Why choose virtue and law?, Depth | Chinese Premier's First Foreign Visit to Germany and France | Premier Li Qiang

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:11 PM

This weekend, the heat, brightness, and stability of China's "great power diplomacy" have attracted attention.

On June 18th, on the occasion of the Beijing talks between Chinese and American foreign ministers, Premier Li Qiang began his official visits to Germany and France, and will participate in the seventh round of China Germany government consultations, the New Global Financing Compact Summit, and other activities.

This is Li Qiang's first visit since taking office in March, to the top two economies of the European Union. As a world power and an important force on the international stage, China Germany and China France relations have long exceeded the scope of bilateral relations.

Analysts believe that in the context of intensified international turbulence and weak global economic recovery, China's frequent and high-level exchanges and dialogues with Germany and France, both world powers, are not only of great significance for stabilizing the relationship between the two sides, but also provide more stability and certainty for the world.

First visit carries on the past and opens up the future

After the establishment of the new government, the first visit of the Prime Minister usually carries symbolic significance.

In May 2018, Li Keqiang made his first visit to Indonesia after taking office as the new Premier of the Chinese State Council, reflecting China's emphasis on relations with Indonesia and ASEAN.

This time, Premier Li Qiang chose his first visit in Europe and his first stop in Germany, which carries a meaning that is unforgettable.

From a regional perspective, this year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Europe.

"This visit reflects China's high attention to the relationship between China and Germany and China France." A spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated on the 15th that China hopes to further deepen and expand the relationship between China and Germany, promote the continuous development of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and France, and make new contributions to the healthy and stable development of China Europe relations.

Analysts believe that Li Qiang's visit to Europe this time is both a continuation and a new beginning, bridging the gap between the past and the future.

The continuation lies in the fact that "it is the latest measure taken by the leaders of China and Europe to restart offline exchanges, aimed at maintaining the heat of high-level exchanges between the two sides and further promoting the comprehensive and healthy restart of China Europe relations," said Cui Hongjian, Director of the European Institute of the China Academy of International Studies.

Last November, German Chancellor Scholz became the first EU country leader to visit China after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, marking the beginning of the visit of other European politicians to China. In April of this year, French President Macron made a state visit to China, becoming the first European head of state to visit China after China's comprehensive resumption of foreign exchanges and the successful convening of the National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. One month later, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang visited countries such as Germany and France.

The new beginning lies in, "This is the first foreign visit by the new Chinese government since taking office, and further policy docking and communication between China and Europe will be carried out in combination with the new situation and some of the new government's governance goals." Cui Hongjian said.

From a bilateral perspective, the resumption of negotiations between the Chinese and German governments has received widespread attention from the outside world.

This mechanism began in 2011 and was agreed upon by then German Chancellor Merkel and China during her visit to China in 2010. Since then, the two countries have successively held the second to sixth rounds of government consultations in 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2021, providing a communication platform for the coordinated planning of cooperation in various fields between the two governments. It has also become the highest level and most wide-ranging intergovernmental dialogue mechanism established between China and Western countries.

During this visit, Li Qiang will lead a delegation to participate in the seventh round of China Germany government consultations, comprehensively reviewing and promoting practical cooperation in various fields between the two sides; We will also attend the 11th China Germany Economic and Technological Cooperation Forum and have in-depth exchanges with representatives from the economic circles of both countries.

The German economic community is full of expectations for the seventh round of government consultations between China and Germany.

Some German media describe it as "important and complex".

The important thing is that China has become Germany's most important trading partner for seven consecutive years. Last year, the total trade volume between the two countries reached nearly 300 billion euros. Germany is the largest source of foreign investment from Europe to China.

The complexity lies in the fact that the joint governance agreement of the German three party coalition mentions China 12 times, both under the terms "European partnership" and "strategic competition". In the recently released "National Security Strategy" document by the German government, China is described as a "partner, competitor, and systemic opponent".

"The resumption of high-level exchanges and dialogue between China and Germany is of great significance for stabilizing bilateral relations." Zheng Chunrong, director of the German Research Center at Tongji University, interpreted the changes in attitudes of the two German governments before and after.

Since its establishment, the consultations between the Chinese and German governments have been regarded as the "super engine" of cooperation between the two sides. In recent years, the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Germany has maintained a high level of operation, with close exchanges between the leaders of the two countries and strong resilience and vitality in bilateral cooperation.

But when former German Chancellor Merkel stepped down, she hinted that the atmosphere of "competition" between Germany and Europe towards China was increasing; She hopes that the consultations between the Chinese and German governments can continue.

Afterwards, as the Biden administration took office and united with Europe to control China, as well as the European side moving closer to the United States, China Germany and China Europe relations faced significant pressure. There are rumors from Germany and Europe calling for a reduction in the level of cooperation with China.

However, "from Schultz's visit to China last year to the continuation of the top-level dialogue mechanism between China and Germany, both sides have sent a signal of valuing each other's relationship and hoping to maintain contact and cooperation, which is of positive significance for the stabilization and development of the bilateral relationship, and will promote the gradual development of other intergovernmental mechanisms," Zheng Chunrong pointed out.

It is expected that during the visit, China and Germany may engage in discussions on topics such as economic and trade cooperation, global governance, and the Ukrainian crisis. Practical cooperation may be reached in various fields such as trade, nuclear power plants, loans to developing countries, and climate change, serving as a bridge for businesses in both countries.

"Compared to specific areas of cooperation, the restart of the new round of government consultation mechanism is more important." Zheng Chunrong pointed out that it is conducive to creating an overall atmosphere and promoting mutual trust and clarification. On this basis, economic and trade cooperation is the cornerstone of China Germany and China Europe relations. For a period of time, the European side has made economic and trade relations more secure, which may pose obstacles to economic cooperation. Next, it is worth paying attention to whether the two countries can find new areas of cooperation and maintain a stable and upward trend in economic and trade relations through consultations between the Chinese and German governments. In addition, both sides may explore cooperation and joint actions in areas such as biodiversity and climate protection, and the final presentation in what form remains to be observed.

Show open confidence

France is the second stop of Li Qiang's visit. Next year, China and France will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. Since Macron's visit to China in April, China and France have maintained a relatively hot exchange momentum. The two countries have held multiple exchange activities in fields such as culture, technology, and industry.

During Premier Li Qiang's visit to France, he will focus on implementing the consensus reached by the two heads of state, and focus on the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France next year, to comprehensively deepen exchanges and cooperation in various fields between the two countries and deepen communication with the French side. Premier Li Qiang will also have extensive contact with economic figures from both countries, believing that it will inject new impetus into the practical cooperation between China and France after the epidemic.

The outside world is focusing on an important agenda for Li Qiang's visit - being invited to attend the Macron Initiative's New Global Financing Contract Summit.

It is reported that the summit will be held at the Elysee Palace on June 22 and 23, aiming to reform the global financial architecture, raise private and public funds for climate protection, poverty alleviation, biodiversity conservation, etc. It is expected that about 40 heads of state and government will attend.

Regarding inviting China to attend, it is believed that this move demonstrates France's desire to strengthen cooperation with China in promoting global governance and multilateralism.

On the 15th, a spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the visit aims to strengthen communication and coordination, and promote the continuous development of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and France; China looks forward to working together with all parties, including France, to make positive contributions to promoting global development that is more equitable and sustainable.

"This visit to France is a journey of bilateral and multilateral cooperation," Cui Hongjian pointed out. Firstly, this visit will continue the steady progress of China France relations and make cooperation between the two countries more solid.

Secondly, from the perspective of the scale of cooperation between China, France, and China Europe, as well as the weight and role played by both sides in the world economy and international stage, cooperation between the two sides in maintaining multilateralism and addressing global challenges has global significance.

Thirdly, currently, there are still concerns in the world market about the delay of the Ukraine crisis. China's participation in the financing contract summit held in France will demonstrate China's confidence in adhering to institutional opening-up and new cooperation measures to the international market. It can also help more international capital increase their comprehensive understanding of the Chinese market and investment environment, and promote more practical cooperation.

Guiding China Europe relations

From the perspective of regional cooperation, China Germany and China France relations have always been a typical example of China Europe relations.

In China's diplomatic map, China Europe relations are an important link. Under the changing international situation, China Europe relations are also facing new problems. There are also some murmurs in Europe's internal relations with China.

However, in today's world, countries are increasingly interconnected and interdependent. As the two major forces in the global multipolarity process, the common interests between China and Europe far outweigh the differences.

In addition, in recent times, China has been engaging in broader exchanges with the world, making efforts to clarify the smearing of the Western camp and promote the world to return to the right track of communication and cooperation rather than conflict confrontation.

Since last year, many Europeans have realized that strategic autonomy and distinguishing right from wrong are the motto of European development. The relationship between China and Europe has begun to stabilize. Leaders of some major European countries are gradually forming a consensus against "decoupling and disconnection".

Nowadays, the outside world expects that Li Qiang's visit can promote effective consensus and cooperation among major powers in China and Europe, and inject positive energy into global economy and multilateral cooperation.

"Germany and France are very important in China's strategy towards Europe." Zheng Chunrong pointed out that Germany's strength and influence need not be overstated, and France advocates for Europe's "strategic autonomy" and refuses to be a vassal of the United States. The Chinese leader's trip to Europe this time highlights the high importance that China attaches to China Europe relations. I believe that through pragmatic consultations and cooperation between China and Germany, the results will play a certain role in shaping consensus among other countries, determining the direction of the EU's policy towards China, and promoting the development of China Europe relations.

"This visit is of great significance for the stability and long-term development of China Europe relations," Cui Hongjian pointed out. Firstly, China and Europe need to promote continuous communication and dialogue to further restore cognitive, policy, and specific cooperation to a normal track, and consolidate the main tone of win-win cooperation. Secondly, there are many uncertainties in the world economy and international geopolitics. Maintaining high-frequency and high-level exchanges and dialogues between China and Europe itself provides certainty for the world economy and international politics.

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