Can Shanghai’s “traffic” rival that of Dubai and Singapore in the future? , the latest progress in the construction of the Eastern Hub is here

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:May 15, 2024 15:26 PM

The Oriental Hub project currently being built in Shanghai will have a significant and far-reaching impact on the future development of Pudong New Area as a whole, Shanghai as a whole and even the Yangtze River Delta region. Just yesterday, the "Special Plan for the Eastern Hub and Surrounding Areas" was officially announced. In order to further demonstrate the planning and future development prospects of the Eastern Hub area to the public, and also provide experience and reference for the deepening of the planning and implementation of the next stage of planning, On May 15, an expert seminar on high-quality development of the Oriental Hub and surrounding areas was held in Pudong New Area. This seminar was hosted by Pudong New Area Planning and Resources Bureau.

One center, two axes, two rings and four wings, nine groups open

The reporter learned at the meeting that according to the "Special Plan for the Oriental Hub and Surrounding Areas", the scope of the Oriental Hub and surrounding areas is located in the middle of Pudong, involving about 10 towns including Zhangjiang, Kangqiao, and Zhoupu, with a total area of ​​about 510 square kilometers.

In these areas, a unique water system texture is formed with seawalls, Zaogang and canals superimposed, and gave birth to Shanghai-style Jiangnan cultural clusters such as Chuansha, Hengmian, Xinchang and Liuzao, bringing together 60% of the historical and cultural relics of Pudong New Area .

At the same time, industrial resource elements are abundant. There are 3 national-level development zones, 8 municipal-level development zones and 4 district- and town-level development zones within the jurisdiction. There is ample room for industrial development, but the industrial space needs to be integrated and improved urgently.

This time around the positioning of the Eastern Hub, it also exposed the shortcomings of transportation support in the region and city that need to be improved. Although the airport currently has a significant advantage in terms of passenger and cargo scale, its radiating capacity to the hinterland of the Yangtze River Delta is insufficient, and the proportion of out-of-city passenger flow is lower than that of top international hub airports. Moreover, the density of the area’s built rail network is far lower than the level within the outer ring of Pudong New Area, and the overall traffic configuration is heavy in the north and light in the south.

Based on such location characteristics, this plan proposes to build the Oriental Hub and surrounding areas into a new benchmark for international open gateway hubs in the new era, a core carrying area for implementing the construction of five centers, and a leading demonstration area for promoting Chinese-style modernization. Coordinate various sectors such as Zhangjiang Science City, International Tourism Resort, and Eastern Aviation City in the region to form a smart and accessible global hub, a new quality and efficient future engine, and an ecologically green and charming area.

The overall planning scheme forms an open chessboard-like spatial pattern with one center, two axes, two rings, four wings, and nine groups. Among them: one is dedicated to the ecological green heart, creating an ecological green heart where blue and green are intertwined and water and green are blended. The two axes are the open innovation axis that runs east-west to the river and the sea, and the historical and cultural axis that connects towns in the north-south direction. The double ring relies on eight characteristic avenue traffic corridors to form two characteristic functional rings. The four wings are centered on the ecological green heart, with Eastern Aviation City, Huinan Future City, Zhangjiang Science City, and International Cultural Tourism City built in the southeast and northwest respectively. The nine groups are based on the tic-tac-toe ecological network, highlighting the orientation of characteristic functions, forming 9 characteristic functional groups.

According to information disclosed at the symposium, the Oriental Hub project is roughly divided into seven areas. The Shanghai East Railway Station project that citizens are looking forward to is located in Area A and is currently under construction.

Strengthen internal and external dual circulation and build an Eastern hub in the global landscape

At the symposium, Wu Jiang, a professor at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University, pointed out that from the perspective of the flow of people and logistics that Pudong’s geographical location can bear, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the current flow, which requires further improvement of the Eastern Hub. position in the global landscape.

Take Dubai as an example. It does not have a port itself, and air and land transportation are not well developed. However, it has made full use of its unique advantages at the crossroads of global north-south transportation and east-west transportation to make itself a global hub. Today, Dubai's airport has become the most prosperous airport in the world, and the UAE has become a global logistics center.

Singapore's success is also worth reference. Facing powerful East Asian competitors such as Shanghai, Busan and Tokyo, it has become the largest shipping center in Asia. Recently, the other side is even thinking about land transportation issues to connect Singapore and Beijing. Maybe people will think that after driving for more than 20 hours, how could anyone take a ride? But everyone ignores the logistics value behind it. Once it is opened to traffic, it will bring huge logistics volume.

Looking back at Shanghai, there is actually no place in the world with a better geographical location than Pudong. Not only can we support the world's great circulation, we also have a huge internal circulation volume to rely on. When the two are combined, the node is Pudong. In this sense, the position of the Eastern Hub can be higher.

Wu Jiang believes that the development of Pudong itself is also expected to take advantage of the Eastern Hub. At present, the radiation range of the Eastern Hub can be further expanded, especially the integration with Lujiazui, Zhangjiang, Jinqiao to the north, and Lingang to the south should be strengthened. At the same time, urban service functions will be strengthened. Efforts should be made to build the Oriental Hub and surrounding areas into a highland of Shanghai's urban public services. Only in this way can people, money, and materials from all over the world be further concentrated.

Tang Zilai, a professor at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning at Tongji University, noticed that with the construction of the Oriental Hub, the outside world continued to discuss the relationship between Pudong and Hongqiao. "I think Pudong and Hongqiao are two wings. We need to fly together, but we also need to see the differences between the two wings. One connects the world, and the other revitalizes the hinterland. In the future, whether it is through high-speed rail or other forms of transportation, we must do a good job in both. Only through the connection between internal and external circulations can we truly achieve efficient collaboration between internal and external circulations.”

Can the end of the city become the center of the world?

Around 2007, with the development of the Hongqiao hub, the Shanghai Branch of the China Urban Planning and Design Institute was established. Dean Sun Juan believes that the internal logic of Hongqiao's development over the past 17 years actually has great reference significance for today's Eastern Hub construction, especially in how to balance the three relationships between regional logic, transportation logic, and urban logic.

She suggested that today in the Yangtze River Delta region, a large number of high-quality products hope to find international markets, and a new node with external links is urgently needed. The construction of the Eastern Hub should be placed under the industrial systems of cities in the Yangtze River Delta, and we should consider how to integrate into the innovation chain, industrial chain, and supply chain, so that we can do things that are more in line with market logic.

Chen Xiaohong, a professor at the School of Transportation Engineering at Tongji University, also pointed out that the planning and construction of the Eastern Hub should be viewed in the context of high-quality economic development. "Serving the new productivity requires that our planning must be flexible in adjustment and inclusive in implementation. It does not mean that it cannot be moved after the drawing is drawn. There must be the possibility of accommodating industries in the future and the opportunity to connect to other ports. The Eastern Hub Construction must be considered economically."

Zhang Yong, deputy director of the Shanghai Institute of Development and Reform, believes that specific industrial land parcels must be considered and laid out in planning. "At present, the Eastern Hub and surrounding areas have a foundation in biomedicine, civil aviation, and high-end equipment. It is recommended that a high-level, composite industrial system must be built. This includes considering the layout of some future industries, such as new materials, energy storage, synthesis Biology, tax-free economy, medical beauty economy, etc.

In addition, Kuang Xiaoming, chief planner of Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute, put forward valuable suggestions on the creation of Jiangnan meaning and cultural tourism industry layout; Ge Haiying, general manager of Nippon Design China Co., Ltd., on station-city integration and urban activity destinations. .

Can Shanghai’s “traffic” rival that of Dubai and Singapore in the future? , the latest progress in the construction of the Eastern Hub is here
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