Mirror View · Echo丨Looking at the Central Region's Internal and External Connections from the Inland Ports Hubei Wuhan Yangluo Port | Drone | Inland River

Release time:Jun 16, 2024 08:53 AM

Connecting the east and the west, linking the south and the north - in the entire national map, the central region has unique location advantages and plays an important role in supporting the process of building a new development pattern.

Mirror View · Echo丨Looking at the Central Region's Internal and External Connections from the Inland Ports Hubei Wuhan Yangluo Port | Drone | Inland River

At the symposium on promoting the rise of the central region in the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that the central region "should strengthen its connection with other major development strategies and better integrate into and support the new development pattern" and "should coordinate the promotion of in-depth reform and high-level opening up, and continue to build a more competitive inland open highland."

Mirror View · Echo丨Looking at the Central Region's Internal and External Connections from the Inland Ports Hubei Wuhan Yangluo Port | Drone | Inland River

On the afternoon of March 20, 2024, Xi Jinping hosted a symposium on promoting the rise of the central region in the new era in Changsha, Hunan Province and delivered an important speech.

Mirror View · Echo丨Looking at the Central Region's Internal and External Connections from the Inland Ports Hubei Wuhan Yangluo Port | Drone | Inland River

In recent years, under the guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the central region has fully leveraged its advantages in location, transportation, and open channels to vigorously develop inland waterway shipping, connect rivers and seas, and link the interior with the outside world, actively promoting the transformation of the inland hinterland into an open frontier.

Mirror View · Echo丨Looking at the Central Region's Internal and External Connections from the Inland Ports Hubei Wuhan Yangluo Port | Drone | Inland River

Yangluo Port in Wuhan, Hubei, photographed on June 1, 2024. In 2013, Yangluo Port had only two container routes with small ships and few flights; now, Yangluo Port has opened more than 20 container routes of various types, realizing "shipping to the east to the sea and trains to the west to Europe".

Mirror View · Echo丨Looking at the Central Region's Internal and External Connections from the Inland Ports Hubei Wuhan Yangluo Port | Drone | Inland River

On June 1, 2024, the ship was sailing in the waters of Yangluo Port Area, Wuhan, Hubei.

Mirror View · Echo丨Looking at the Central Region's Internal and External Connections from the Inland Ports Hubei Wuhan Yangluo Port | Drone | Inland River

On July 5, 2023, staff at Yangluo Port in Wuhan, Hubei remotely operated mechanical equipment to lift containers.

Mirror View · Echo丨Looking at the Central Region's Internal and External Connections from the Inland Ports Hubei Wuhan Yangluo Port | Drone | Inland River

The Zhoukou Central Port Terminal in Henan Province was photographed on June 28, 2022. In recent years, Henan Province has actively promoted the upgrading and reconstruction of the Shaying River waterway and dredged inland waterway transportation. Now, ships departing from Zhoukou Central Port can sail to the Yangtze River via the Shaying River to the Huai River and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, allowing inland cities to reach the river and the sea.

Mirror View · Echo丨Looking at the Central Region's Internal and External Connections from the Inland Ports Hubei Wuhan Yangluo Port | Drone | Inland River

On August 27, 2020, workers operated mechanical equipment to carry out lifting operations at the Zhoukou Central Port Terminal in Henan Province.

Mirror View · Echo丨Looking at the Central Region's Internal and External Connections from the Inland Ports Hubei Wuhan Yangluo Port | Drone | Inland River

On May 26, 2024, neatly lined cars were waiting to be exported at the Zhujiaqiao International Container Terminal of Wuhu Port in Anhui Province. As the first national first-class open port in Anhui Province, Wuhu Port has now developed into an important hub of the comprehensive transportation system of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration.

Mirror View · Echo丨Looking at the Central Region's Internal and External Connections from the Inland Ports Hubei Wuhan Yangluo Port | Drone | Inland River

This is a photo of the port terminal of Paihe International Integrated Logistics Park in Hefei, Anhui Province, taken on October 11, 2022. Relying on the Jianghuai Canal connecting the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River, the Hefei National Logistics Hub for Production Services covering an area of ​​more than 6,000 acres was approved in July 2023. With Paihe Port as the center, three vehicle bases are laid out within a radius of 5 kilometers; within a radius of 10 kilometers, 70% of Hefei's advanced manufacturing enterprises are covered, with a total industrial output value of over 700 billion yuan.

Mirror View · Echo丨Looking at the Central Region's Internal and External Connections from the Inland Ports Hubei Wuhan Yangluo Port | Drone | Inland River

Photography: Ju Peng, Li An, Cheng Min, Xiao Yijiu, Du Yu, Li Jianan, Wu Zhizun, Xiao Benxiang

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