Learning · Story丨Xi Jinping wrote a birthday congratulatory letter to his father | Xi Zhongxun | Xi Jinping

Release time:Jun 16, 2024 08:53 AM

In a black-and-white photo, Xi Zhongxun was having a cordial conversation with local cadres in the fields, while Xi Jinping stood behind him, listening attentively.

In August 1978, when Xi Zhongxun was working in Guangdong, Xi Jinping, who was studying at Tsinghua University, took advantage of his summer vacation to participate in social practice activities and went to the countryside with his father. The photo captured this precious moment.

On August 5, 1978, Xi Zhongxun conducted research in Huiyang, Guangdong. The second from the left is Du Ruizhi, deputy director of the Rural Work Department of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, and the first from the right is Li Fulin, secretary of the Huiyang Prefectural Party Committee. The first from the left is Xi Jinping, who was on summer vacation at Tsinghua University at the time.

His father's words and deeds had a profound influence on him, as can be seen from a birthday letter Xi Jinping wrote to his father.

It was October 15, 2001, when Xi Zhongxun's family held a banquet for his 88th birthday. Three generations of the Xi family and relatives and friends gathered together to celebrate his birthday. This was a rare reunion for the Xi family, but the only person absent was Xi Jinping, then governor of Fujian Province.

At that time, Xi Jinping was very busy with official duties and could not get away, so he wrote a heartfelt birthday letter to his father out of regret.

In the letter, Xi Jinping admitted that "I have inherited and absorbed many noble qualities from my father", learning how to be a person, how to do things, his persistent pursuit of faith, his childlike feelings, and his frugal life.

"You are like an old ox, working silently for the Chinese people. This also inspires me to devote my life to the cause of serving the people and repay the beautiful China and my fellow countrymen who raised me."

Every word reflects Xi Jinping's heartfelt respect for his father. After reading the letter, Xi Zhongxun understood his son very well and said to his family, children and relatives: "You should still put your work and national affairs first." "Serving the people is the greatest filial piety to your parents!"

Thanks to his family's support, Xi Jinping always keeps his country and family in mind and serves the people.

On September 14, 2021, Xi Jinping visited the former site of the SuiDe Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China for inspection and research.

The buildings in the courtyard have been restored according to the office scenes of the Suide Prefectural Party Committee in those days. The cave-style exhibition hall is familiar and friendly. Two lines of words in the main exhibition hall are very eye-catching: "Stand on the side of the majority of working people" and "Sit on the side of the common people".

"Duanduan, this is Guanzhong dialect, which means steady and upright." Xi Jinping was full of affection when recalling the hometown dialect spoken by his father.

For decades, from Liangjiahe to Zhengding, from Fujian to Zhejiang, from Shanghai to Beijing, Xi Jinping has been able to sit on a bench at the head of the kang, eat simple meals, and chat about the daily necessities. He has lived up to his father's expectations and put into practice the purpose of "serving the people wholeheartedly" with practical actions.

“No matter how high your official position is, never forget to serve the people diligently and sincerely, think about the people sincerely, connect with the masses, and be approachable.” These words from the bottom of his heart have become Xi Jinping's lifelong pursuit and goal.

Learning · Story丨Xi Jinping wrote a birthday congratulatory letter to his father | Xi Zhongxun | Xi Jinping
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