The 2024 Regional New Economic Development Conference was held in Shanghai, and data elements empowered regional brand building

Release time:May 13, 2024 09:13 AM

On May 12, during the China Brand Day event, the 2024 Regional New Economic Development Conference was held in Shanghai. The conference was themed "Green Innovation, New Quality Development, Digital Empowerment of Regional Brands". At the meeting, Lianhua Supermarket signed contracts with 12 special projects in Shanxi, Gansu, Qinghai and other places.

In recent years, with the rise of local specialty brands such as "Qinzhou Yellow Millet", "Jingning Apple" and "Zilin Vinegar", a large number of advantageous product areas have gradually formed. Sun Xing, deputy director of the Industrial Culture Development Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the development of regional economy is one of the important topics of China's economic development in the new era. Its level depends not only on the scale of development, but also on the quality of development.

“At this stage, we must vigorously develop green agriculture, organic agriculture, facility agriculture, and quality agriculture, better link agricultural production with urban demand, accelerate the establishment of agricultural brand quality standards, and promote the reform of agricultural science and technology systems and mechanisms to better support agriculture. Innovation and development are indeed the general trend,” said Xia Minglin, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Shanghai Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee.

In order to help regional specialty products "go global", as a well-known state-owned enterprise in the domestic retail industry, Lianhua Supermarket has signed contracts with Shanxi, Gansu, Qinghai and other places for projects including Yuncheng Apple, Jishan Egg, Xixian Yulu Fragrant Pear, Qin Zhouhuang millet, Jingle quinoa, Wuzhai sweet waxy corn, Kelan cashmere goat, Qingxu mature vinegar, Daizhou rice wine, Jingning apple, Wudu olive oil, Yushu wild cordyceps, etc., aiming to further enrich the supermarket supply categories and open up The "last mile" of regional brand industry sales.

Experts attending the meeting said that accelerating digital transformation is the key for various industries and enterprises to shape their core competitiveness and participate in international competition. As one of the important starting points for promoting industrial digital transformation and upgrading, the influence of index is constantly expanding.

The "Xinhua Index" has always paid close attention to the development of domestic industries in various fields, hoping to use numbers to accurately depict the process of major companies from making products to building brands, and to stimulate regional brands with strong competitiveness and high reputation to "break out of the circle".

Taking the Xinhua·China Apple Price Index as an example, the "Xinhua Index" not only provides effective price reference benchmarks and market information to market participants, but also promotes industrial standardization and standardization, creating a "new business card" for the apple industry.

Cao Wenzhong, president of China Economic Information Service, said that the China Economic and Social Service index team will focus on advanced manufacturing, smart agriculture and forestry, cultural tourism, medicine and health and other characteristic fields, and develop a number of regional brand price indexes, industry indexes, market indexes and communication indexes, etc. Systematically take inventory of major brand building achievements, and strive to explore new regional economies, new models, and new momentum with partners.

Opening up the "last mile" requires multiple measures. "Looking forward to the future, we will continue to support production and marketing docking, help brand agricultural products achieve high quality and low prices, hold agricultural product production and marketing docking meetings, and build a face-to-face production and marketing docking platform between sales entities and production entities." Xia Minglin said. "At the same time, we will continue to expand sales channels through the order farming model, help high-quality agricultural products enter supermarkets and platforms, and promote simultaneous online and offline sales."

The 2024 Regional New Economic Development Conference was held in Shanghai, and data elements empowered regional brand building
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