Do not exaggerate occasional incidents into common phenomena. China Journalists Association advocates: Resist "toxic traffic"

Release time:May 15, 2024 16:17 PM

"How to maintain the correct direction of public opinion in the era of all media"

——Proposal from the Journalism Ethics Committee of the Chinese Journalists Association

Mainstream media are the main force in news and public opinion work and bear the important responsibility of disseminating mainstream public opinion and promoting mainstream values. In recent years, mainstream media have adapted to the development of information technology and changes in communication channels, and have entered the main battlefield, letting the main melody sing the strongest voice and generating positive energy and large traffic. At the same time, in many recent Internet hot spots, some new media run by mainstream media have biased their news value judgments in order to chase traffic and attract attention, damaging the credibility and influence of mainstream media. In order to consolidate and strengthen the mainstream ideological and public opinion for the new era, better shoulder the new cultural mission, and actively lead social trends, we issue an initiative to journalists across the country:

Be political, stick to the bottom line, and adhere to the correct orientation. We must always adhere to the correct political direction, public opinion guidance, journalistic aspirations, and work orientation, adhere to the Marxist journalistic outlook, and insist on focusing on unity, stability, encouragement, and positive publicity. Be responsible for the truth, verify sources from multiple sources, strictly abide by the collection and editing process, balance and objective reporting, and ensure that you do not lose track, are not inaccurate, and do not break trust. Actively guide social hot spots, cut into the hot spots of public opinion, clarify opinions and attitudes, guide the trend of public opinion, and lead social trends.

Pay attention to character, abide by responsibilities, and promote mainstream values. Actively fulfill the social responsibilities of the media, focus on the center, serve the overall situation, put people first, and serve the people. Pursue positive energy and resist "toxic traffic". Highlight the content and character, reject vulgarity and kitsch, oppose feudal superstition, and do not deliberately exaggerate accidental events into common phenomena. Take the initiative to set topics, respond to social concerns, dare to face up to problems, explore solutions, insist on producing valuable and stylish news, and lead the whole society to jointly practice the core socialist values.

Follow standards, abide by ethics, and abide by professional ethics. Consciously abide by laws and regulations, and abide by professional ethics and journalistic ethics. Strictly abide by the professional standards of journalism, do not amplify bloody and violent scenes, do not produce pornographic and borderline content, do not incite public emotions, and do not create conflicts and confrontations. Put an end to false reports, resist paid news, do not write news based on hearsay or subjective assumptions, do not distort news facts for the sake of sensationalism, promote truth, goodness and beauty, denounce falsehood, evil and ugliness, and promote the formation of a positive and good social atmosphere.

Stress the "four forces", maintain integrity, and carry forward good styles. Continuously strengthen the footwork at the grassroots level, the vision to see problems, the brain power to plan things, and the writing power to write reports, and develop the true ability to adapt to the all-media era and lead social trends. Strengthen the construction of work style, carry out in-depth investigation and research, go deep into the front line and the masses, and insist on on-site interviews, on-site interviews, and direct interviews. Maintain integrity, resist bad trends, accept social supervision, and show the whole society a good image of journalists in the new era.

Multiple departments across the country have taken joint actions and taken multiple measures to escort high school seniors for the college entrance examination
Multiple departments across the country have taken joint actions and taken multiple measures to escort high school seniors for the college entrance examination

CCTV News: As the national college entrance examination approaches in 2023, multiple departments across the country have launched multiple measures to escort college entrance examination candidates. As the college entrance examination approaches, many love delivery teams from Henan, Shandong and other places have held launching ceremonies one after another. In Jinan, Shandong, more than 1000 people from more than 120 volunteer service teams, including the Laiwu Blue Sky Emergency Rescue Team, actively participated in the army of sending students for exams. In addition to providing caring exam delivery services, volunteers will also provide free mineral water, paper, pens and other items for candidates and parents at the volunteer service station. At the same time, assist traffic police, urban management, education and other departments in maintaining order around the examination center. Liu Rongqing, Director of the Spiritual Civilization Construction Department of the Propaganda Department of the Laiwu District Committee of Jinan City, Shandong Province: This year, we have also opened a hotline for sending students to take exams, providing point-to-point and one-on-one pick-up and drop off services for students from remote families and those in need.

Release these new signals, two billion yuan fines! China's Anti Monopoly Enforcement Swords to Livelihood | Field | Enforcement
Release these new signals, two billion yuan fines! China's Anti Monopoly Enforcement Swords to Livelihood | Field | Enforcement

China's antitrust enforcement, which has received widespread social attention, has recently seen new trends. According to information recently disclosed by the State Administration for Market Regulation, since the beginning of this year, the national market supervision system has carried out a special action on anti-monopoly law enforcement in the field of people's livelihood, continuously strengthening anti-monopoly law enforcement in the field of people's livelihood, and has made phased progress. The first batch of 13 major typical monopoly cases that were centrally investigated and dealt with have been announced to the society, mainly involving drugs, public utilities, insurance and other fields. Some companies have even been fined billions of yuan by market regulatory authorities. Through the first batch of published typical cases, we can see some important signals from them. Not only are there enterprises on the "black list", but also the first batch of 13 typical cases announced by administrative units in this special anti monopoly law enforcement action. Among them, 5 cases occurred in the pharmaceutical field and 8 cases occurred

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But... the United States wants to persuade the so-called "wall riders" to confront China. Washington | Foreign Policy | The United States

On May 31st, the website of the bimonthly issue of Foreign Policy in the United States published an article titled "The Indo Pacific has chosen Gate Three", written by Kelly Greco, a senior researcher at the Stimson Center in the United States. The article excerpt is as follows: Washington wants to persuade the so-called "wall riders" - countries such as India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Vietnam - to join the alliance against China. In order to force many countries to "de risk" their economies, the United States has depicted a picture of dividing the region into two camps: those who support the United States and those who lean towards China. According to the logic of the United States, those countries that are currently "riding the wall" are just delaying, and Washington can tilt the balance towards itself with more attention, visits, and money. But not many Asia Pacific countries measure the challenges they face in half

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Can ride hailing software accurately locate people and cars by 5G+BeiDou? The role of high-precision positioning also includes these... Beidou | Signal | People and Vehicles

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology approved China Mobile to conduct 5G ground to air communication technology experiments in relevant provinces in China using some of its 4.9GHz 5G frequency resources for high-precision positioning. This technology will establish a ground to air communication link between the ground and the aircraft cabin, enabling passengers to access the Internet through wireless LAN access in the cabin, which will further enhance the spatial dimension of 5G network coverage and better meet the growing air access Internet needs of air passengers. The coverage range of 5G networks is becoming increasingly wide from the ground to the sky. Can such a wide coverage of 5G networks have other uses besides communication? The answer from Professor Deng Zhongliang of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications is "yes". "5G+Beidou" is exactly the answer given by Deng Zhongliang. 5G is an above ground network

Thick smoke billows from the scene! Netizen: Just as I reached the top, I started a big escape, suddenly! Beiyue Hengshan Fire Culture | Country | Great Escape
Thick smoke billows from the scene! Netizen: Just as I reached the top, I started a big escape, suddenly! Beiyue Hengshan Fire Culture | Country | Great Escape

According to CCTV news, the reporter learned from relevant departments in Shanxi Province that on June 3, a fire broke out in Hengshan, Yongan Town, Hunyuan County, Shanxi Province, and local forces are being organized to fight the fire. According to Jimu News, smoke billowed from the top of a fire in Hengshan, Shanxi Province on June 3. On the afternoon of the 3rd, Jimu journalists learned from the local that the uphill passage has been closed, the ropeway on the mountain has also been suspended, and rescue workers have rushed to the scene for rescue. Videos released by tourists show smoke rising from the top of a mountain and tourists walking down the hill. The video caption said, "Hengshan is on fire, tourists have been evacuated from the mountain, and the ropeway can no longer sit." At about 4 p.m. on the 3rd, a merchant at the foot of the mountain introduced to the reporter that at about 12:00 on the 3rd, he saw Heng in the distance.