 will publish an important article by Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, "Comprehensively Deepen Reform and Opening Up and Continue to Inject Strong Strength into Chinese-style Modernization." power". This is an excerpt from General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important remarks from December 2012 to March 2024.

The article emphasizes that reform and opening up is an important magic weapon for contemporary China to make great strides to catch up with the times, and is a key move that determines the success or failure of Chinese modernization. Since the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, we have comprehensively deepened reforms and achieved historic and great achievements. Looking back at the reform work over the years, we can see that the series of innovative theories we have put forward, the series of major measures we have taken, and the series of major breakthroughs we have achieved are all revolutionary and have pioneered historic achievements in promoting various undertakings of the Party and the country through reform and opening up. , a new situation in which historic changes have taken place.

The article points out that to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, we must constantly adapt to the development of social productive forces, adjust production relations, and constantly adapt to the development of the economic base and improve the superstructure. Our proposal to carry out comprehensively deepening reforms is to adapt to changes in the basic contradictions and movements of our society to promote social development. Reform and opening up can only be carried out and not completed. Reform and opening up also have a direction, a stand and a principle. Our direction is to continuously promote the self-improvement and development of the socialist system. To achieve the goals and tasks of the new era and new journey, we must comprehensively deepen reform as the fundamental driving force for promoting Chinese-style modernization and as an important starting point for stabilizing the overall situation, adapting to the situation, and opening a new game. Write a new chapter in reform and opening up on the new journey.

The article points out that to promote Chinese-style modernization, we must further comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, continuously liberate and develop social productive forces, and liberate and enhance social vitality. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed a series of major reform measures, which are major strategic arrangements made by the Party Central Committee to comprehensively deepen reforms in the new era and new journey. We must closely focus on the goal of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, launch a number of strategic, creative, and leading reforms, strengthen the integration, coordination and efficiency of the reform system, and achieve new breakthroughs in important areas and key links. It is necessary to plan major measures to further comprehensively deepen reforms and continue to inject strong impetus into promoting high-quality development and promoting Chinese-style modernization. It is necessary to highlight the problem orientation, focus on solving the stuck problems that restrict the construction of a new development pattern and promote high-quality development, the painful and difficult problems in the development environment and people's livelihood fields, and the hot issues that are contrary to social fairness and justice, and effectively prevent and resolve major risks, Continuously add impetus and vitality to economic and social development.

"Continue to inject strong impetus into Chinese-style modernization", "Qiushi" magazine published an important article by General Secretary Xi Jinping "Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Opening Up"
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