[Announcement of self-recommended works for the 34th China Journalism Awards]

Release time:May 13, 2024 09:01 AM

In accordance with the provisions of the "Selection Methods for the China News Awards" and the "Notice of Self-Recommended Works for the 34th China News Awards", the author intends to self-recommend "Six "Todays" Staring at the Shanghai Free Trade Zone" to participate in the 34th China News Awards prize. It is now publicized and the publicity period is from May 13th to May 17th. During this period, if you have any objections, you can report them to our company by phone, email, etc. Overdue applications will not be accepted.

Email: jfzbb@jfdaily.com

"Six "Todays" Staring at the Shanghai Free Trade Zone"

Manuscript address: https://www.shobserver.com/staticsg/res/html/journal/detail.html?date=2023-09-29&id=360323&page=02

China Journalism Award Self-recommendation and Recommendation Form for Works Recommended by Others

On September 29, 2013, as another banner of China’s opening up to the outside world, the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone was born. In the following 10 years, the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone continued to expand, and reform and opening up further deepened in this hot land. At such an important node as September 29, 2023, we want more ordinary readers to understand the significance and results of this major national strategy, and also leave their mark on the ordinary "little reform things" in the past 10 years. imprint.

The author created an original writing method, fully tapped into the profound accumulation of previous reports, and carefully selected six landmarks - using their stories on September 29 in the past 10 years to connect the changes and development of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone. The article uses the small to reveal the big, and uses the point to illustrate the overall situation. It accurately projects the direct impact of the free trade strategy on China's opening to the outside world, and is of far-reaching significance.

The article is highly readable and stands out among the many commemorative articles on the day. With ingenious conception and plain details, ordinary readers can feel the pulse of the times and perceive the country's reform and opening up process in light and soft words. This is a useful practice for the media to "tell Chinese stories well".

After the article was reported, it was widely reprinted by authoritative platforms such as United Times, Sohu, and NetEase and major portal websites. It aroused enthusiastic responses in various trade areas across the country and was widely disseminated among relevant management departments and entrepreneurs' "circles of friends."

The value of an article lies in its ingenious conception and rich details. With the reporter's unique perspective, rich accumulation, and in-depth historical observation, the article has flesh and blood. In a series of themed reports on the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone around September 29, it showed freshness and a sense of heaviness.

Carefully invest in promoting consumption actions, during the "Cool Summer Play Season", Shanghai Pudong Development Bank collaborates with thousands of merchants in 70 commercial districts to promote new energy vehicles | new energy | play season
Carefully invest in promoting consumption actions, during the "Cool Summer Play Season", Shanghai Pudong Development Bank collaborates with thousands of merchants in 70 commercial districts to promote new energy vehicles | new energy | play season

The scorching sun, but as high as the temperature, is the second season of "China-Chic Four Seasons Happy Life" - "Hot Summer Play Season", which is being held in the business streets of Shanghai's business districts and organized by the Municipal Commission of Commerce and the Municipal State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. Many citizens who are good at "buying, buying and buying" have found that "SPDB" can always be seen in the shopping malls and commercial streets in Shanghai. Whether it is directly using credit cards, electronic wallets, or through third-party platforms such as Alipay and WeChat payment, as long as the word "SPDB" is used, there will be opportunities to obtain promotions and benefits. According to incomplete statistics, there are currently over 70 commercial districts in the city with thousands of merchants offering "Pudong Development Bank" discounts, covering various consumption scenarios such as eating, drinking, playing, and traveling. For summer consumption, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank has also teamed up with Jinjiang Group to participate in the Jinjiang Park day, night, and beer festivals

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"Bi-directional Journey" in Warmth and Beauty, Shanghai Harmony Home: 20 Years of Professional Protection Interpreting Patient First | Medical | Shanghai

Name: Shanghai Hemujia Medical Coordinates: Spanning both sides of the Pujiang River, located in three comprehensive hospitals and three community clinics in Changning, Jing'an, and Pudong. Interesting name: Spring breeze turns into rain, harmonious and joyful. A doctor with warmth not only heals patients, but also uses the virtues of mutual understanding and cherishing to understand their thoughts and feelings. The so-called "providing comprehensive medical services for patients in a warm and comfortable medical environment like a family" is the unchanged principle of Shanghai Hemujia Hospital. Future outlook: After years of development, Hemujia Medical has become one of the well-known comprehensive high-end private medical institutions in China. In the future, Harmony Home will continue to focus on the comprehensive development of medical education and research, committed to creating high-quality medical services centered on patients, and helping to build a healthy China. The 6th Chinese Physician's Day on August 19th is in the future

Finance for the People | Shanghai Bank Elderly Care Finance: Using Focus and Professionalism to Help Elderly Enjoy a "Better Life" Shanghai Bank | Elderly Care | A Better Life
Finance for the People | Shanghai Bank Elderly Care Finance: Using Focus and Professionalism to Help Elderly Enjoy a "Better Life" Shanghai Bank | Elderly Care | A Better Life

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out the implementation of the national strategy to actively respond to population aging. With the continuous deepening of population aging, the new expectations of the people for a better elderly care life are growing day by day, and higher requirements have been put forward for elderly care services in the new era. How to make financial services for the elderly both innovative and heartfelt has always been the direction that Shanghai Bank is constantly striving for in the process of building a high-quality "boutique bank". Strengthening services with the foundation of finance and activating the "Silver Age Power" with warmth. The ceiling of the past has been replaced with new transparent materials, traditional furniture has been replaced with more facilities that balance elderly care services and care details... With the continuous changes in the elderly care customer base, Shanghai Bank's branches are also keeping up with the times. For example, opening up a dedicated area for elderly customer service, equipped with elderly care equipment such as soft seats, reading glasses, magnifying glasses, and blood pressure monitors,

SAIC Overseas Re Layout MG's First Pure Electric Convertible Sports Car Debuts in Europe SAIC Group | Market | Re Layout MG
SAIC Overseas Re Layout MG's First Pure Electric Convertible Sports Car Debuts in Europe SAIC Group | Market | Re Layout MG

Recently, SAIC Motor Corporation (SAIC) has made a new move targeting overseas markets - the MG Cyberster has made its public debut at the Silverstone circuit, a popular racing destination in the UK. According to the plan, this two door, two seat convertible Roadster model will debut at the Goodwood Speed Festival on July 13th, becoming the first Chinese brand mass-produced model to complete its dynamic debut at Goodwood in history. According to data released by SAIC Group, the group sold over 20000 new energy vehicles in Europe in May, including 8000 in the UK. SAIC Group executives have also stated that the number of new energy vehicles exported to Europe in 2023 is expected to be second only to Tesla, becoming the runner up in European new energy vehicle sales. Since its establishment in the 1920s, the MG brand has launched multiple classic sports cars, from creating a record of top speed

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank participates in the first "Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology, Products and Achievements Expo" Green | National | International
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank participates in the first "Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology, Products and Achievements Expo" Green | National | International

The first Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology, Products and Achievements Expo was held at the National Convention and Exhibition Center from June 11th to 14th. This exhibition is the first domestic exhibition with the theme of "carbon neutrality", covering 24 sub sectors of the entire industry chain exchange platform in 6 major fields of "carbon neutrality". It is also the first national ministry and Shanghai municipal government to fully participate in the "dual carbon" field grand event. Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, as a leading institution in the field of green financial services, is invited to participate in the exhibition. Pudong Development Bank actively conforms to the trend of green and low-carbon transformation, clearly incorporating "dual carbon" transformation and green development into the company's strategic plan, continuously innovating green financial service models, and better supporting the country's economic transformation and development. Promote the green transformation of asset liability structure, product and service models, and corporate culture. Continuously increasing financial supply, guiding and allocating more funds