The first batch of verification for public primary schools will be from May 18th to 21st. Registration for private junior high schools in Shanghai this year closes today

Release time:May 15, 2024 11:13 AM

This year's online registration for private junior high schools in Shanghai ends today. From this Saturday to May 21, the first batch of verifications for public primary schools will be carried out.

After completing the verification of junior high school admission information, parents of students who are willing to choose to study in private junior high schools must go to the compulsory education admissions column of the "One-online" website from 8:00-23:59 every day from May 13th to May 15th or directly visit shrxbm. Go to to enter the "Enrollment Registration System" for online registration. Registration for private junior high schools is not accepted at other times. Parents are advised to pay attention to the registration time. Parents can visit the compulsory education admissions column or the "Enrollment Registration System" of the "One-stop Service" website to find the "List of Private Enrollment Schools for Primary to Junior High Schools in 25 Districts in 2024" to view the enrollment plans of private junior high schools. During the registration process, parents can also click "Policy Description" in the upper right corner of the page in the "Private Junior High School Registration" module to open the "2024 Shanghai Private Enrollment Schools from Primary to Junior High School List" to view the enrollment plans of each private junior high school.

Under what circumstances will a private school implement random computer admissions? If the number of applicants is less than or equal to the number in the enrollment plan, all applicants will be admitted; if the number of applicants is greater than the number in the enrollment plan, the education administrative department of each district will organize random computer admissions. The computer random admission period is from May 20th to May 21st. This city will take a variety of measures to ensure the fairness and equity of computerized random admissions. Each district uses the city's unified computer random admission software. All districts are encouraged to introduce notary agencies to participate in the computerized random admission process. The entire process of random computer admissions is open to the education administration, supervision, disciplinary inspection and supervision departments at the municipal and district levels, as well as school parent committee representatives, and consciously accepts social supervision. Implement computer random admission and video recording of the entire process. Computer random admissions are over, and the results will be announced promptly by the district education administration department and imported into the "Enrollment Registration System."

From May 18 to May 21, the education departments of each district organized the first batch of verifications for public primary schools, and compared them with the registered information based on the relevant information centrally retrieved from Shanghai’s “One-on-line Office”. If the verification is passed, parents will be notified through text messages and the "Enrollment Registration System"; if the information is inconsistent, parents will provide relevant certificate information in a timely manner for comparison according to relevant requirements. Starting from May 22, public primary school enrollment notification information will be sent to school-age children who have passed the verification. The second batch of verification for public primary schools will be carried out from May 25th to May 26th. "Admission Notice" will be issued to new students before August 15th.

The first batch of verification for public primary schools will be from May 18th to 21st. Registration for private junior high schools in Shanghai this year closes today
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