They have grown up!

Release time:Jun 01, 2024 05:48 AM

Children and young people are the future of the motherland and the hope of the Chinese nation. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has cared about the growth and development of children, expressing deep expectations and nourishing their hearts.

Photos freeze the moment and carry lasting memories. These young children who have been "in the same frame" as General Secretary Xi Jinping, with the General Secretary's expectations and entrustment, are growing vigorously and healthily in the direction of comprehensive development of moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor.

On the occasion of International Children's Day, let's take a look at their growth stories.

From September 16 to 18, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Hunan. On the afternoon of the 16th, the General Secretary came to the No. 1 Primary School in Wenming Yao Township, Rucheng County, Chenzhou City, and had a cordial exchange with students who were taking ideological and political courses.

Zhu Rui, who was studying at No. 1 Primary School in Wenming Yao Township, Rucheng County, loved reading red stories and often told his insights in class reading classes. In his spare time, he also served as a "little commentator" in Shazhou Village, sharing his feelings with more people. Today, he loves sports and has developed the quality of hard work. Speaking of his future ambitions, Zhu Rui said: "When I grow up, I want to become a soldier and protect my family and country."

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was inspecting Inner Mongolia, came to the Hohhot Children's Welfare Home. Seeing Wang Yani, the general secretary smiled and learned sign language from her, encouraging her to study hard and succeed in her studies.

The meeting with the General Secretary ignited Wang Yani’s dream of becoming a teacher. Now, at the age of 25, she has become a beauty and hairdressing teacher at a special education school in Hohhot. "The more I learn, the more I can teach students." Wang Yani said that she grew up feeling the warmth of society and wants to spread this warmth through her own efforts and bloom her youth in special education. Her three-foot podium helps more children like her realize their dreams.

On the morning of May 31, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Beijing Yuying School to visit the teachers and students, and had a cordial exchange with the primary school students who were taking physical education classes on the basketball court. Xi Jinping said kindly: "Now that living conditions have improved, children do not want to eat fat, but they want to grow strong and train well."

Zhang Yuke, who was in third grade at that time, was taking physical education class, and the general secretary’s words kept inspiring her. Starting from the summer vacation of 2023, Zhang Yuke will participate in wrestling training every weekend. In March this year, she won the runner-up in the women's junior category at the 2024 Beijing City Sub-Center Series Chinese Wrestling Open.

From September 13 to 14, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. On the morning of the 14th, while inspecting Suide Experimental Middle School, Xi Jinping had a cordial exchange with students who were practicing calligraphy.

Ma Zihan, who was taking calligraphy classes at the time, was admitted to Xi'an High-tech No. 1 Middle School with excellent results in 2023. During her fulfilling study life, she has always maintained her interest in art. She loves music and is able to play the piano and guzheng skillfully. Ma Zihan firmly believes that "beauty" in art is a valuable asset in her growth.

On April 8, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the tree planting site in Yongshun Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing, and planted trees with everyone.

Song Zhixuan, who studied at Gongyuan Primary School in Tongzhou District, Beijing, also participated in the tree planting activity. Since then, Song Zhixuan and her family have planted new saplings every year. In her daily life, she often participates in volunteer activities and has a better understanding of the true meaning of "labor is the most glorious". Song Zhixuan said: "Working makes me feel more comfortable, and I will keep the habit of planting trees."

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