Lushan: Recite "Qilu: Climbing Mount Lushan" and "Peach Blossom Spring" within 8 minutes to get free admission. Qilu: Climbing Mount Lushan | Lushan | Peach Blossom Spring

Release time:May 15, 2024 16:25 PM

Another tourist attraction has "joined" the list of free tickets for reciting classic poems.

According to the WeChat public account "China Lushan Release", from May 19 to June 18, 2024, in order to promote the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, Lushan will carry out a free ticket recitation activity. All you need to do is recite "Qilu: Climbing Mount Lushan" and " The full text of "The Peach Blossom Spring", you can visit the Lushan Scenic Area for free.

The event time is 9:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00, and the location is located at the Tourist Service Center of Lushan Scenic Area.

Recitation rules and requirements: Visitors participating in the recitation activity must independently complete the recitation of the full text of "Qilu: Climbing Mount Lushan" and "The Story of Peach Blossom Spring". They are not allowed to use other prompts. If there are three or more errors in the recitation, it will be deemed as a failure; recitation time control Within 8 minutes, if the timeout exceeds, the recitation will be regarded as a failure; tourists participating in the recitation activity need to recite alone, and groups are not allowed to recite at the same time; each person can only participate in one recitation activity per day; after passing the recitation, you will receive a Lushan Memorial Voucher , enter the park with this stamped stamp.

Mount Lu is located in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, bordering the Yangtze River to the north and Poyang Lake to the east. It is a terrast-type fault-block mountain with 171 peaks named since ancient times. The main peak, Dahanyang Peak, is 1,474 meters above sea level. The high mountain water has formed numerous torrents and waterfalls. It is famous for its "majesty, wonder, danger and beauty". Su Shi, a poet in the Song Dynasty, once lamented that "I don't know the true face of Mount Lushan, just because I am in this mountain".

On December 6, 1996, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee approved Lushan Mountain to be included in the World Heritage List as a "World Cultural Landscape". In 2007, Lushan Mountain was approved to become a national 5A-level tourist attraction.

In recent years, free admission for reciting ancient poems has become a new "game" in more and more scenic spots.

According to previous reports by The Paper, starting from 2021, Nanchang Tengwang Pavilion Scenic Area will launch a "free ticket for reciting "The Preface to Tengwang Pavilion"" activity. During this year’s May Day holiday, Nanchang has once again upgraded its new gameplay and launched an activity to memorize the "Preface to Prince Teng Pavilion" and travel around Nanchang: if tourists successfully recite it, they can not only visit Teng Prince Pavilion for free, but also enjoy free admission to key scenic spots in Nanchang.

You can get it by reciting "The Story of Yueyang Tower" in the Yueyang Tower Scenic Area in Hunan, reciting "The Difficult Road to Shu" in the Jianmenguan Scenic Area in Sichuan, reciting "The Drunkard's Pavilion" in the Langya Mountain Scenic Area in Chuzhou, Anhui, and reciting "The Analects of Confucius" in Qufu Scenic Area in Shandong... Free ticket opportunity.

Not long ago, the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan, Hubei Province also announced that on Children’s Day, it would launch a free ticket activity for children aged 14 and under to recite ancient poems. As long as you recite three poems related to the Yellow Crane Tower, not only the children themselves will be free of charge, but a fellow traveler can also "bless".

Lushan: Recite "Qilu: Climbing Mount Lushan" and "Peach Blossom Spring" within 8 minutes to get free admission. Qilu: Climbing Mount Lushan | Lushan | Peach Blossom Spring
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