To promote the development of elderly care technology and promote the consumption of green electricity, the Shanghai Municipal Government Executive Meeting made arrangements to promote the rectification of inspection issues by the State Council

Release time:May 14, 2024 10:43 AM

Gong Zheng, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, presided over an executive meeting of the municipal government today, requesting that in accordance with the deployment of the municipal party committee, we should accelerate the rectification of problems found in the state-run office's inspection and research on optimizing the business environment; promote green electricity consumption; promote the innovative development of elderly care technology; and promote climate adaptation. Change Action Works.

The meeting pointed out that judging from the inspection by the State Council, the overall construction of Shanghai's business environment has been fully affirmed, but there are also some shortcomings. We must attach great importance to supervision and rectification, continue to optimize the business environment, and further stimulate the vitality of business entities. It is necessary to keep an eye on the time node to ensure that problems are rectified on time and carry out "look back" to ensure that the rectifications can stand the test. It is necessary to continue to optimize services, pay close attention to the difficulties and bottlenecks faced by enterprises in development, as well as the "temperature difference" between policy implementation and enterprises' feelings, and help enterprises solve specific problems. It is necessary to deepen reforms, actively benchmark, launch more innovative measures and heart-warming services, and promote Shanghai's business environment construction to continue to be at the forefront of the country.

The meeting agreed in principle with the "Implementation Opinions of Shanghai on Promoting Green Power Consumption and Accelerating Energy Low-carbon Transformation" and pointed out that promoting green power consumption is an important measure to speed up the green energy transformation and achieve the "double carbon" goal, and also supports enterprises to create green and low-carbon supply The actual needs of the chain. The supply side should enrich trading resources, actively increase the supply of green power, and give priority to meeting the green power needs of enterprises. On the trading side, standards and regulations must be improved, information exchange and technological empowerment must be strengthened, the accuracy of green electricity accounting must be improved, and a standardized and efficient green electricity trading market must be created. The consumer side must strengthen incentive guidance, focus on bottleneck issues such as green certificate transactions, expand application scenarios, improve incentive measures, strengthen policy coordination, and promote integration with international standards.

The meeting agreed in principle with the "Shanghai Action Plan for Promoting the Innovation and Development of Elderly Care Technology" and pointed out that it is necessary to seize the opportunity of deep integration of modern technology and the elderly care industry so that the elderly can share the fruits of development. It is necessary to focus on development trends, improve top-level design, keep a close eye on the main directions such as intelligent sensing and robots, and launch a number of supporting measures. It is necessary to focus on key needs, accelerate industry cultivation, clarify the list of key products, and enter the "new blue ocean" of elderly care technology. It is necessary to focus on life scenarios, strengthen demonstration applications, and promote the integration of innovation and research and development into the daily lives of the elderly, so that the elderly can use it, afford it, and use it well.

The meeting agreed in principle with the "Shanghai Action Plan for Adapting to Climate Change" and pointed out that Shanghai is a megacity and an estuary and coastal city. It is necessary to strengthen cross-department and cross-regional collaboration to promote climate change adaptation and beautiful Shanghai, a resilient and safe city, and green and low-carbon energy. System construction and other tasks are closely integrated. It is necessary to give full play to the role of scientific and technological innovation, increase technology research and development, application and promotion, and improve climate adaptation capabilities. Pilot demonstration areas such as Lingang New Area, Chongming Ecological Island, and Five New Cities should increase exploration and accumulate useful experience.

Shanghai builds a "new highland" for dual support, signing contracts from Lujiazui to Lingang
Shanghai builds a "new highland" for dual support, signing contracts from Lujiazui to Lingang

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Looking forward to promoting the layout of more and better advanced manufacturing projects, the Mayor of Shanghai meets with the President of NVIDIA, NVIDIA | Shanghai | More and Better

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Why did there come to an intersection? Li Guoqiang from Pinghu, Zhejiang and Li Guoqiang from Jinshan, Shanghai. People's Congress | Two places | Jinshan

They are both called Li Guoqiang. One is the Secretary of the Party General Branch and Director of the Village Committee of Changwu Village, Fengjing Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai; One is the Party Secretary and Village Committee Director of Jiudai Village, Xindai Town, Pinghu City, Zhejiang Province. Both are local town people's congress representatives. Fengjing Town is adjacent to Xindai Town, and the two villages where Li Guoqiang is located are only a dozen minutes away. Previously, they didn't know each other, but now, due to a linkage platform, two Li Guoqiang have intersected. According to the framework agreement of the joint supervision of regional ecological environment by the Standing Committees of the People's Congress of Jinshan District and Pinghu City, the People's Congress of Fengjing and Xindai towns will establish an adjacent People's Congress linkage platform in 2021. In the following two years, the people's congresses of the two towns carried out a series of joint supervision and inspection activities, which provided more opportunities for cooperation and shared aspirations for the village where the two Li Guoqiang were located. The Story of Waste Soil

Gong Zheng, Yang Yinkai, and Xie Zhenhua delivered a speech, marking the opening of the 2023 Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology, Products, and Achievements Expo. Systemic | Science and Technology | Achievements
Gong Zheng, Yang Yinkai, and Xie Zhenhua delivered a speech, marking the opening of the 2023 Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology, Products, and Achievements Expo. Systemic | Science and Technology | Achievements

The 2023 Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology, Products and Achievements Expo opened today at the National Convention and Exhibition Center. Shanghai Municipal Party Secretary and Mayor Gong Zheng, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission Yang Yinkai, and China's Special Envoy for Climate Change Affairs Xie Zhenhua delivered speeches. Gong said in his speech that achieving peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality is a broad and profound systemic economic and social transformation, ultimately relying on technological innovation, which requires the cohesion of multiple forces and the promotion of innovative breakthroughs. Shanghai will fully, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept, focus on promoting high-quality development, and promote the comprehensive green and low-carbon transformation of economic and social development. We will focus on the "four key areas" of energy, industry, transportation, and construction, and fight the "dual carbon" battle well and persistently. We will strengthen the two key supports of technological innovation and green finance to better serve the country“