How many secrets are hidden in the 94-year-old "famous building on the sea"? Sun Daolin, Wang Wenjuan, Zhou Xuan, Fu Quanxiang and Fan Ruijuan were once residents

Release time:May 15, 2024 12:12 PM

"I was born and raised in Zhenliu Apartment. For a while after my parents passed away, I thought about moving, but I still couldn't bear to part with this place. My mother's room is still the same as it was when they got married. Keep all the furniture. If you don’t want to give up, just stay. I want to pass on the spirit of this family. We have the responsibility to protect the cultural heritage of Zhenliu Apartment and the obligation to pass on this history.” Liu Dan, the current resident of Zhenliu Apartment and the daughter of Yue Opera performing artist Fu Quanxiang, said at the book launch conference of "The Voice of Zhenliu: An Oral History of a Century-old Zhenliu Apartment".

"I was in my early 20s when I moved in, and I was in my early 50s when I moved out. This apartment was in a prime location, and I spent the golden years of my life here, starting a family and building a career. I'm very I miss and am very grateful for this place. I hope the residents here, Zhenliu, can live a peaceful, peaceful and happy life," said Wang Qun, a former resident of Zhenliu Apartment and a professor at the School of Communication at East China Normal University.

"The Voice of Zhenliu: An Oral History of a Century-old Zhenliu Apartment" book launch conference

"Architecture has a soul and is closely related to the people who live in it. When I became a deputy to the People's Congress of Jing'an District and was able to do something for Jing'an District, the first thing I thought of was not to let down the years, these people, and these things of Zhenliu Apartment So, I made a suggestion to the relevant departments to write about Zhenliu Apartment and record the story of Zhenliu Apartment so that the world can understand the simple and warm life behind every window. "Shanghai Theater Academy. said Wang Su, professor of the Department of Performance.

Zhenliu Apartment, built in 1930, is one of the second batch of outstanding historical buildings in Shanghai. It was known as the "Famous Building on the Sea" because of its high-end facilities and the gathering of celebrities. Former residents of the apartment include newspapermen Xu Zhucheng and Chen Shangfan, director Zhu Duanjun, writers Zhou Erfu, Jun Qing, and Wang Mulan, literary theorists Ye Yiqun, painters Shen Roujian and Han Anyi, Jin Shijia Wu Putang, business celebrities Hu Juewen and Shen Ruizhou, Sanqi star Zhou Xuan, film and drama performers Artists Tao Jin and Zhang Manping, Qiao Qi and Sun Jinglu, Yu Fei, Sun Daolin, Xu Xing, Shaoxing opera performing artists Fu Quanxiang, Fan Ruijuan, Wang Wenjuan, Pingtan performing artist Yu Hongxian, surgeon Wu Zhaoguang, mechanics expert Li Guohao, etc.

"In the 1930s, until the outbreak of the Pacific War, the residents of Zhenliu Apartments were mainly expatriates. At that time, Shanghainese preferred to choose Chinese-style houses such as Shikumen or Xinli, and relatively few chose apartments. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, , the situation has changed, and many celebrities and young and fashionable people at that time gradually tended to choose Western-style apartments, and Zhou Xuan also moved into Zhenliu Apartment during this period," said Chen Lei, associate researcher at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences' Institute of History.

Pictures of Zhou Xuan in Zhenliu Apartment Zhao Lingbin, a post-80s oral history worker and founder of the Waiting Culture Studio, and Zhenliu Apartment began before the National Day in 2020. "Jing'an Temple Street wanted to compile an oral history album for Zhenliu Apartment to record every detail of the residents' lives. On the day of the meeting, we drove to Zhenliu Apartment under the leadership of our colleagues from the street. Compared with some Internet celebrity check-in points, The background research for the Zhenliu Apartment was arduous, and the first-hand information was only scattered. After several weeks of searching and piecing together, a sketch of a top-notch mansion in the 1930s slowly unfolded in my mind. , I dare not draw any conclusions yet, and the activities of the characters are even more unknown." Later, Zhao Lingbin launched two issues of "Zhenliu Voice" and interviewed 21 families and nearly 30 residents and staff, ranging in age. 66 years old. They have different experiences and occupations, and they all have different perspectives and unique memories of Zhenliu Apartment. But sometimes they will inadvertently remember the same place, the same scene, the same event or the same person. This is the "collective memory" of the Zhenliu Apartment.

Zhao Lingbin, a post-80s oral historian and founder of the Waiting Culture Studio

"The Voice of Zhenliu: An Oral History of a Century-old Zhenliu Apartment" launched by Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House multi-dimensionally shows the interviewees' life imprints in Zhenliu Apartment and their contributions to social development, as well as their experiences in different historical periods. The choice and persistence of cross-section. The book intersperses archives and video materials from different periods as supplementary evidence. At the same time, by analyzing residents' oral accounts and old floor plans, the book uses architectural modeling to restore the architectural features of Zhenliu Apartments in the 1930s, providing a spatial history of the century-old apartments. Provide reference for changes.

"The project took nearly 2,500 minutes of video footage, about 460,000 words of verbatim text, and more than 1,000 pictures including architectural images and old photos. If we say that the history of the Zhenliu Apartment in the 1930s and 1940s can barely be considered 'documented' Cha', the history starting from the 1950s was built brick by brick by these interviewees. Oral history is not only an important supplement to historical documents, but also contains diverse information such as spiritual processes, social relationships, and language characteristics. ." Zhao Lingbin sighed.

1930s three-bedroom architectural model of Zhenliu Apartment

"After reading "The Voice of Zhenliu", I was surprised to find that Zhenliu Apartment is like an unfathomable sea. The historical evolution of each family is closely related to the great era. They each use their own growth. Longitude and latitude annotate history and thus become part of the historical flow, and use their own stories to resurrect a building that has experienced hundreds of years of vicissitudes," wrote Cao Kefan, the host who wrote the preface to the book.

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