[CCTV Quick Review] Strive to be a good young man in the new era who loves the party, patriotism, is self-reliant, and strives to make progress

Release time:Jun 01, 2024 05:48 AM

"I hope that the students will set up lofty aspirations, cherish the good times, insist on the comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical education, art and labor, strive to be good young people in the new era who love the party, patriotism, self-reliance and self-reliance, and strive to grow into people worthy of the great responsibility of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation. On the occasion of the upcoming International Children's Day, General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a reply to the students of Zhijiang Primary School in Jialing District, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province, expressing his cordial encouragement and wishing the students and children across the country a happy holiday. hapiness.

General Secretary Xi Jinping's reply is cordial and warm. It is full of the people's leaders' deep concern for the country's children and young people and their ardent expectations for the young people in the new era. It will surely inspire the vast number of young people and children to love the party and patriotism, be self-reliant, work hard, and strive to build a strong country and build a nation. The successor and future main force of the great cause of rejuvenation.

[CCTV Quick Review] Strive to be a good young man in the new era who loves the party, patriotism, is self-reliant, and strives to make progress

Children and young people are the future of the motherland and the hope of the Chinese nation. Today's Chinese children are not only the experiencers and witnesses of our achievement of the first centenary goal, but also the new force in achieving the second centenary goal and building a modern and powerful socialist country. Born at the right time and with heavy responsibilities on their shoulders, young children in the new era should cherish their time, work hard, and with the common care of the whole society, bravely undertake historical missions, live up to the expectations of their parents, the party and the people, become talents for the party, and serve the people. The country wins glory.

In the new era, children and young people should not only have high aspirations and serve the country with a lasting heart, but also consciously strengthen moral cultivation, cultivate noble sentiments, shape beautiful hearts, cultivate good thoughts, good conduct, and good habits, and should learn and practice the core of socialism A small model of values; but also be down-to-earth, study hard, exercise to strengthen your body, hone your will, love labor, be brave in creation, develop a healthy, optimistic, progressive and grateful character, and achieve comprehensive development of moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor. In the future, we will use new ideas, new knowledge, and new skills to meet and create a new life.

[CCTV Quick Review] Strive to be a good young man in the new era who loves the party, patriotism, is self-reliant, and strives to make progress

Seedlings that grow toward the sun require rich nutrients and fertile soil. The whole party and the whole society must work together with heart and soul to cultivate the healthy growth and all-round development of children and adolescents. It is necessary to focus on "what to teach", focus on inheriting the red gene and the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and cultivate children's love for the party, patriotism, respect for the elderly and filial piety from an early age. It is necessary to innovate "how to teach", constantly improve the education mechanism of school, family and society collaboration, actively explore new and interesting teaching methods, stimulate children's desire for knowledge, cultivate interest, cultivate scientific spirit, and help children thrive.

From "reading for the rise of China" to "please rest assured that the party will have a strong country, I will be there", the pursuit of dreams will never end, and the time to strive is right. Children in the new era must keep in mind the expectations and entrustments of General Secretary Xi Jinping, be pioneers from primary school, be pioneers when they grow up, take over the baton of history, strive to be good young people in the new era who love the party and patriotism, are self-reliant and enterprising, and strive to grow into worthy Be the pillars of the country in the great task of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation.

[CCTV Quick Review] Strive to be a good young man in the new era who loves the party, patriotism, is self-reliant, and strives to make progress
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