During his inspection in Ningxia, Xi Jinping stressed the need to build a pilot zone for ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin and write a good chapter for Ningxia in China's modernization drive

Release time:Jun 21, 2024 17:13 PM

During his recent inspection in Ningxia, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, emphasized that Ningxia should thoroughly implement the new development concept, adhere to the general working tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, take forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation as the main line, and take the construction of the Yellow River Basin Ecological Protection and High-quality Development Pilot Zone as the driving force. It should coordinate the promotion of high-quality development and high-level protection, comprehensive deepening of reform and expansion of opening up, new urbanization and rural revitalization, ethnic unity and common prosperity, and accelerate the construction of a beautiful new Ningxia with economic prosperity, ethnic unity, beautiful environment, and prosperous people, and strive to write a chapter of Chinese-style modern Ningxia.

On June 19, Xi Jinping came to Ningxia after finishing his inspection in Qinghai. That afternoon, accompanied by Liang Yanshun, secretary of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Party Committee, and Zhang Yupu, chairman of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Government, he went to Yinchuan for research.

The Great Wall Garden Community in Jinfeng District, Yinchuan City is a large community with many ethnic groups living together. Xi Jinping first came to the community party and mass service center, walked into the convenience service hall, community health station, and love supermarket, listened to the introduction of community work, and learned in detail about the community's role in playing the role of grassroots party organizations, carrying out neighborhood activities, and providing convenient and beneficial services to the people. Afterwards, he came to the community activity room, watched the residents' paper-cutting creations and dance rehearsals with interest, and had cordial exchanges with everyone, encouraging retired residents to have a place to live and have fun in their old age, and to have something to do in their old age. Xi Jinping pointed out that the community party organization is the nerve endings of the party's connection with the grassroots masses, and it must play a leading role in the community. Once the community party organization is well built and strengthened, the community work will have a backbone. We must adhere to the leadership of party building, focus on solving the urgent, difficult, and anxious problems of residents, and do a deep and detailed job in serving the people.

Xi Jinping came to the home of community resident Zhao Shoucheng, sat with the family and chatted about their employment, income, medical insurance reimbursement, children's schooling, etc., praised their happy life, and encouraged the children to develop in an all-round way. Zhao Shoucheng told the General Secretary that the local party committee and government are very concerned about community construction, especially in the transformation of old residential areas and the enrichment of residents' cultural and sports life. People of all ethnic groups live in harmony in the community and live a comfortable life. Xi Jinping emphasized that our party is a party that serves the people wholeheartedly, and people of all ethnic groups and every household are my concern. I hope you can do a better job in family construction and make your life more prosperous.

In the evening, the community square was very lively. When the residents saw the general secretary coming, they gathered around and applauded warmly. Xi Jinping said to everyone cordially, "After 4 years, I came to Ningxia again to visit cadres and people of all ethnic groups. I am very happy to see you all!" The Chinese nation is a big family, and people of all ethnic groups should hold each other tightly like pomegranate seeds. We must continue to forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, closely connect the hearts of people of all ethnic groups, widely gather forces from all sides, jointly promote Chinese-style modernization, and jointly contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

On the morning of the 20th, Xi Jinping listened to the work reports of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Party Committee and Government and affirmed the achievements made in Ningxia's work.

Xi Jinping pointed out that Ningxia has a unique geographical environment and resource endowment. It is necessary to take a characteristic and differentiated industrial development path to build a modern industrial system that reflects Ningxia's advantages and has strong competitiveness. Ningxia's modern coal chemical industry and new materials industry, clean energy industries such as wind power, photovoltaics, and hydrogen energy, and characteristic industries such as wine and wolfberry should be carefully cultivated and developed continuously. Strengthen the deep integration of culture and tourism, and actively develop characteristic tourism and all-region tourism. Strengthen the integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, increase the application of scientific and technological achievements, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, cultivate strategic emerging industries, and develop new quality productivity according to local conditions. Ningxia's northern Yellow River irrigation area, central arid zone, and southern mountainous area each have their own characteristics. It is necessary to accurately grasp the industrial development foundation, resource and environmental capacity, and open development potential of various regions, strengthen overall planning and industrial cooperation, and promote the formation of a development pattern of mutual assistance between mountains and rivers, urban-rural integration, and regional linkage.

Xi Jinping stressed that Ningxia should focus on deepening reforms in key areas and explore reforms with local characteristics. It should improve the basic system of the market economy, actively integrate into the construction of a unified national market, continue to promote the reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, earnestly implement policies to promote the development of the private economy, optimize the business environment, and stimulate social investment vitality. Adhere to the combination of domestic and foreign opening up, actively participate in the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" and the construction of the Western Land-Sea New Corridor, deepen economic and trade cooperation with Arab countries, and improve the level of inland opening up. Protecting the ecological environment of the Yellow River and Helan Mountain, Liupan Mountain, and Luoshan is the baseline for Ningxia to plan reform and development. It is necessary to deepen the reform of market-oriented allocation of resources and environmental factors, improve the value realization mechanism of ecological products and the ecological protection compensation mechanism, and implement the strictest water resources management system. Fight the "Jizi Bend" of the Yellow River, coordinate the ecological protection and restoration of forests, grasslands, wetlands, and deserts, and the comprehensive management of saline-alkali land, so that "Sai Shang Jiangnan" will become more and more beautiful.

Xi Jinping pointed out that we should strengthen the construction of inclusive, basic and bottom-line livelihood projects, focus on solving the urgent problems of the people, and solidly promote the common prosperity of all ethnic groups. We should put employment in a prominent position and do a solid job in employment for key groups such as college graduates, migrant workers, and retired soldiers. We should actively promote urban renewal and strengthen the renovation of old residential areas. We should follow the trend of population mobility, promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and promote the integration of urban and rural industrial development, infrastructure, and public services. We should comprehensively promote rural revitalization, implement the action of improving the wealth of millions of immigrants, build beautiful villages, and promote the transformation of rural customs. We should consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, deepen targeted assistance and social assistance, and resolutely prevent large-scale poverty recurrence. We should do a good job in production safety, strengthen the investigation and prevention of risks and hidden dangers, and effectively safeguard the lives and property of the people.

Xi Jinping stressed that we must fully implement the Party's major policies and guidelines for ethnic work in the new era, and strive to create a demonstration zone for forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. We must govern ethnic affairs according to law, strive to build an embedded social structure and community environment, and continuously broaden the practical path for all ethnic groups to embed themselves in all aspects. We must fully implement the Party's theories, guidelines and policies on religious work in the new era, and strengthen ideological and political guidance for religious circles.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the Party discipline study and education being carried out throughout the Party should be carried out in a timely and effective manner, and Party members and cadres should be encouraged to study Party discipline and rules seriously, and work with peace of mind, let go of their duties, forge ahead with determination, and take positive actions on the premise of abiding by rules and discipline. We must adhere to the Party spirit, Party style, and Party discipline, improve the institutional mechanisms for regular and long-term style construction, continue to deepen the rectification of formalism to reduce the burden on the grassroots, and promote the integration of not daring to be corrupt, not being able to be corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt, so as to unite the people and lead the social atmosphere with good Party style.

Li Ganjie, He Lifeng and responsible comrades from relevant departments of central and state agencies accompanied the inspection.

During his inspection in Ningxia, Xi Jinping stressed the need to build a pilot zone for ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin and write a good chapter for Ningxia in China's modernization drive
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