Every road is successful | There is a way to a good job ①, from participating in the competition to upgrading to taking a leave of absence to start a business, walking on two legs in the year of graduation

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:May 15, 2024 11:08 AM

[Editor's note] The finals of the first National College Student Career Planning Competition recently won gold in Shanghai. This competition, which 98.6% of ordinary colleges and universities participated in and 9.52 million students signed up for, is the first specialized competition in China set up with the goal of promoting high-quality and full employment of college students. After school competitions, provincial competitions and national competitions, many students from Shanghai universities have won gold and silver medals, and have embarked on a career planning path that suits their own characteristics, and some have even made their plans a reality.

In the countdown to this year's employment season, reporters from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News visited the contestants who "walked their own path" and other job seekers or entrepreneurs who "didn't take the ordinary path" to see what they can do for those who are about to enter the society. My peers who have entered the workplace have brought us some good tips for good jobs.

On May 13, He Meishan, a 2024 graduate, flew to Kunming because her team was preparing for the third "Dokemon" animation exhibition to be held in June at the creative landmark Yunnan Coffee Factory. Recently, in the finals of the first National College Student Career Planning Competition, He Meishan, the champion of Shanghai Municipal Competition, showed only one "employment track" of her career and won one of the three silver medals in the school. In fact, in her graduation year, she was taking three paths at the same time - undergraduate study, employment, and entrepreneurship, and she was successful in each of them.

This Sichuan girl born in the 2000s is currently in the No. 8 Bridge Creative Industry Park on the bank of the Pujiang River. She has obtained the "Huangpu Creation Card", opened her own company, and created more than one animation exhibition IP. Because she likes animation so much and because her grandfather is in Shanghai, He Meishan came to Shanghai from Chengdu to study, majoring in digital media technology at Shanghai Vocational College of Arts and Crafts. During this period, she took a year off from school, went to the exhibition for internship, and started her own business. She also "worked and studied well" and achieved "junior college to bachelor's degree" in Shanghai.

[Paying the “price” of taking a break from school for internship and entrepreneurship]

At the age of 14, He Meishan became one of the first online literature writers of China Literature Group. Her fantasy novels brought "first generation fans". She herself also entered the "two-dimensional" world with her fans during the Hanfu cultural renaissance movement. Perhaps she is obsessed or even crazy. She laughs at herself as being a bit "deviant" and has not followed the path of "three good students" in the traditional sense.

Every road is successful | There is a way to a good job ①, from participating in the competition to upgrading to taking a leave of absence to start a business, walking on two legs in the year of graduation

In 2020, He Meishan chose to go to college and learn skills, and came to the only art and design school among the 100 national-level demonstration higher vocational colleges. She studied rendering, modeling, CAD, etc. at Shanghai Vocational College of Arts and Crafts. Digital media technology. She told a reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News that since she studied in Shanghai, she can basically "support herself" with her craftsmanship and "hasn't asked for a penny from her family."

From mastering one skill to establishing one's own business, there is still a lot of experience involved. In the first National College Student Career Planning Competition, He Meishan was clearly positioned as the "Comic Exhibition Project Manager", which is suitable for large-scale animation and cultural exhibitions from ChinaJoy to CP Comic Expo. As expected, she won the industry award in the "Heavenly Offer" session. An acceptance letter from the judges.

In fact, she worked as a full-time intern at the Organizing Committee of the China International Digital Entertainment Expo hosted in Chengdu for more than a year, often "playing the same role but not entering" and becoming the team leader in charge of the project. I also received an offer through this, and I can earn more than 200,000 yuan a year. During this period, she also participated in the 9th "Internet" competition with her entrepreneurial project "Good American Style Digital Entertainment Exhibition", and finally won the gold medal in the Shanghai Division Vocational Education Track. As a result, she was recommended to an undergraduate college to study in an art environment. Design professional.

However, the "price" He Meishan paid for this was to drop out of school. In 2022, He Meishan, who is about to graduate in half a year, is struggling with whether to complete her studies first or accumulate entrepreneurial experience first? Thinking that the opportunity was too good to miss, she quickly made a decision. "When I asked to take a leave of absence, the teacher was shocked. Because I had finished my graduation project and was waiting to receive my diploma in June next year..."

With support from her family and college, she took a break from school to start a business. During the year, He Meishan ran around talking about projects and organizing exhibitions herself. From early planning to post-execution, from repeatedly encountering obstacles in inviting big-name guests in the industry to successfully signing a popular cosplayer, this newbie who was in a hurry to deal with emergencies has grown into the backbone of a core team of more than ten people.

[Continue to walk your own path on "two legs"]

Every road is successful | There is a way to a good job ①, from participating in the competition to upgrading to taking a leave of absence to start a business, walking on two legs in the year of graduation

In October 2023, He Meishan officially founded Shanghai Manying Interactive Entertainment Culture Communication Co., Ltd. and incubated digital entertainment exhibition brands. The following month, the company completed angel round financing and received a million-dollar investment from Qian Chen, chairman of Eagle Venture Capital and partner of Hanli Capital.

No. 8 Bridge in Huangpu District provided dozens of square meters of incubation space for Hemeishan Ventures, which not only exempted employees from social security, but also provided a one-time subsidy. So far, they have opened more than 20 two-dimensional themed exhibitions, with IP manufacturers ranging from King of Glory to Line Puppy participating in the exhibition, with audiences ranging from thousands to tens of thousands.

"Last year, we made more than 8 million yuan for exhibitions and conferences; this year, we have done more than 2 million yuan by May." He Meishan said that she "went from senior to obsessed". She entered the pit because of love and sacrificed because of love. "We I often have to set up the exhibition hall in the middle of the night, move things, and set up shelves. I feel sleepy and tired. But as soon as the exhibition starts, the music starts, the stage opens, and I see the two-dimensional friends gathering together, I feel exhausted. , and my heart is filled with joy.”

He Meishan plans to continue "walking on two legs" in the future. In terms of academics, I can earn enough tuition by myself. After graduating from undergraduate degree, I plan to study abroad to continue to improve my academic qualifications and broaden my horizons. In terms of entrepreneurship, she said frankly: "In the next two to three years, there will indeed be a market for comics exhibitions, but as the market gradually becomes saturated, the company will inevitably need to develop more diversified profit channels." To this end, she is building on the existing fan user base , develop social APPs and mini-programs, hold a "never-ending virtual exhibition", and at the same time promote surrounding cultural and creative products to go overseas and expand the overseas influence of IP.

"Watching the students' projects 'from 0 to 1' implemented step by step, and witnessing the team's continuous transformation and maturity, I am very happy for 'Manying Interactive Entertainment'," said Wang Weixi, a teacher at the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Shanghai Vocational College of Arts and Crafts , and also hope that more students who are willing to innovate and start businesses can see real cases and promote the cultivation of innovation and entrepreneurship awareness.

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