Create a better future together——General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Qinghai encouraged the cadres and the masses to work together to build dreams and move forward courageously and unite to forge ahead

Release time:Jun 21, 2024 17:13 PM

Beijing, June 20 (Xinhua) -- Unite and forge ahead to create a better future -- General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Qinghai encouraged the broad masses of cadres and the people to work together to build their dreams and move forward courageously

General Secretary Xi Jinping recently delivered an important speech during his inspection in Qinghai, emphasizing the need to deepen reform and expand opening up, adhere to ecological priority and green development, adhere to national unity and common prosperity, and strive to write a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Qinghai. The cadres and the masses carefully studied and understood the spirit of the important speech, and expressed their willingness to be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, anchor high-quality development, strengthen practical work and responsibility, unite as one, forge ahead, and realize the dream of national rejuvenation through Chinese-style modernization.

Adhere to ecological priority and green development to make high-quality development more substantial

The Kunlun Mountains are vast and green, the three rivers are clear and blue, and Tibetan antelopes migrate in herds... Qinghai in June is full of vitality.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping is always thinking about 'Qinghai's important mission of maintaining ecological security', which makes us feel that our responsibility is heavy and our mission is glorious." Dega, a patrolman who has worked at the Wudaoliang Protection Station of the Hoh Xil Management Office of the Yangtze River Source Park of the Sanjiangyuan National Park Administration for 8 years, said, "Through the efforts of generations of patrolmen, the number of Tibetan antelopes in the Hoh Xil area has increased from less than 20,000 to more than 70,000. As a front-line ecological guardian, I will continue to stick to this and implement the General Secretary's requirement of 'building the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau into an ecological civilization highland', protect every plant and tree on the plateau with my heart, emotion and strength, consolidate the results of ecological and environmental protection, and make the national park a showcase for the beautiful Qinghai and the beautiful China."

The ecological environment is related to people’s livelihood and well-being, and green mountains and clear waters cannot be separated from the protection of the rule of law.

"Protecting Qinghai's ecological environment is what General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed as 'a major national concern'. We will do our utmost to build a strong judicial barrier for ecological security on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau," said Zhao Xia, deputy director of the Xining Railway Transport Court, who recently handled a case involving endangerment of precious and endangered wildlife. "Our court has centralized jurisdiction over criminal, civil, and administrative first-instance environmental and resource cases in areas such as the Sanjiangyuan National Park. We will conscientiously implement the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Ecological Protection Law, adhere to the most stringent system and the most rigorous rule of law, and protect the Sanjiangyuan 'Chinese Water Tower' through judicial trial practice."

Whether the river channel is unobstructed and whether the water quality meets the standards... This is the content of Luo Zhongwei's daily river patrol work as a staff member of the Agriculture, Rural Affairs and Water Affairs Bureau of Wuhou District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province.

After studying General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, Luo Zhongwei said that as grassroots water conservancy workers, he and his colleagues will adhere to the rule of law and scientific water management to improve water conservation capabilities and make clear water and green banks a beautiful scenery at people’s doorsteps.

Protecting the ecology and promoting green development are dialectically unified and indispensable.

In the Dongchuan Industrial Park in Xining City, Qinghai Province, the workshop of Asia Silicon Co., Ltd. is operating non-stop, using clean energy to produce polysilicon, which can effectively reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that we should 'focus on cultivating a modern industrial system that reflects local characteristics and advantages', and we deeply understand this." Yin Donglin, the company's chief operating officer, said that the company will continue to focus on both scientific and technological research and development and transformation of results, promote green development through intelligent manufacturing, promote green and sustainable development of enterprises, and make greater contributions to Qinghai's efforts to build a national clean energy industry highland.

Unmanned logistics vehicles carrying auto parts move in an orderly manner, and new cars roll off the production line one after another. At the SAIC-GM-Wuling lean manufacturing factory in Liuzhou, Guangxi, a modern intelligent production scene is everywhere.

"Widely apply new technologies" and "cultivate new quality productivity"... General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech deeply inspired Lv Juncheng, general manager of SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile Co., Ltd. Lv Juncheng said that based on the characteristics of the new energy vehicle industry, the company is promoting the gathering of high-quality upstream and downstream factors, building an ecological layout of the entire new energy industry chain, and promoting the high-quality development of Guangxi's automobile industry.

Let the consciousness of building a strong Chinese nation community take root in the hearts of the people

In the north of Xining, at the foot of Yuanshuo Mountain, the Goluo Xining National Middle School is lush and green under the blue sky and white clouds. This school jointly established by Shanghai and Qingdao meets the desire of local students to "go to a good school".

General Secretary Xi Jinping's visit to the school made Gasang Caidan, a freshman, feel very warm. "I am proud to be a member of the Chinese nation!" Recalling the experience of going to Shanghai for research and study with more than 30 classmates at the beginning of this year, Gasang Caidan said, "Students of all ethnic groups learn from each other and grow together. It not only broadens our horizons, but also makes us feel the atmosphere of the Chinese nation as one family. I will study hard, improve my skills, and become a useful person to the country in the future."

The first stop of General Secretary Xi Jinping's visit to Xining was to visit the teachers and students of the National Middle School, allowing Wu Dejun, director of the Qinghai Provincial Ethnic and Religious Affairs Committee, to feel the General Secretary's care and concern for ethnic work.

"We will fully implement the Party's major policies and guidelines on ethnic work in the new era, and earnestly advance all work by taking the forging of a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation as the main line." Wu Dejun said that Qinghai will continue to make efforts to further promote the common prosperity of all ethnic groups, build multi-ethnic embedded communities, and advance the construction of a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation, so as to push the creation of national unity and progress to a higher quality.

With melodious piano music and graceful dancing, residents of 10 ethnic groups including Han, Mongolian and Korean live happily in Ulan Community, Zhalantun Banner, Xing'an League, Inner Mongolia.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized 'promoting the all-round integration of all ethnic groups and extensive exchanges, communication and integration', which is exactly the direction of our efforts." Liu Qingjie, secretary of the Wulan Community Party Branch, said that they will organically combine ethnic unity work with community management services to create a community environment where people of all ethnic groups can live and study together, build and share together, work and have fun together, so that all ethnic groups can work together to build a happy home and cultivate a strong "pomegranate love".

Cultural identity is the deepest level of identity, and building a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation requires long-term efforts.

In Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, the theme education hall for strengthening the sense of community for the Chinese nation welcomed a large number of visitors.

"During each tour guide session, I feel very happy when I see visitors have a deeper understanding of the Chinese nation and Chinese culture." Tour guide Li Jia said that he will keep in mind the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping, stay rooted in his job, be a warm tour guide, tell more stories of the Chinese nation community to everyone, help forge a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, and effectively build a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation in a tangible and perceptible way.

Continuously improving people's well-being in the process of China's modernization

In midsummer, villagers in Laoyou Village, Hongyazigou Township, Huzhu Tu Autonomous County, Haidong City, Qinghai Province are busy harvesting cool-weather vegetables. Taking advantage of the large temperature difference between day and night and abundant sunshine, cool-weather vegetables are very popular in the market, providing a guarantee for the villagers to increase their income and become rich.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that 'rural revitalization must focus on increasing farmers' and herdsmen's income', which has injected confidence for us to continue exploring ways to increase the village's collective economic income." Yang Run, secretary of the Laoyou Village Party Branch, said that he will lead everyone to further develop the local characteristic green organic agriculture, so that the villagers can have fatter pockets, build a livable and beautiful countryside, and continuously improve everyone's sense of happiness.

In Tazihong Township, Shule County, Kashgar Prefecture, Xinjiang, the construction site is busy and homestays and markets have begun to take shape.

"Targeted assistance and industrial revitalization are important ways to unite people and improve people's livelihood. We have worked with local cadres and the masses to create rural industrial projects that integrate agriculture, culture, tourism and sports, and have embarked on a new path of using culture to shape tourism and using tourism to promote agriculture, effectively broadening people's channels for wealth." Liu Zhisheng, a cadre from Dongying City, Shandong Province who is assisting Xinjiang and deputy secretary of the Tazihong Township Party Committee, said that he will bear in mind the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping, carry out assistance work around enhancing the balance and accessibility of basic public services, and to the greatest extent possible satisfy the local people's yearning for a better life.

Walking in Duofu Community in Shenhe District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, you will find health stations and senior activity centers for the elderly, as well as community happiness education classes for children.

"People's livelihood issues such as 'the elderly and the young' have always been a concern of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and are also one of the focuses of our daily work." Fan Yue, secretary of the Duofu Community Party Committee, introduced that in recent years, under the overall promotion of the city, Duofu Community has continuously strengthened community services such as "the elderly and the young" and provided residents with fine management and high-quality services "at their doorstep." "In the future, we will focus precisely on the urgent and difficult problems of residents, continue to do a good job in various community projects that warm the hearts of the people, and continuously improve people's well-being." Fan Yue said.

Not long ago, You Li, a senior engineer at the Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd., led a team to complete a test of the Hubei Jingmen Xingang Energy Storage Power Station's ability to quickly restore the grid's power supply under extreme conditions.

During his inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we should strengthen the construction of disaster prevention, mitigation and relief capabilities, which made Youli have a stronger sense of mission: "The normal operation of the power system is related to the national economy and people's livelihood. As front-line workers, we will follow the requirements of the General Secretary to strengthen scientific and technological research, ensure the stability of the power grid, improve the quality of power services, and meet the production and living needs of the people, so as to escort the high-quality development of the economy and society."

In Tuanjie Village, Liuji Township, Jishishan Baoan Dongxiang Salar Autonomous County, Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, although it was drizzling, the construction site of the centralized resettlement site for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction was busy. "Continue to do a good job in post-disaster recovery and reconstruction of the Jishishan earthquake," General Secretary Xi Jinping's concern for the disaster area made the construction manager Ma Yinghai more motivated: "We keep the instructions in mind, insist on ensuring quality, safety and progress, and organize personnel and machinery to rush the construction period and progress. At present, all 195 houses have entered the main construction stage, and related construction work is progressing in an orderly manner."

"We must study hard and endeavor well from beginning to end," "Continue to deepen the rectification of formalism to reduce the burden on grassroots units" ... General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech put forward clear requirements for party discipline learning and education.

In the view of Ye Zipeng, a young scholar at the Central Party School, through the study and education of party discipline, on the one hand, we can continue to deepen the rectification of the "four winds" and establish new styles, loosen the constraints and reduce the burden on the grassroots, so that party members and cadres will have more time and energy to do practical things for the people; on the other hand, the party spirit of party members and cadres will be enhanced, the string of discipline will be further tightened, the spirit of responsibility and action will be fuller, and the willingness to do things, to really do things, and to get things done will become a trend.

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